The POV of the abandoned

"One thing at a time. I can't eat lunch with you today, there is something I need to do and I am not allowed to attend parties and trust me, parties are not meant for me," Rose replied calmly.

"I will not bother you anymore then," Noah said with a sad pout. "See you later then," she told her with a sad smile before walking away.

Rose looked at her departing back and wondered if she was blunt with her rejection but when her assistant came to her looking worried, she moved her gaze and continued heading towards her class.

"Are you okay? I would have intervened but I felt you would not  me to since it is a sisters' quarrel. I am sorry," her assistant apologized was the a deep bow.

"Next time, attack unless I say you shouldn't although you should also know how to react or attack depending on the person involved," she corrected her assistant seriously.