Tye ritual

It wasn't easy for me to sleep after the talk I'd had with Aeron, and when I did, I was woken up by Aeron carrying my sleepy body to where I didn't know back then.

Yet, when I asked him, he informed me that we were going to the Altar.

Of course, I rained questions all over him, but I couldn't get even one answer.

Well, until we reached the Altar. 

One of the witches forced me into drinking something that tasted horrible.

Right then, I started feeling a horrible pain in my stomach. Aeron drinks the same drink, yet, nothing happened to him. 

Of course, he still has the werewolf's healing ability, unlike me.

Matter of fact, the horrible drink was the least I should worry about.

The next was that the about six-seven witches started chanting something that works in their language. I even lost the ability to understand what those witches were saying. Only God knows how much I hate this damn necklace around my neck.