Chapter 9

"So when did you'd decide you wanted to major in Cartography?" Graham asked.

"I've always loved maps and globes. I have several globes at my parents house. But last year instead of doing homework I'd play around on Google earth. I'd also sketch maps of campus and places I've been. So I decided that should probably tell me something, you know?" Aubrey answered.

Graham nodded and as his mouth was still full of the bite he'd just taken, Aubrey continued, "So I looked into what was available and found there were classes and a whole major with that. I felt so happy because most schools don't have it as an option."

Graham smiled, "That is pretty awesome, I can't say the same. Most schools have a business program, but I am fortunate that the school here is ranked highly. I have a much better chance of starting out with a good placement."

"What do you want to do?" Aubrey asked.

"I want to be a Business Analyst." Aubrey looked expectantly so he continued, "It's kind of what it sounds like. I'd be analyzing businesses, finding challenges but digging deeper to find the causes of those challenges, bringing opportunities to the attention of those that need to address them, help in goal making and achievements, plus making sure the business stays competitive in the changing world. I know a lot of people find it boring but there are patterns I see and can follow that just make sense to me and it's fascinating."

"I'm sure my dad would love talking with you. He's a CEO, and wants me to be the one who takes over. My parents only had me, I'm pretty sure my dad wished I'd have been a son." She sighed, "I just don't know how to explain to him it's not what I want to do. I'd be miserable. I'm glad there's people like you who love that sort of job."

"I feel the same way about farming, it's not for me but my best friend from high school loves it. I'm glad he and other people do because I like to eat." Graham smiled and patted his stomach.

"Isn't that cliche for a guy to say?" Aubrey asked.

"But true in most cases." Graham laughed. "If anyone at our house is grumpy we make them go eat something, and it typically helps the situation."

"How long have you guys lived there?" Aubrey asked.

"We moved in at the start of our Sophomore year. This is our 5th year, so we're pretty much like brothers now. Well except Lucas and Elijah, they're a bit closer that that." Graham said.

"One of them offhandedly mentioned that at dinner last Saturday." Aubrey remembered. "Have they been together the whole time?"

"I'm not sure when they got together, they hid it from the rest of us for a while." Graham explained. "I do know Elijah liked Lucas when we moved in together but Lucas wasn't sure about his preferences yet."

"I'm sure that can be a tricky thing, especially since Lucas mentioned his family wanting him to marry his neighbor. I may need to hang out with you guys longer to get enough confidence to talk to my parents." Aubrey sighed.

"You're welcome anytime. I for one would love to hang out with you more often." Graham said.

Aubrey slightly blushed, "I've enjoyed our dinner tonight and would like hang out with you too. Not just for confidence to talk to my parents."

"Just a word of warning, my housemates call me 'The Gentleman', because I'm more old fashioned. It probably stems from my Aunt being a huge Jane Austen fan. I picked up most of my ability to interact with girls from watching those shows growing up with her. So when I offer to walk you home and extend my arm for you to hold my elbow, that would be why."

"So like my own Mr. Darcy or Mr. Knightly?" Aubrey asks.

"Hopefully more like them than Mr. Collins." Graham said smiling. Aubrey laughed.

"Definitely more like Mr. Darcy than Mr. Collins." Aubrey responded.

Graham mock wipes his forehead, "Whew, I'd have hated to have been Mr. Collins. But can I just say I think the person who played him in the BBC 6 hour version did an amazing job at being cringey?"

"You know I'd never actually thought about the actor playing that part having to actually act like that. I'm hoping he's just that good and not that gross in real life." Aubrey said. "And I'm actually impressed that you'd admit to watching a chick flick like that."

"I can probably quote it since my we probably watched it once a month growing up. My Aunt was a bit obsessed with it. The BBC Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma with Gwyneth Paltrow were well watched. It wasn't until I was older and started hanging out with our neighbor who became my best friend that I actually watched movies that weren't chick flicks. Or really anything that wasn't the small selection of movies we owned. We didn't have cable and so there wasn't much on tv after I outgrew PBS shows so if there was a movie on it was most likely a chick flick that was for general audiences. I don't flaunt my knowledge of those movies to the guys though, that's just asking for ribbing."

"I can imagine. So my number one question now is - are you one of those guys would refuses to watch them anymore or would you still be game?" Aubrey asked.

"I think it would depend on the situation, honestly. With my Aunt, definitely not, with you most likely. However, I'd never be the one to suggest it." Graham answered. He'd noticed she hadn't taken a bite in a while and he'd finished a few minutes ago. "If you're finished, I'll clean this up and then offer you my arm to walk you home."

"I'm just going to pack up my half eaten burrito to have tomorrow for lunch, I can never eat a whole one and so I get two meals out of one." Audrey said.

Graham cleaned up the table and threw the garbage away while Aubrey bundled up her burrito and then they bundled up themselves before heading out into the cold air. Graham offered his arm and she took his elbow as they walked to her apartment. Graham felt a sizzle of electricity as she placed her hand through his elbow, even through her gloves and his coat.