Chapter 26

Dinner was ready at 6 so Graham led them into the dining area and started introducing his housemates to his parents. Noah came in halfway through introductions with Emma. Gina and Aubrey smiled as their roommate joined them. Graham's parents looked a bit surprised that Emma was there with one of Graham's housemates.

"We're just missing Lauren from your roommates Gina. Maybe one of these other four would like to date her." Samantha said and they laughed.

"Um, not Elijah or Lucas. And probably not John, not his type. So that would leave Oliver. Should we try to hook you up with Lauren, Oliver?" Graham asked.

"She's nice but also not my type, thanks though."

"Poor Lauren." Samantha said. "So what are your types if all of you aren't interested in Lauren?"

"Sorry guys, my mom is a matchmaker at heart. Mom, Elijah and Lucas are more than just housemates." Gina said then laughed awkwardly as she added, "And you guys don't have to answer that."

"I don't mind answering." John said, "I typically like brunettes, but am really attracted to those with that I don't know air about them that they know their way or maybe aren't timid. I don't know exactly how to describe it, I just know when I see it."

Graham was glad he didn't look at Gina when he said it since that would have been a dead giveaway that his sister was John's type. And he'd kept it a little more vague than he normally would have. Graham thought it was interesting how he'd started to develop a brotherly protective instinct for Gina now. Although he also knew John was a great guy and wouldn't mind having him for a brother-in-law if they actually got together. Graham also knew he'd give John hell if he ever hurt his sister.

"I don't have a defined type. I just know when I'm attracted to a girl. We all had dinner with them a few weeks ago and while Lauren is fun and cute, there just wasn't anything between us. At least on my end, but I'm assuming on hers as well." Oliver said.

"While I'm all about playing matchmaker," Lucas winked at Graham's mom, "we should sit and eat while dinner's still hot." Lucas gestured for everyone to sit down.

Over dinner Graham's housemates shared stories with his family about some fun memories they had of him. Graham didn't love being the center of the discussion but knew it was good for his family to learn about who he was. He realized that they'd learned a lot about him but he hadn't really learned much about them. He decided he needed to fix that and felt a bit guilty at not having realized it earlier and asked more questions about them. He hoped that he'd be able to talk with them more but realized he didn't even know when they were leaving Madison.

After dinner was over and they'd talked as a group for a bit longer, it was getting time for his family to leave. Graham asked his parents how long they'd be staying in town.

"We'd planned on leaving this afternoon actually, but we've extended our stay. We're not sure exactly how long we're going to stay. We want to spend time with you but we also know that you're busy and we don't want to overwhelm you. But definitely for a couple of more days." Samantha said.

"We also want to be with you and help you through the meeting with the FBI. Agent Sanders got back with me and is good to meet with us at 4 tomorrow if that works." Russell said.

"That works, but I must admit I'm a bit nervous." Graham said.

"Sanders is a great guy." Russell said.

"He really is Graham, he's almost like part of our family now. Remember you're the victim not the bad guy here so there's no reason to be nervous." Gina tried to reassure him.

"And you guys will be there too?" Graham asked.

"Definitely, although they will probably want to talk to you alone for a bit, but we'll be waiting while they do." Samantha answered.

"After that can you tell me about you guys, I feel I've talked about me so much and I don't really know much about you." Graham said.

"Anything you want to know." Samantha said her eyes watering.

They hugged goodbye and left. Graham turned and pulled Aubrey into his arms for a grounding hug. When he let go, he turned and saw his housemates looking at him.

"The FBI?" John asked.

"Uh, yeah. Apparently they told their contact at the FBI that they found me and he as some questions. They want to talk to my non aunt - not sure what to call her now, sorry - but since she's basically vanished they want to try to find her before too much time has passed."

"Is she the one who kidnapped you?"

"Couldn't tell you. I think they suspect and her disappearance isn't looking too innocent. My dad took some photos of her to give to them as well. I'm not sure what to think about it so I'm just going to ignore it until tomorrow when I meet with the FBI. Tell me that going to talk to the FBI sounds as crazy to you guys as it does to me?"

"Uh, yeah pretty crazy." Lucas said and the others agreed.

"And remember we're here for you man, through all this, if you need to talk or drink or have a video game party, just let us know." John said.

"I will thanks. So what did you all think of my family?" Graham asked.

They all shared their positive impressions with Graham. He was glad to hear from their different viewpoints. Graham thanked them and then said it had been an exhausting day and he wanted to go to sleep. They all smiled at him as he and Aubrey left but he was very glad they did not say a word to them about her staying over again.