Escape operation!

"u-hh-h, what happened?" I quietly mumbled as I looked at a familiar roof that was my attic's, then suddenly I hear a *ding* voice with a blue panel appearing in front of my face.

[are you willing to accept The Desire system?]

"Wait, WHAT?! SHOW YOURSELF! This is not FUNNY!" I shouted

[are you willing to accept The Desire system? You have 10 seconds to decide.]

"wait wait wait, what is happening! I don't remember eating Drugs yesterday, or did they feed it to me while I was asleep?!" I murmured.


"WAIT, let me think!" I demanded.





"OK, I accept!" I sighed.

[congratulations, host, you own now the desire System, please say open menu] "OK, OK, jeez relax, open menu!]

[NAME: Almer Gorgrip]

[LEVEL: 1 0/100XP]

[RACE: ????]

[HP: 10/10]


[VIT: 1]

[ENT: 0,5]



[cleaning: LVL 3 (22/300XP)]

[Knife handling: LVL 1 (78/100XP)]


[MAIN QUEST: Run away from your home without your father noticing.]

[REWARD]: 25XP, 3 abilities points, and a random reward.









[REWARD]: ????, 5 abilities points, 100XP

"wait for a minute... WHAT IN THE FUCK? I don't think that I ever had a system before, and why is my race unknown?" I wondered

".....hold on, RUNNING AWAY?! How could I even do that, and why would I even want to do that?" I screamed in frustration.

[It's because the Host's father wants to kill him, and that's why failure equals death.]

"What, let me get to this straight, you said father wants to kill me, Why would father even want to k- wasn't I supposed to be dead, how am I alive? I remember losing my consciousness back there, so shouldn't my father used my soul as a sacrifice already?" I asked.

[Host is alive because the great demon lucifer granted him life by lying to your family, and he is the same reason why you have me as your system host.]

"So you are telling me that me a nobody that doesn't have even one quality got saved by the devil?AND given a system by him as well? Welp, you are trying to fool the wrong guy, and why would I even believe you?" I asked.

[System can prove to the Host that he doesn't imagine things by giving him an electronic strike, does Host approve of getting struck?]

"Oh hell yeah! I approve; why would I even be sca-AHHHHHHHHHHH that hurts you shit!" I shouted as I touched my flaming butt.

[Host approved of getting stroked, System only had done his task]

"tsk, guess I will believe you for now, Hmmmm so what's the plan system?" I asked

[System can't help Host, he should think of his solution for himself.]

"Man, what a piece of junk. Can't even think of a plan for me." I snarked.


"Hmph! Guess I will escape using my big brain!" with that thought in my head, I took my blanket tied it as the shape of a long rope as my room was the attic of the palace with nothing special, only a bed and a window, so I had a significant advantage if I ever want to run.

So I took the rope and opened the window to check the time. It was the night, so I laughed at my incredible luck, threw the rope, and used it to go down, but sadly a guard saw me and informed everyone by screaming,

"THE CURSED KID IS TRYING TO RUN! I REPEAT THE KID IS TRYING TO RUN!" He shouted as he pulled a lever that made a lot of alarming sounds.

I looked at the guard, he looked back at me, then he smirked.

'fuck!' I quickly got down, which caused my ankle to get twisted. Still, because of the adrenaline, I didn't notice it.

I continued to run with no stops while hearing the guards' warnings if I didn't stop, but of course, I ignored them and continued to run.

First, I needed to get to the backyard gate to escape as it will take me straight to a forest which will make my surviving chances higher.

Looking at it from afar, I found two bulky guards who had long spears guarding the gate; using their inattention, I managed to slide between their legs.

Sadly the guards still followed me, therefore without thinking I ran to the forest. And luckily, after a while minutes of chasing, I heard them talking between themself.

"Guys, let's go back; I don't think that he will be alive for so long as this forest has a lot of magical beasts."

"Yeah let's go back and tell his family that he died." Replied his friend, and after laughing for a bit, they left.

'WHOA! I really thought that I will die today; I guess God didn't really forget about me, MUAHAHAHA!' I thought as I laughed in my head.

[Main quest: Run away from your home without your father noticing, COMPLETED!]

[Please wait to get your rewards… RECEIVED 3 ABILITY POINTS, 25XP, AND A TRACKER!]

'wow, then system, please add 1 point to each stat.'


OK, let me check my stats now 'system open menu.'

[NAME: Almer Gorgrip]

[LEVEL: 1 25/100XP]

[RACE: ????]

[HP: 13/15]


[VIT: 2]

[ENT: 1,5]

"What an improvement, welp that's what you expect from a genius like me HAHAHAHA. Wait why is my hp not full?" I asked.


'wait, what?! I just escaped a problem! Let me use this tracker then.

'System open TRACKER.' and as I said that a big map appeared in front of me with red and green points of different size, then a notification popped at me.

[Red points mean unfriendly animals and creatures, and the green ones mean the opposite. The sizes of the points mean the danger.]

'OK, thanks for the apparent information; wait, I forgot to ask you something; do you have a name?'

[System doesn't have a name, but Host can name me if he wants to]

'Then you will be named Noah because I like that name.'


Suddenly I hear a growling sound and bushes moving so startled I opened the map. I saw a middle-sized red dot; then I start sweating as the pain of my ankle had come as my body had cooled down.

Plus, I know that I don't have combat experience, with hope I plunge my hands into my pockets, looking for something to protect my life with; then I remember that I didn't even bring anything with me when I escaped.

Suddenly a beautiful white wolf came out of the bushes with blood crimson eyes and with a mouth full of long sharp teeth and drool that went out of it, which gave one explanation to what's going on right now.

He was hungry, and he found his meal. So I started talking with a really soft and breaky voice.

"He-e-ey bud-d-y, I grant to you that I won't taste good because, as you see, I only have bones on my skin. ha-ha-h-a?"
