The academy.

From now on, I will use '….' For inner thoughts.


Today I woke up in a nervous state, as today is the day that will decide my future, and today will be the day where I will leave the mansion and go to the Nepil academy; and what worried me is that even the royal family doesn't know the exact location of it, as the one in the capital is just a fake one whose the purpose is to pick who is going to go to the real academy, but ignored my nervousness as I don't even have reason to be and it's even better as I know that all of my siblings will study there. It's somewhere far away, so I will have a more fluent way to get my revenge on them. After laughing at my genius, I started my daily routine; then I opened my system to track my improvement of today's training then I noticed something, I never tried my two skills of the nightmare and the charm, so while cursing myself for not noticing them then tried my skills on the people on the mansion. First, I tried my nightmare skill on lily, as I knew that she doesn't wake early and focuses on training in the afternoon, so I sneaked up to her room and casted the skill on her with a low level. I discovered that I could choose between 3 levels of the nightmare, low level, medium level, and high level. I could even cast it on someone awake, but It will be more efficient on someone who is sleeping.

In the beginning, she seemed as if she had a good dream, then slowing she began frowning and showing a pained expression. After 5 min she woke up while crying; I watched all of this while hiding in the closet. While feeling bad for her as the dream that I gave her was that her most treasured ones dying, I left the room after deactivating the skill.

"That's a dangerous skill; I can even manipulate people if I want to with skill," I murmured while thinking if it was fallen in the hands of evil people. So after knowing how valuable this skill could be, I had gone to try the charm skill on the palace servants. After going around while reading the description of the skill and asking Noah some questions about it, I found out that there are two abilities of this skill; first, I could sexually charm someone, or I can charm them to obey my orders; I even found out that if I manage to do so, I could erase their memory of me charming them. Still, it's an exception for the more powerful people than me and the more powerful the person is and how far he is, the more mana and mental power I would need, so after searching for a bit, I found a low leveled maid, then used the second one of it as I don't want to use the first, not yet.

"Hmmm, tell me the deepest secret of the maids," I ordered her.

"We all admire you and would like to have a chance to mate with you, and we have a lot of your photos in our rooms, and we sometimes orgasm to it." She said with no wait as her eyes turned a little bit darker.

"That's interesting…." I said while sweating while questioning myself. ' how didn't I get raped these months?'

Then after freeing her and erasing her memory, I ran away to avoid suspicion.

"Hah, Hah, that was close!" I said as I returned to my room.

"Thank god I will leave this place after some hours, or they will really rape me!" I said while thanking my luck.

After some hours…

"You ready, kid?" Asked Kiel as he pointed to the carriage outside.

"Yea, I'm ready," I responded as I grabbed a bag full of some important stuff to avoid suspicion of having an inventory.

"Come closer." He said.

"Always protect lily when you get there, do it as repayment for me not saying anything." He murmured to me while tapping my shoulder.

"Okay, I promise," I replied him as I'm really grateful to him for not saying anything.

"Good, now give this letter to the responsible there, and you will pass the recruitment and directly pass to the talent and combat test." He said as he gave me a golden letter.

"Thank you for everything, old man," I told him with a grateful face.

"Oh, look at my baby boy leaving home this quick without telling me goodbye!" Said Lina while ruffling my hair.

"I was about to do that, aunty," I said.

"Oh, it's okay; I just wanted to say always brush your teeth, make your bed…." She said while saying what every kind mother would say.

"And most importantly, take care of yourself." She said while kissing my forehead.

'Guess these 6 months made her think of me as her son, but it's not a bad feeling.'

"Okay, aunty, I will not let you down," I said while smiling at her.

"Nice, now go on, as you don't want to be late." She said while pushing to the carriage.

"Bye, guys!" I said as I entered the carriage while waving my hand.

'I would really miss that boy's presence.' Thought Lina while rubbing her legs against each other.

'What am I thinking!' She told herself while waving back.

After waiting inside the carriage for some minutes, Lily entered it, then the driver took us to the academy; the mood inside it was so awkward as Lily didn't know what to say, and I felt guilty about what I did to her, so I talked first.

"So, nice weather, isn't it?" I awkwardly said as I didn't know what to do, but suddenly, I regained my calm and confidence as if I talked to a million girls before.

"Yeah, that's true. So… how did you become powerful? I don't think that a teenager like us would be able to wield such power. " She asked with an awkward voice as she didn't talk to people often because even if her family was a noble one, the other families don't think so, as they are only nobles in the name; their power and wealth aren't anything close to a real noble family. Even the treatment they have is so poor, so when Lily wanted to talk with nobles like her, they would disrespect her. Hence, she isn't so sociable even with her stunning appearance. While shaking my thoughts away, I told her about my days in the forest while leaving some details untold. Sometimes, she giggled when she gasped, and even when she became sad, but certainly, she started opening up to me. We started talking about what normal kids like us will talk about, such as likings, dislikings, etc.…

10 min later…

After a long talking session, we reached our destination; the academy's gates were crowded and loud with the voice of the relief and happiness of some families and the sadness and crying of others. After getting out of the carriage and thanking the driver, we managed to enter, and a person talked to us.

"Are you here for the inscription?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." We answered as we saw a badge representing the academy's general guard.

"Good, my name's Jack, for you to find the inscription hall go…." Then he started telling us the location of it.

"Thank you for your help," I told him

"It's my duty to help you." He replied.

After we reached the hall and waiting for our turn, I gave the letter to the receptionist.

"What do we have -! Please wait, sir." She said as she inspected the letter.

"It seems that it's not fake; please head to the manager's hall as I'm not allowed to latten your inscription." She told us while showing us the location of the manager.

"Thank you," I told her as Lily couldn't talk because of her nervousness.

After another touring, we reached the manager's room.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Enter." Said a man behind the door.

After entering, we found a middle-aged man sitting in front of a pile of paper.

"Please take a seat." He said as the pile of paper disappeared.

'That must be space magic.' I thought as I couldn't see a storage ring in his fingers and knew that systems do not have a storage system, while mine was an exception.

"Let me see that letter." He said when we sat.

After reading it, he cracked a smile then said.

"This invitation isn't valid."