Unfortunate encounter.

"Are you serious?" They all said.

"Just kidding. But why were you all that frighted and weak in front of that killing intent? It was so weak." I responded while remembering the killing intent that the old man was using to train me; in comparison, Old man's killing intent was stronger 5x times than Tuto's. And if I think about it, why did I start calling Kiel, old man?

"Man, you are a beast; why are we even surprised? Ah, yes, IT'S BECAUSE THAT WAS AN INSPECTOR'S KILLING INTENT! ARE YOU TELLING ME THAT YOU KILLED MORE THAN HIM!? ARE FUCKING CRAZY! I WAS GOING TO DIE IF I DIDN'T GIVE IT MY ALL IN THAT SITUATION!" Shouted Ryan as his saliva came out of his mouth.


"Shut up, Ryan." Said Erza as she punched him in the guts.

"But he's right. How could you be that strong?" She asked.

"Um." I responded as I didn't know if I should say it.

"Guys! You should take a look at this." Said Jila as she pointed at a moving bush.


It was the sound of a cat coming out of the bush.

"Oh! What is a cat, like you doing here?" Said Jila as she wanted to grab the 'cat' from the bush.

"JILA, STOP!" I screamed as I looked at the map.


Suddenly a three-headed lion with 2 snakes that seemed to be his tail came out of the bush while dropping a cat off his mouth, attempting to swallow Jila's head in one bite.


A hot fireball came out of my hand as he was close enough to bite her head off.

"Eat that, you son of a bitch!" I said as I laughed at my victory.


The lion's size increased significantly, and his claws and teeth became sharper. Still, the most shocking change is that his 'Tails' became alive and with some green liquid in their mouths ready to be launched at their enemy.

"Ryan, Erza, follow my lead! Jila, boost us!" I said in an authoritative voice that automatically came out of my mouth.

"Yes!" they responded.

Then I took the lead as I made a fire at the shape of tiny daggers as I threw them at his head, which did no damage, so my friends backed me up as they charged at him, throwing many spells that also did; no damage at all! After thirty minutes of fighting with no results, an idea popped into my head.

"Guys, back down! I have a plan." I said as they nodded.

Then I brought out my scythe as I tried to slash his thick fur, and surprisingly it worked.

"Listen to me! This monster haves a strong fur that can deflect attacks that haves mana in them and is very weak to normal weapons! Use your weapons until his fur is removed!" I ordered.

'I really thought that you forgot about me.' Said Glys.

'I just didn't have time to speak with an ugly creature like you.' I replied as I looked at the skull.

'Okay, I forgive you for not being able to use me as I was so beautiful that you fell me. Now use me.' He said.

'Yea, Yea,' I said as I used my skill 'death slash,' and it did very well, but angered the lion more that he started to use his tail.

"This is easy!" Said Ryan

"Yeah! Is this is all you got, ugly beast?" Mocked Erza.

"ARGHHHH!" screamed both Ryan and Erza as they were caught off guard with the venom that could nearly melt both of their arms.

"Come on!" I said as I caught them and brought them close to Jila.

"Here. Heal both of them." I said in a serious tone as I gave her 2 mana potions.

"Un!" she replied, as she seemed to be unfazed by what happened.

Then I sprinted to him and slashed his first head using half of my money, then smirked at the monster as I was so angry at both Ryan and Erza's condition caused by this bastard. But then he healed himself in less than a second and smiled a smile that said, ' I was only playing with you.'

"Someone is going to die today, and it isn't us!" I screamed as I climbed him while dodging the snake's attacks, then slashed one of them, but what cost losing 2 fingers.


Hailed the monster. Then I heard many steps that even the ground shook under it.


So in a panicked state, I opened the map, and I saw something that made my heart stop for a sec. THERE WERE MORE THAN A HUNDRED MIDDLE-SIZED RED POINTS! So I quickly grabbed the three of them and ran away at a speed that you wouldn't imagine.

"What are you doing! Their wound could get opened!" Shouted Jila.

"Do me a favor and put all of your mana on boosting my speed." I said, not caring about what she said.

"Why?" she asked.

"Just do it!" I pressured her.

"Tell me what's happening!" She shouted.

"I'm going to tell you after you boost me, okay?" I told her.

"Ok-kay," she said as she understood that the thing I was worried about was so severe.

Then we ran until I was sure that we lost them.

"This- I think that we are okay for now," I said while panting.

"Almer! Your fingers!" She said as she pointed at my hand that was missing 2 fingers.

"Don't think about it! You wanted to know why did I drag you out of that place? It was because there were over 100 monsters after us. If we stayed there, I think we were going to be as good as dead." I said.

"Who cares about that?! Let me look!" She shouted as she took my hand to inspect it.

"It's okay." I said.

"I said let me do my work." She said with a creepy face.

"Okay." I said as I sighed.

"I think that the monster that we fought was the boss of this test, as he called hundreds of monsters to back him up when he felt close to losing." I said, as I let her do what she wanted.

"What?! H-" she said until a beep cut her off.


"Hello, kids! It's me, Tuto! I know you may be asking yourself, 'How will I know if a beast will give me points more than others?' weep, I got the solution!" He said as a sac appeared out of nowhere.

"This is the bag where you will find everything you'll, so I think that I did my job but! As I know, some kids won't look at what there is inside or not pay attention. In this test, points are stealable, as you can see in your chest, a badge with an icon and a number in the middle of it. In your team, each of you will have a different number in their badge as you only have the points you got, basically the points of the monsters that killed. But your leader that was piked randomly will have the total of the points plus his points, so if someone steals your leader's badge, he will get everything. If he steals a member's badge, he will only get the member's points. So good luck!"

"Oh, I forgot, a lion with a tail made of snakes is the most powerful monster in this test, so don't fight it only if you have another team to help you. And to make it more exciting, the reward will be 500 coins for each contestant that helped in killing it and 700 coins for the killers!" He added.

"Is our luck that bad?" I said.

"Do you have your fingers?" She asked, extending her hand.

"Yeah. Here." I replied.

"Good. Now shut up and don't move." She said as she reattached my fingers using what seemed a mana thread.

"Done; no need to thank me." She said with a proud face.

And what she said was true as I could use my fingers as if they didn't get cut in the first place!

"Thank you," I said while blushing.

"I said no need to thank me." She said.

"So, I will go see what is in that bag." She said, but I think I saw relief and a sad mixed face while she was leaving. So I thought about asking her about it later.

10 mins later…

"Ughh, what happened?" Said Erza as she woke up seeing us eating dried meat.

"Hey! You! You better give us your stuff, or we will have to get in the hard way!" Said a muscular man with 3 normal guys.

"Oh, here we go again," I said; even so, I was so happy as even if I looked okay outside, I was boiling inside, and I just found something to let my steam out on.