
'Marcel!" 'I yelled as my body began to jerk uncontrollably and my breathing became labored.

"So, what do you want to do today?" " Marcel's friend inquired.

"Well, I'll probably go watch some movies or read some books," he answered, giving off the air of a kind prince.

"Bro, you good?" Asked Ryan as he saw me uncomfortable.

"Yea, It's just my stomach. Excuse me." I replied as I ran to the toilet.

"What happened?!" I said as I knew that nobody was in the bathroom.

Suddenly, I remembered the years when I lived inside that shithole of a palace, the bullying and harassment of my family, and the nights where I would sleep with an empty stomach and numerous bruises on my body.

My emotional state right now was chaotic, as I remember my deepest traumas. Then, a beautiful and warm woman would enter my room, start comforting me; tell me bedtime stories, and compliment me, saying that I would be the strongest and most intelligent person in the world. I should just not give up on my life. And she always used to tell me.

"You know what, Almer? There is a big world waiting for you to be explored, and for you to reach that place, you need to endure the bullying, and one day, your father would regret neglecting you." She said in the most pleasant tone a person could hear.

"Really?" I would reply with shining eyes.

"Yes, sweetie." She would say while ruffling my hair.

"YAY!" I would say while jumping on the frail bed, ignoring the pain.

Then my heart just burst with joy as I remembered what she had done for me. Then I remembered how I laughed like a lunatic when I discovered that there was a slim chance that I had found my mother's family. I was feeling so bad that my heart was breaking.

"What was I doing?" I said while looking at my hands.

"Did I just laugh at my mother's death and the chance of me finding her family? While just thinking of a way to use that story on my revenge? What type of pathetic person am I?!" I screamed as I hit the mirror using my fist.

" AM I REALLY FORGETTING MY MOTHER'S EFFORT IN SUPPORTING ME!? AND EVEN LAUGHING ABOUT IT! WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING?!" I said while bumping my head into the wall, ignoring all the pain.

"Why did I do that?" I mumbled as I sobbed on the floor, remembering her beautiful smile, which had hidden all of her pain for so long.

"I hate myself!" I cried while hitting the floor.

"I'm sorry, mom…. I'm so sorry…" I mumbled while crying with no end.

[I'm sorry too.]

"Huh?" I said with teary eyes.

[I was the one responsible for you forgetting her, as you needed to be in a perfect emotional state for you to transform into a demon.]

"But what about me, thinking of using Kiel?" I asked in a trembling voice.

[It was a side effect of your awakening but it is pretty much gone now.]

"Why didn't you tell me!" I shouted.

[It was important for you to not know.]

"What?" I replied while recovering from my emotional state.

[You were going to get crazy if you remembered.]

"I…. Please don't talk with me for a while." I pleaded.


I got up and started washing my hands and my bloody face, then I remembered the broken mirror, but I find out that it was repaired magically, so I didn't think much about it as I thought that it was a feature of this school. Then I heard a bunch of laughing guys approaching the toilet.

"What a bunch of stupid girls, right Marcel!" laughed a guy.

"Yeah! Thinking that I would ever go out with them! I was just acting nice for my reputation, nothing else." Replied Marcel with a smirk.

"True, and I think that only Amelia deserves your highness attention!" Added another one.

"Well, she will probably accept me these months as it's fate that made us meet." Responded Marcel with a romantic face.

"So, did you get a girlfriend yet?" Asked Marcel.

"No, my luck was pretty bad, as a new guy just took all the girls' attention. He is not even that handsome." Said a guy with a laugh.

"How about this, I make that guy unable to talk with a girl in your class the whole year. And you will fulfill any of my wishes. So is it a deal, Jack?" Asked Marcel while waiting for a handshake.

"Okay, for sure!" Responded Jack while shaking Marcel's hand.

"Man, you are so lucky. Getting help from a prince." Said the other ones.

"Now, now. Let's go back as I need to steal a girl's heart." Said Marcel while laughing himself out of the bathroom.

'That was so close!' I thought as I got out of one of the closest.

"They are definitely planning something on me." I mumbled.

So I just noted that on the back of my head and continued my day. When I came back, I found Kubota that was missing yesterday for some reason, watching Tv.

"Hello, Kubota." I said while eating the leftovers of yesterdays.

"He-ello!" She replied with a flushed face.

"What's wrong?" I questioned, knowing that it was my title.

"Nothing!" She replied.

"Well, if it's nothing. Want to go out today?" I asked.

"A date?" She asked with shining eyes.

"No, just a regular hangover, just like what friends do." I replied.

"Okay. Let me prepare then." She replied while running to her room and locking the door.

'This is going to be a long night…' I sighed as I just asked her out for no typical reason.

"I'm ready!" She said after 20 mins.

"You look stunning." I said as she wore a loose shirt and tight blue jeans with black boots; she didn't exaggerate on the makeup, which was points plus.

"What do you mean?" She replied while faking her embarrassment.

"Finally getting back to your old self?" I asked.

"What do you mean I was always like this." She shamelessly replied.

"Oh wh- Nevermind, let's go." I said while rolling my eyes.

"You look handsome too." She said as she looked at me; I was wearing a black sweater with a t-shirt under it, black pants, and white sneakers, which looked good on me with my facial features.

"Thanks." I replied as we have gone out.

First, we had gone to the cinema, where we watched a film about two lovers who had their family objecting to their love affair. Obviously, this film was picked by Kubota. More than half of the spectators were girls, which made me quite angry as they cried all the time; Kubota even used my shirt as a tissue to wipe her snort.

"How is that movie so good that made half of the people cry in there?" I asked.

"It's woman romance; you won't understand." She replied while licking ice cream.

"So, what should we do now?" I asked with an awkward smile as I was using her as a guide.

"How about going to a restaurant?" She replied.

"Okay, why not?" I said as I got closer to her.


"What?" I asked with a grin.

"Nothing." She replied.

"How it's great to be young, right husband." Said a grandma.

"Yeah, I remember the old days." He replied with a smile.

"But it's quite a waste for an old woman like her dating that young man." Said a woman.

"Yeah." Added another one.

And the surrounding people started talking about us, thinking that we were a couple.

"Don't listen to what they say; you are a beautiful young woman." I comforted her as I saw her dark face.

"No, it's okay." She replied with a wide smile.

After a short walk, we entered a 5 stars restaurant. It surprised me as I never expected to go to a high-class restaurant that soon, but it made me happy as I regretted not eating my food that time.

"Hello, mam." Said both of the servants on the door.

"Hello, how can I help you today? Oh, it's miss Kubota welcome; excuse my rudeness. You can pass to the Vip floor with no troubles with your card." Said the butler while sweating.

"Okay." She coldly replied.

"Let's go." She said as she laughed at my surprised face.

"Sorry I spaced out." I apologized as we went up the VIP floor.

The mood there was so chill, with people dressed only in costumes and expensive clothes, which made me look poor. But, I was surprisingly not mocked but respected when they saw me as a guest of Kubota, which made me wonder about her identity.

We exchanged small talks, waiting for our food then she suddenly asked.

"Do you like old woman, Almer?" She asked.

"Mmm, I don't really care about age; I only care about her look and her feelings." I replied honestly.

"Well, that's good." She sighed out of relief.

"Why are you asking?" I asked with a confused face.

"Well, just curiosity." She answered, knowing that nobody was eavesdropping as we had our own room.

"Do you drink?" She asked.

"Yeah, probably more than you." I replied with a mocking smile, as I could drink because you are taken as an adult when you reach 16.

"Huh, let's see then." She said as she ordered the best wine they had.

"To make things better a little bit. The one who drinks more wins, and the winner can request anything from the loser." She said while smirking confidently in her drinking abilities.

"Challenge accepted." I replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly as we drank more than 30 bottles, and Kubota got drunk a lot.

"Well, guess I win."

"And for my request, I want…."