Beast ranking.

"Why isn't the machine working?!" I shouted as even after countless hours of checking this machine, I couldn't find anything that will generate me money except a space in the corner with a button next to it.

[Check the space, dumbass.]

"I checked it a million times, and it didn't seem to do anything! Tsk, I knew that you would scam me!" I exclaimed as I kicked it.

[Sigh, try putting an object in there, then press the button.]

Thinking of what I should put in there, I chose to start with something simple and placed a coin.

[How much would you like to duplicate?]

The screen of the machine finally turned on after I pressed the button, with different choices such as 10x, 20x, 50x, and custom amount; while holding my victory laugh, I pressed on 50x

[Error, please insert materials for the duplication.]

"What?" I stood there, stunned.

[I didn't say that the money will be free, oh and the duplication will not be perfect, so put that on your mind.]

"But, you promised!" I cried like a baby.

[I didn't lie on anything; stop lying.]

"Fuck!" I cursed as he did not promise me shit.

"Welp guess this goes to the garbage." I said as I burnt it.

[Chain quest:: Make a harem (2):

Same meaning as the title, create a harem.]

[Harem members (3/6)]

[Rewards: system implant.]

[Failure: Turning into a eunuch.]

"Why are all the punishments of these chain quests want to make me miserable with girls?" I asked with cold sweat.


"Come on man! At least tell me what will this system implant do?" I asked.

[That's for you to discover, hehehe.]


"How about we take a look at what's inside these rings." I said with veins popping out of my forehead.

They didn't seem to open, I tried numerous things, but they didn't work. But then I remembered the fantasy mangas that I read where the mc would drop a bit of his blood on his ring to start using it, so I did the same.

"Finally!" I exclaimed as both of the rings glowed a bluish color when I dropped my blood on them.

In the school's rewards, they gave me the money and the elixir; putting it in my inventory as it was safer, I looked at the rulers present.

"What the fuck…." I muttered as I saw the pile of elixirs and scrolls, but what made me startle is a bunch of glowing rocks.

"What's that?" I asked as I held one of the 'rocks' in my hand.

[It's beast core.]

"And?" I said.

[It will give you a lot of XP when you absorb it, and if you are lucky, you may get a skill from the beast that you got that core from.]

"How do I absorb it?" I asked as I tried biting it, which made me nearly lose my teeth.

[Just bring it near your stomach, and let your body do the rest.]

Doing what he said, I sat on the ground and brought it next to my stomach; then, I felt it slowly getting sucked somewhere in my body. It was pretty comfortable, so I just let my body do its thing.

Two hours quickly passed, and I felt as if I ate a lot and that I didn't want anything to pass through my throat, even if it was water, but I even felt energetic, which made me wonder what's wrong with me.

[It's natural, you will get used to it.]

[+500 XP]

"Only that much?" I frowned.

[Fucking ungrateful, it had taken you a week to get that much XP, and you're complaining. Tsk, kids these days.]

"..." I just shut up in shame.

[Now, don't drink that elixir until you have five elements.]

"Okay." I replied.

I continued my week just like what would a normal teen would, training… A lot, and today I will finally enter the class of royalty, the S+ class.

"Good morning." I said as I entered the normal-looking classroom?

I expected it to be even fancier as it was a class for rich kids but was surprised to see a normal-looking classroom with red-clothed people sitting waiting for their teacher.

Sitting on the free table, I waved at Lily, who was in the first row, but she didn't wave back. Instead, she became even more nervous.

'What's wrong with her?'

I just shrugged my shoulders and sat in silence as no one seemed to want to introduce himself to me.

This classroom had eight students without us included three boys and five girls; I knew two girls in this class: Mia and Yoko, while I only knew one of the guys who was Marcel.

"Good morning class!" Said Tuto as he entered the classroom.

"What the fuck?" I muttered as Nira came out of my hoodie cap.

'What are you doing!?" I questioned.

(Ps: I will use '' …. ' for something speaking into the mc's head, and it must be living real and it must know what it is, and it must be not electrical.)

''Why can't I get out?'' She asked innocently.

'... Just try to not attract attention.' I sighed.

"So, today two new students joined us, please Almer, and Yoko." He said with a laugh.

"Hello, my name is Almer, and I will hopefully study with you for the rest of this year." I said as I sat down.

"Hi, my name is Yoko." She said as she sat.

But nobody cared about us, but I felt some glares on Nira from time to time.

"Hahaha, since we all know that you won't introduce yourself, why don't I do it for you?" He said with a glare.

"I will do it, mr. Tuto!" Said an elf girl as she stood in sweat as if she was afraid of something.

"My name's Lisa Fiable, and I'm the class representative, and I have two brothers, Tinu and Ror." She pointed to two guys, Tinu had platinum hair, and he looked pretty thin, while Ror had blond hair and was a bit muscular.

"That girl's name is Rie and her sisters' names are Lina and Diana," She added as she introduced the three sisters; Rie had gray hair and cat features, Lina had golden hair and fox features, and Diana had yellow hair and lioness features.

"And lastly Marcel his sister Mia." She finished.

"Good, now let's start with our lesson, can someone tell me what is beast core is?" Asked Tuto.

"Can I answer?" Said Lisa as she raised her hand.

"Of course!" He replied.

"A beast core is an item that could only be obtained through killing a beast, and it can help the person to get even more powerful by absorbing it, they are devised in five, and they are represented by colors, the first is gray, the second is yellow, the third is green, the fourth is orange, and the fifth is red." She said.

"And cores are also the way which monsters use to get more powerful by absorbing the surrounding energy." She added.

"And what's that energy?" He asked.

"It's mana, we elemental and special system users use it to sharpen our powers, and we do so by meditating like cultivators, just unlike us, they absorb Qi which for us is impossible to consume as we can have serious injuries. And these two energies can be found everywhere, and the purity and quantity difference from place to place." She re[lied.

"Good, how about the difference between special system users and elemental users?" He asked.

"Special users are just elemental users but more powerful and can advance quickly, as if a normal elemental user take ten years to reach level 100, a special user would only take him five, as they are blessed by gods." She responded.

"Excellent, now what about beasts ranks?" He asked with a smirk.

"...." She stood in silent in nervousness.

"Sigh, you can sit, thank you Lisa." He said.

"Now, monsters also have five types, and the one you were referring to right now was a bronze rank, after it comes silver rank, gold rank, platinum rank, and diamond rank, and the last two ranks could probably kill you all with one hit, just so that you understand their power. But after the diamond rank comes a beast that could destroy the whole continent with one thought, which is a holy beast, these can only be found in places where the energy is rich and pure." He said as he glanced at Nira.

"And if you ever come in contact with a grown one, don't even think of escaping, as you won't be even alive." He added.