"Ashoka, I think you do realize the events that will ensue after you abdicate?" Ashoka didn't seem like a dense person, and Alex knew he was probably aware of the imperial court drama that was happening.
"Of course, but it's inevitable, and truthfully, I don't have much affection for my children, and I don't even know most of their names." Ashoka gave out his honest thoughts and his eyebrows folded together.
'I'm not in the position to give my opinion...' Alex realized he was but a stranger and it would be meddlesome to speak on issues he didn't know much about, much less understand.
With that, silence permeated through the courtyard, and it was a beautiful and peaceful night in the palace.
"Alex, where do you wish to stay for the night?"
"There are many rooms in this palace, but there are also a few other dozen palaces in the estate if you wish to spend the night in any of those."
'What a humble brag..' Alex felt the weight of poverty upon him...