The Nightmare

Little Girl POV

I wake up from the dark void I was trapped in only to find myself lying in my bed.

Wait, my bed?But I'm not at-

I looked around and my blood turned cold...I was in my old room. The walls were blue and lining them were drawings of my dads and me. I stare at my hands and see them holding my purple blanket, and they were less scratched up then I remembered.

I look over to my old window and the village that I had once lived in.

How am I here? Wasn't I just at Techie's?

Suddenly, I hear whispers coming from downstairs, I can hear my dads downstairs.

The whispers turn to shouts before I know it and I begin to panic, covering my ears and tearing up knowing what will happen next.

No no no...not again… please don't make me relive this…

The smell of smoke fills my senses and I stop panicking, if only for a second, to figure out where it is coming from. I slowly get out of bed, shaking slightly but determined, and I open my door to see a huge mess that leads downstairs. I slowly head down the hall and spot old photos of my dads and my older brother. I smile sadly and touch the pictures as I pass them one by one, stopping to slowly caress the picture of my brother.

Where are you brother…

I hear two bangs come from below and shake my head, taking my hand off the painting and quickly making my way downstairs. I step on the last step and look up slowly, knowing what I'll see. There, on the floor, are my dads, laying in a crimson pool of what I assume is juice...but my brain tells me otherwise. I hold back a sob, trying to keep myself steady unlike last time, until I see a masked man holding a sword with the same juice on it. I let out a whine and pushed past him, going towards my parents and trying to shake them awake. "Papa? Wake up, this isn't funny… it's my birthday, remember? No pranks today"

I got out of my trance after hearing a laugh come from behind me, footsteps getting ever so close. I slowly turn around only to hold back a cry as I see a sword pointed at my neck and the man stepping on my father's corpse. However, I couldn't help it and tears started streaming down my face, and my breathing was uneven. The man's mask stares daggers at me with it's dots for eyes, and doesn't hesitate when throwing his sword up and slashing my arm. He quickly grabbed my wound and got a bottle, filling it with my blood. I was too scared to interfere, even though I was tempted to ask him why, my mouth stayed shut. The last thing I ever heard from that man was "If this works, then I'm coming back for you."

He dropped me and used his trident to exit the house, but not before planting tnt in the room my parents and I were in, Probably just to make sure everything burns… even the evidence of the event happening.

I slowly got up and looked over to my parents, tears still streaming down my face as I crawled over to them. I laid down next to my father and wrapped my arms around my papas, cuddling into both of them.

"Papa… father… please wake up… just to say goodbye"

However, I knew there was no hope, and time seemed to slow down as the tnt finally blew, and everything went black.

Suddenly, I jolted awake and looked around my room quizzically, only to find Tommy, the boy from before, looking at me with a worried expression. We lock eyes and I can't help but start crying, making grabby hands towards him as I was in desperate need of a hug. He obliges, coming over and sitting on the bed and pulling me to his chest, rubbing circles on my back and whispering sweet nothings as to calm me down. It worked, as my breath was slowing down and I felt my heart beat calming to a steady pace. I looked up at him and saw him smiling softly at me, putting his hands through my hair, "It's ok, we're here for you. No one can hurt you, not anymore."

I melt into the touch and cuddle up to Tommy, looking over to see Philza and Techno coming up the stairs, and I wipe my tears away and smile.

"Thank… you"