Paladin Dad Chapter 1

July in Hangzhou, the sun was burning.

Facing the billowing heat, Zhang Hong strove to take a heavy step and rushed into the gate of the International Exhibition Center with a thunderbolt and a ringing bell.

The air-conditioning air conditioner rushed forward made him shivered all over, and could not help but reveal a comfortable smile.

With a height of 1.8 m and a weight of over XNUMX kilograms, the sudden intrusion of Zhang Hong, known as "Great Demon King Meat Mountain" by Zhang Hong, scared the security personnel in front of the security checkpoint, and his expression became alert. stand up.

But without waiting for the other party to take action, Zhang Hong immediately smirked and handed in his status token.

Security Uncle carefully checked the card and determined that it was not a fake product before waving the hand.

The XNUMXth China Animation Exhibition is being held at the International Exhibition Center these days. Due to the organizer's intention to control the number of visitors, the tickets are extremely tight, so some otaku who failed to grab the tickets are furiously forging documents to try to fool through the border.

Security Uncle has seized several of them, all of whom are self-proclaimed Acer.

Zhang Hong, who looked a lot like Acer but was actually a member of Acer, passed the security passage smoothly. The wide main hall was close by. He grabbed the SLR camera hanging on his chest and excitedly wanted to growl.

little elder sisters, this Demon King is here!


Zhang Hong, who had just taken a few steps forward, suddenly turned black, feeling like he was hitting a solid wall, and the whole person was bad!

Under the reaction of the impact, he took a few steps back, so he didn't fall to the ground.

The next moment, Zhang Hong saw the culprit that caused him to run into a wall.

It was a tall man, taller than Zhang Hong of 1.8 m.

He was wearing a dark brown leather armor, with a series of deep or light scars on the surface of the leather armor, as well as dark red suspected blood spots, as if he had just experienced a fierce battle.

Leather armor is surrounded by a belt of the same texture, and a pair of sheathed daggers and silver hip flasks are tied to the left and right waist sides, respectively, and the trousers and boots covered with mud are covered below.

Zhang Hong of extreme joy turns to sorrow was annoyed, but was surprised to see the other person's costume.

Domestic's Cosplay He's seen too much, but he has never seen such a special Mercenary Adventurer Cosplay. Although the equipment is very simple and not dazzling, it gives people a strong sense of realism.

The question is how did this come up suddenly? There was no one in front of me just now!

While Zhang Hong looked at the other side, the other side seemed to be aware of it and turned to touch his eyes.

The fat in Zhang Hong's body shook involuntarily, and his anger disappeared instantly.

The tall man was about thirty years old. His hair was cut short, and the steel needles that were erected were very dense, with a wide forehead, tall nose bridges, bright eyes and a resolute face. Although not very handsome, but very manly.

Spike all the girly flesh, such a guy doesn't have to spend money, right?

A fat Zhang Hong thought inferiorly.

Then he heard the man say, "You, okay."

Zhang Hong froze.

The other's voice was rather low, and the strange thing was that the two words were very hard to speak, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time.

He scratched his head and said, "Hello, I'm Xinman's Internship Reporter Zhang Hong, Zhang of bow, Hong of flying goose. I was embarrassed when I hit you just now. May I ask which character is Cosplay?"

The corner of the man's mouth ragged, and he seemed to laugh at himself: "My name is Zuo Yi, Zuo of left, Yi of perseverance."

This time he spoke much more fluently.

"Uh, Mr. Zuo, hello …"

Zhang Hong was almost scratching his scalp. He felt standing in front of each other, his body became very stiff, his mouth was no longer sharp, and his usual cleverness disappeared.

Zuo Yi smiled and turned away from Zhang Hong, sweeping the halls of the International Exhibition Center.

The main hall is very lively. A Cosplayer wearing a fancy dress strolls through the crowd, embracing the attention of the audience and scrubbing the flashes. Elf, fairy, orc, monster, iron man, pseudo-mother …

Makes it look magical.

His eyes finally fixed on a banner hanging from the dome of the exhibition hall: 2019 China International Animation Exhibition!

2019, China!

There was an incredible expression in Zuo Yi's eyes.

The memory of the past few days is still vivid in his mind, and it also makes him doubt the truth before him.

Three days ago, after years of smashing at Sadya World, Zuo Yi returned to the starting point of Sadya, Thorns Town on the edge of the Black Mountain Forest, and just hit Abyss Demon Legion, who invaded the ground.

In order to cover the town's retreat, he alone guarded the outpost fortress, waged a fierce fight with countless Demon, broke through to advance to the Sacred Rank, and finally battled Lord of 9th Abyss and Demon Legion commander Saul outside Thorns Town.

Relying on the Power of Sacred Domain formed by Eight Virtues Faith, Zuo Yi reinvented Saul with the title of "Demon Witch King", but he was also hit by the "Great Banishment Technique" that Saul cast at the cost of burning the last life, and was forcibly forced. Into the chaos of space.

But now he is here!

Is it an illusion?

Zuo Yi rejected the idea instantly.

Even at Sadya World in High Dimension, when he was still in the Legendary Rank, Edith, known as the Strongest Spirit Wizard, was unable to break through his Iron Will by exhaustive means.

Moreover, Zuo Yi is now Sacred Knight.

Hallucinations? nonexistent!

Since it is not an illusion, it is that he has really returned, and after returning to Sadya World for thirty years, he has returned to his native land, and returned to the World that gave birth to him, and truly belongs to him!

At this moment, Zuo Yi wanted to laugh loudly.

For many years, he used to think that he would never be able to return to this world that made him dream, and absolutely did not expect that it was finally returned by the strongest enemy at the expense of life.

Saul, it 's a Northeastern in Abyss!

What made Zuo Yi feel a little incredible was that he had only been away for only three years.

Although the time in Plane World is different in Multiverse, the difference between High Dimension Sadya and Low Dimension Earth is ten times, but it is incredible.

Zuo Yi did not struggle with this issue. The Multiverse with countless planes has endless mysteries. Saint could not understand one of the billions in his lifetime. Ordinary people think that too many are completely masochistic.

What he wants most now is to go home!

"Reporter Zhang …"

Zuo Yi glanced back. He held his inner excitement and excitement, and said to Zhang Hong who was still standing in front of himself, "Can you use your mobile phone to make a call?"

When he first crossed Sadya World, Zuo Yi carried a lot of things with him, such as backpacks, mobile phones, wallets, passports, ID cards, etc. These items that belong to Earth are long gone.

But Zuo Yi still felt very fortunate that in just three years, he would not cause him much isolation from Earth.

"Oh, alright."

Zhang Hong woke up, hurriedly took out his mobile phone, and handed it to Zuo Yi after unlocking his fingerprint.

Zuo Yi said "thank you" and took it.

This phone is not much worse than what he used then. The system is also familiar to Zuo Yi. He entered a number and dialed it.

"The call you made has been shut down …"

The voice from the mobile phone made Zuo Yi a little disappointed. He wanted to contact a friend who lives in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou to come and pick himself up, but he didn't expect the goods to shut down.

Forget it, Zuo Yi returned the phone to Zhang Hong: "Thank you."

After speaking, he strode moved towards the doorway and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Zhang Hong, who was still in place, held the phone in a slump, feeling like a dream, very unreal.


Stepping out of the International Exhibition Center, the hot sun shone on Zuo Yi's face, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Zuo Yi's family is not in the urban area of ​​Hangzhou. He has been living in Linjiang City across the Qian River, which is more than ten kilometers away.

At his walking speed, walking home is easy. If you are not afraid of being shocked, you can fly back in a matter of seconds.

But Zuo Yi did not adopt either, but found a Jewelry Store near the Exhibition Center.

The International Exhibition Center is located in the most prosperous area of ​​Hangzhou. The surrounding commercial facilities are very complete. The facade of this Jewelry Store is quite stylish. Two beautiful female clerk at the door saw Zuo Yi dressed in Different World, not at all. What disgusting feelings appeared, but Qi Qi bowed down and said, "Welcome to Gold and Jade Luck Jewelry!"

One of the female clerk asked politely, "Sir, what do you need?"

Zuo Yi asked, "Do you recycle gold here?"
