Paladin Dad Chapter 5

Although the level of the scammer is very poor, the spirit of the scam is quite commendable. After Zuo Yi hanged up, he repeatedly dialed many times, and then Zuo Yi was simply added to the blacklist.

Although she recovered her quietness, Zuo Yi couldn't get back her good mood, so she hadtily wiped out the dinner and returned to the living room again.

"Master …"

The Giant Spirit Shaman Slave is still floating on the oil lamp. It has completed the new task assigned by Zuo Yi. Its sturdy body exudes a gentle Spirit Physique glow, dissipating the darkness that envelopes the living room.


A shiny Gold Coin of Law popped out of Zuo Yi's fingers, drawing a beautiful arc in the air and flying towards Giant Spirit Shaman Slave.

Giant Slave swallowed it open. This indestructible Gold Coin of Law quickly disintegrated and collapsed within the body, and instantly turned into a bit of starlight and integrated with it.

It bowed down, "Master, thank you for your generosity!"

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave also belongs to Law of Creation. Although it can work without eating or drinking, it is necessary to consume Energy to perform low-level spells and maintain its own existence.

The Energy it needs is the Power of Laws. As a low-level creation, it does not have the ability to draw Power of Laws directly from the Net of Law, so it must rely on the Master's gift.

The Gold Coin of Law is the easiest source of Power of Laws. A Gold Coin of Law is enough to support the daily consumption of a Giant Spirit Shaman Slave for three months. It consumes the Gold Coin of Law for its own use. It is also like Giant Slave One of the basic capabilities of this type of Law of Creation.

Sadya World's Law: Only Power of Laws can confront, destroy or assimilate and merge Power of Laws!

This law also fits all planes of Multiverse.

Zuo Yi waved his hand, and the Giant Spirit Shaman Slave suspended in the air was "sucked" back into the wick by the oil lamp.

The living room was suddenly dark.

But the darkness couldn't stop Zuo Yi's sight. He turned on the lights in the living room, and then returned to light in an instant.

In the past, Zuo Yi used to travel frequently and was used to depositing sufficient balances in water, electricity, gas, and mobile phone accounts. Although he has not been interrupted for three years after leaving the house.

He left the living room and reached the third floor.

The bedroom, study, and bathroom were all cleaned by Giant Slave, and the air-conditioning appliances could be used normally. At this moment, Zuo Yi had no idea of ​​going to bed, and he walked to the balcony connected to the bedroom.

The semi-open balcony is large in size and covered with beautiful floor tiles. Standing on the balcony and looking north, I saw the wide Qian River making a big bend not far away, and rushing eastward into the sea. .

This is the scene with which Zuo Yi was most familiar. Now, you can see a lot of high-rise buildings along the banks of the river. The neon flashes are strange, highlighting the prosperity of Hangzhou, a modern metropolis.

Zuo Yi's gaze swept across the urban building community, looking west to the vast mountains covered by night.

He unfolded Spirit Vision.

Spirit Vision is a common skill of Knight and Wizard. It can gain insight into the reality of the world. This skill is based on the amount of Mental Power. The more powerful the spirit, the wider the scope of Spirit Vision and the more information it can gain.

In the next moment, a huge net that is shrouded in the world, intangible, ubiquitous, and ubiquitous is presented in Zuo Yi's spiritual vision.

Net of Law!

Net of Law is the manifestation of the power of the Multiverse. The plane with intelligent beings and civilizations must be covered by the Net of Law. The plane without Net of Law is regarded as the original Barbarian Desolate Land.

In different Plane World, Net of Law has different names, such as Magic Net, Source Net, Virtual Net, Source Sea, etc., but no matter what the name is, its essence is exactly the same.

Net of Law is also the source of Extraordinary strength. Extraordinary must be born under the law!

In Zuo Yi's perception, this Earth of Net of Law is far less powerful than Sadya World, contains vitality, and takes less than a century to form.

Sadya World's Net of Law takes shape for more than five epochs!

But Earth undoubtedly also has Extraordinary strength, and belongs to the Low Dimension plane in the rising period.

Zuo Yi continues his exploration along the Net of Law-he needs to learn more.

But a huge tree standing on the Net of Law suddenly appeared, blocking his spiritual vision!

There was a hint of surprise in Zuo Yi's eyes.

According to the knowledge obtained by Sadya World Wizards in exploring countless planes, the plane dimension of Multiverse is Divided into nine levels. The higher the plane dimension is, the larger and stronger the plane is. The plane on which Sadya is located is Seventh Level.

Zuo Yi compared the information just obtained through Spirit Vision. Earth's plane should be the third floor of Low Dimension, but he actually saw a Low Level Plane as a rare World Tree!

World Tree is the embodiment of World Consciousness. It usually only appears in the Medium World and High Dimension Plane World. Zuo Yi participated in the battle of hundreds of Plane World. It is the first time to see the World Tree in the Low Dimension plane.

The existence of World Tree shows that Earth's consciousness has considerable wisdom and is no longer in a state of obscurity and primitiveness.

"Hello, Sir Transcender from Different World."

The next moment, a gentle and pleasing voice sounded in his spiritual space.

Zuo Yi took a deep breath and responded with a mental thought: "Hello, great World Consciousness."

Zuo Yi is not surprised, because being like him, without any seal of his own spirit and strength, entering into any World will attract the attention of World Consciousness, not to mention that he is now actively investigating Net of Law. .

And Zuo Yi is a native Earth man, so he is not regarded as an Intruder by World Consciousness, otherwise such peaceful and friendly communication will never occur.

At the same time, he was qualified to communicate because of his strength.

Earth World Consciousness acts on the voice in his spiritual space with a little joy: "Welcome home, Sir Transcender, would you like to leave a True Name in your World?"

Zuo Yi smiles.

Too young, replaced with those long-established World Consciousness, even if there is a demand, it will never be so straightforward.

Leaving the True Name mark in World Consciousness means that this world is regarded as your main world. The advantage is that the fit with World can reach a perfect level, and it is protected by the soul of World Consciousness.

In addition, the True Name mark is equivalent to a Plane World anchor point coordinate. When entering other Plane World battles, you will never get lost with the existence of this coordinate.

However, correspondingly, leaving the True Name mark must also bear the responsibility of guarding World Consciousness. When facing the invasion of foreign domains, you must stand up and not easily escape from war.

There is a Zuo Yi True Name mark in Sadya World's consciousness. Once he anchors the new main world, according to the law of Multiverse, the original mark will automatically disappear.

This means that it is basically impossible for him to return to Sadya World again, and to actively cut off all contacts with the latter.

Zuo Yi thought for only 1 second, and then chop nails and sever Iron replied, "I do!"


His will, the Knight's Heart hidden in his chest rang, representing Order, Honor, Heroism, Trust, Staunchness, Uprightness, Honesty, and Mercy's Eight Virtues Faith Mark all emerged, and a moment was condensed The flames of the sun.

This stamp containing Zuo Yi True Name flew straight to the World Tree and was instantly absorbed by the latter.

The next moment, the huge World Tree disappeared in Zuo Yi's spiritual vision. He heard the last message from World Consciousness: "I wish for the law to stay with you forever!"

"The law is forever!"

Zuo Yi clenched his right fist and struck Knight at the chest, completing the resonance with World Consciousness.

The reason why he didn't hesitate to leave the True Name mark is because Earth is his hometown, the World that truly belongs to him, the home of his soul, and the homeland where he had dreamed of returning numerous times.

At this moment, Zuo Yi felt that a trace of pure Power of Faith was continuously injected into Knight's Heart, and the power lost in the decisive battle with Abyss Lord Saul was quickly restored!

Power of Faith is a special form of Power of Laws, the source of Knight's cultivation.

This is a gift from World Consciousness.

Standing on the balcony dreamily, Zuo Yi realized his own change, until the mobile phone ringtone of "Didi" awakened him.

He took out his mobile phone and found out that there were more text messages.

The content of this message made Zuo Yi frowned.
