Paladin Dad Chapter 10

Out of the tavern, walk along the tree-lined road out of several hundred meters, Zuo Yi came to the University of Hangzhou that year.

It is now during the summer vacation, when the campus is empty at this time, there are only a few students playing football in the large playground, and several teaching buildings surrounded by glass curtain walls are shining in the sun.

Zuo Yi glanced at his alma mater across the fence, not at all.

Although there are many good memories in him.

Continue forward to the crossroads and Zuo Yi goes right to the nearest bus stop.

He has traveled this road countless times. While studying at the University of Hangzhou, he often took bus 208 from here, transferred to Nanqiao Station and then took bus 97 to return to Linjiang City.

When he came to the bus shelter, Zuo Yi's eyes fell on the light box advertisement of the bus shelter—Tianhong Martial Arts Hall recruitment fighting, Sword Technique Instructor, Rank 3 or more salary interview.

The spray painting on the red and white background is very eye-catching. There is no pattern decoration except two large characters. In addition, a row of addresses and contact numbers appear to be extremely concise. It should be a temporary job advertisement, which should be removed after a few days of hanging. Species.

Zuo Yi could not help but move.

At this time, a bus entered the platform, which happened to be the 208 bus that Zuo Yi was going to take.

But instead of boarding this bus, he turned around and left the bus station to return to the previous intersection, waited for the green light to cross the zebra crossing, walked out of the hundred meters, and came to the front of an old building.

This XNUMX-storey-high building has been around for some years. The paint on the exterior wall was basically washed away by wind and rain. It was ugly, and various messy signs were hanging on it. Hotels, XX beauty salons, XX education, etc.

Zuo Yi easily found a sign hidden in it, labeled "Tianhong Martial Arts Hall (4th floor)".

It's still the original piece.

He walked into the building with a smile, instead of taking the elevator and taking the stairs to the Tianhong Martial Arts Hall on the 4th floor.

Zuo Yi is no stranger to this and Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

Because he used to study fighting and sword technique at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall for nearly two years, and obtained the Sword Technique Professional 3rd Rank Certificate during this period, it is very beneficial.

Without this experience of martial arts and mastery of skills, Zuo Yi, who had just passed through Sadya World, would probably have died in the mouth of the wild wolf. There would be no him now.

So I saw Tianhong Martial Arts Hall's job advertisement in the bus shelter just now. Zuo Yi didn't hesitate to come over.

5-6 years apart, Tianhong Martial Arts Hall seems to be unchanged. The front desk at the entrance is even more shabby. There is a chubby little face with a chubby round face sitting behind the counter, playing with a mobile phone.

Zuo Yi walked over, reached out and tapped lightly on the counter.

The girl with a round face immediately woke up and stood up subconsciously, showing a very professional smile to Zuo Yi: "Hello sir, do you want to learn fighting or sword technique? The level of Sword Technique Instructor in Tianhong Martial Arts Hall is Highest…"

Zuo Yi quickly signaled her to stop and said, "I'm here to apply for the Sword Technique Instructor."

"Apply for Instructor?"

The girl with a round face was obviously a little disappointed, but soon smiled again: "Then please sit in there, I will go to the Manager."

Zuo Yi nodded, follow the other person in.

The round-faced girl asked Zuo Yi to wait in the reception room first, and ran to find the Manager herself, without pouring a cup of tea or something for Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi did not wait in the forcing reception room, but walked into the Dao Field inside, which is the daily martial arts venue of the martial arts hall.

The Dao Field of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has an area of ​​about XNUMX square meters. Each side has a fighting and sword competition platform. There are some fitness equipment on the window area, all of which are as old as the floor.

The weather outside is very hot, but there is no air conditioning in Dao Field, so it looks very sultry. The two vertical air conditioners near the corner are completely furnishings. There are no students except the few people who are doing cleaning work at the scene. in.

Same as before.

The situation in front of him made Zuo Yi quite lamented that the business of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has not been very good, and it seems to be worse now.

Maybe it won't last long?

He couldn't help wondering if it was right for him to apply for the Sword Technique Instructor.

In Zuo Yi's memory, there was no such professional Martial Arts Hall two or three decades ago. The martial arts halls he saw in the urban area when he was a kid are basically taekwondo halls, martial arts halls, boxing halls, and combat halls and many more.

Later, these various types of martial arts halls were gradually replaced by the unified Martial Arts Hall, and with the national Martial Arts Alliance and Martial Arts Competition, the Martial Arts Examination system with five levels of professionalism was formulated.

Later, the World Martial Arts Alliance competition was born, and the biennial World Martial Arts Championships became the world's attention Martial Arts event.

The purpose of Zuo Yi's study of martial arts is to protect the mother in addition to physical fitness. He has very good innate talents in fighting and sword techniques, but did not want to take the path of professionalism, so he used the spare time. Time to study at Martial Arts Hall.

At that time, Zuo Yi was more curious about Martial Arts, and never delved into what was hidden inside.

Now he is standing at a completely different level. Looking back at the emergence of Martial Arts Hall, Martial Arts Alliance, Martial Arts Competition and Martial Arts Examination systems, he has clearly formed a complete preparatory Transcendent training system.

It is like the Knight Selection System of Sadya World. Through the basic training of a large number of civilians, it selects outstanding elites to focus on training, and then stimulates its awakening of Extraordinary strength.

It's just that Sadya's system has existed for more than three epochs and has been perfected in every way.

In contrast, Earth's Martial Arts system is still far behind, affecting a narrower range of people.

Zuo Yi doesn't know much about the situation abroad, but at least in China.

He was thinking that the little miss at the front desk had led a young woman with a slender figure.

The woman wore a clean and tidy plain white Martial Arts suit, with a beautiful figure and a graceful look between her brows.

Seeing Zuo Yi, she frowned thoughtfully.

Zuo Yi greeted, "Senior Sister Shang, long time no see."

The beautiful woman named Shang Yulin is a daughter of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall Manager Shang He and a Sword Technique Instructor.

In fact, Shang Yulin is two years younger than Zuo Yi, but only according to the Martial Arts rules of "sequence, age, and age". Therefore, Zuo Yi, who had studied martial arts in Tianhong for two years, had to call her Senior Sister.

"You are Zuo Yi!"

Shang Yulin finally confirmed the identity of Zuo Yi. After all, the two have not seen each other for 5-6 years. Compared with that year, Zuo Yi's changes are still a little big.

"it's me."

Zuo Yi asked: "Senior Sister Shang, Master Shang is not there?"

He just listened to the front desk little miss and asked to ask the Manager, but the result was Shang Yulin.

Although it is paid practice, Zuo Yi has a half-teacher relationship with Shang He, so he is called Shang He Master Shang instead of Manager Shang.

When Zuo Yi asked Shang He, Shang Yulin's eyes dimmed: "I father died six months ago."

"Master Shang died?"

Zuo Yi suddenly startedled: "How can this be?"

When Zuo Yi was studying at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, Shang He was only in his 40s and XNUMXs. How could a middle-aged martial artist with a strong and vigorous blood die suddenly after a few years?

Shaking her head, Shang Yulin didn't seem to want to say more. She switched the topic: "Zuo Yi, are you here to apply for a job?"

Zuo Yi said, "I saw Tianhong's job advertisement at the bus stop over there, so I came here to check it out and didn't expect …"

Shang Yulin hesitated and said, "Let's talk inside."

Zuo Yi had no comment and followed Shang Yulin to the office inside.

That's when Zuo Yi first saw Shang He. The room was very small. The furniture had only one desk and two old sofas. The shelf on the right side of the entrance showed Shang He's statue, and a small incense burner was placed in front of the frame.

When Zuo Yi saw the incense burner and lighter beside incense burner, he said, "Senior Sister Shang, I want to add incense to Master Shang."

Shang Yulin is silently nodded.

Zuo Yi took three sticks of incense and lit it with a lighter. He held his hands and bowed to the statue of Shang He for three weeks.

He inserted the incense stick on the incense burner and said silently, "Master Shang, I do n't know the cause of your death yet, Senior Sister is also reluctant to say that if you die unjustly, then I will wash it for you The grievances are fair and let you rest in Styx River. "

As soon as Zuo Yi's thoughts arrived, Knight's Heart reacted immediately, Faith Mark, which represented Trust, suddenly shook.

Write down his promise!