Paladin Dad Chapter 17

Back at Linjiang City's home, Zuo Yi casually made something for dinner.

Lying on the chair in the small courtyard, looking up at the sky, watching the night come slowly, watching the stars appear, his heart was happy and peaceful.

Recalling every bit of meeting Bao'er today, Zuo Yi couldn't help but smile.

On the little girl, he seemed to see the entire World's Beauty!

that's nice.

However, the roar of the motorcycle engine suddenly came from outside, making Zuo Yi's mood suddenly worse!

Still endless!

With the deep cultivation of Zuo Yi, I couldn't help anger.

He had just sent a bunch of Ghostfire gangsters who wanted to break into his Old Residence the night before. As a result, there were a few uninvited guests tonight. Really thought he didn't dare to attack them?

As a Sacred Knight with Eight Virtues Faith, Zuo Yi is in the Lawful Good camp, but his kindness and Mercy are definitely not given to the evil people who destroy Order, the enemy of the camp!

Putting down the half-eaten kebab, Zuo Yi suddenly got up and strode to the courtyard door, reached out and opened the door.

Three motorcycles stood before him in front of him, and a man in a thin black jacket stepped down, exactly opposite Zuo Yi's eyes.

Zuo Yi's eyes flickered, and the killing intent hidden in the eyes disappeared.

Here comes an acquaintance.

The man in the black jacket was about thirty years old, with a thin, tall cheekbones, short flat hair, and deep eyes. There was also a long scar on the left cheek, giving it a very ruthless vaginal feeling.

He walked straight in front of Zuo Yi, said solemnly: "Yesterday I heard someone say you are back, I'll come and see."

Zuo Yi nodded, asking, "When did you come out?"

The man was named Ding Xu, a native of Linjiang City and two years older than Zuo Yi.

When Zuo Yi mother was teaching in Linjiang City Middle School, Ding Xu was the student in her class, and she was also a student with a sting.

Ding Xu's life was very unfortunate. Mother died at a very young age. Father was a bad gambler and a drunkard. When he lost outside and drunk, he went home and beat him.

Such a growth environment made Ding Xu's personality very radical. When he was in junior high school, he mingled with the bastards in the town. He fought and ransomed and extorted everything. Because of his ruthlessness and daring to fight, he finally became one of Linjiang City Bully.

However, Ding Xu, who was floating in rivers and lakes, had no influence background and soon planted, because he was involved in wounding, he was arrested and sentenced to seven years. Zuo Yi was still squatting in jail when he crossed.

"I came out the year before."

Ding Xu took a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, took one and handed it to Zuo Yi: "Now I'm in the city with others."

Zuo Yi did not refuse, and took a look: "It's all drawn to Imperial City, it looks like a good mix."

He didn't mean anything.

Imperial City Cigarette is the most famous in domestic cigarettes, and the price is quite expensive. Ordinary people only put a few boxes on the wedding table to fill the scene. Whoever smokes Imperial City cigarettes daily is undoubtedly rich. There are rows of people.

Of course, there are also swollen faces and fat people, but Ding Xu is obviously not among them.

Ding Xu helped Zuo Yi light a cigarette and gave himself a cigarette. Fiercely took a sip and said, "It's just a foolish look. Look at people's faces as dogs, but anyway, there is a trust. When they hit dogs, they also Will look at Master. "

He likens himself to a dog and speaks casually.

Zuo Yi knows that he was sentenced to seven years because of betrayal by others-there is nothing to blame, and it is just foolishness.

Ding Xu continued: "After I came out, you were not in Linjiang. I explained to the ironheads in the town that they should control the younger brother and not go to your house. The skinny monkey cub just came back and was not sensible. I have made people They have taught them. "

Zuo Yi finally understood that he was safe and sound at home for three years, not only a matter of luck, but also Ding Xu's words, otherwise he would probably see a home that was ruined.


He said, "Come in and sit."

"No, I'll just go back in a few words. There is still something to do at night."

Ding Xu waved his hand: "You don't have to thank me, Teacher Zuo treats me well, I can't let others abuse her home."

Paused, he continued, "I really want to speak of which, and I have to thank you for helping with the old bastard funeral."

The "old bastard" that Ding Xu said is exactly his bad old Ghost dad.

This is undoubtedly a hateful and sad person. Originally, Ding Xu mother was normal when he was alive. Later, she became a scumbag in the town, and even drunk in the broken house four years ago. No one wants to do funeral for him.

In the end, Zuo Yi paid for the cremation and funeral expenses, so that he would not die without a burial site.

Zuo Yi did this because Zuo Family and Ding Family had some relationship in the old days. Ding Xu's dad has never had trouble with Zuo Family, and he and Ding Xu have a little friendship.

Zuo Yi sighed, I don't know what to say.

It's been years since he died, and Ding Xu still scolds his father, old bastard, but Zuo Yi can hear the deep sadness in his words.

Zuo Yi will not persuade Ding Xu that the prodigal son will return to be human or something, because his personality has determined the life he chooses.

It is useless for anyone to say, for example, Zuo Yi's mother Zuo Qingyun, always wanted to help Ding Xu walk back to the Righteous Path.

As a result, Ding Xu squatted to jail.

"Father's debt, a debtor must pay his debt.

Ding Xu pointed to his motorcycle and said, "This Harley was given to me by others. The regular licensed product is not a counterfeit. I have another car so I ca n't use it. Can I pay it to you? "

He said that debt refers to the funeral expenses paid by Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi was not polite: "OK."

He knew that it was not necessary to be polite with Ding Xu, and even if he refused now, he would still leave at the door of the house, and it would be better to agree directly.

"The purchase invoices are in the lockers."

Ding Xu said: "I said hello to the town police station, and you just need to take it directly."


His expression became dignified and asked, "Do you know that Linjiang City is about to be demolished?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Know, I met Uncle Zhong yesterday. He already told me and reminded me not to be fooled."

Ding Xu asked again, "So what are your plans?"

"Nothing to plan."

Zuo Yi said lightly: "I won't sell a penny, they dismantle them, don't bother me."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple …"

Ding Xu said: "It is said that a Jiangnan New City will be built here, with hundreds of billions of dollars in the market. The people are huge. Even if my Boss is not qualified to get water in it, how can you be a Linjiang leader? Let it go? "

When Zuo Family purchased land and built a house in Linjiang City a hundred years ago, he spent a lot of money asking the Master to watch Feng Shui.

The home circled by the master is said to be above the Linjiang Qianlong dragon head, and the Hidden Dragon In Deep Abyss is soaring into the sky. It is a real treasure of feng shui.

This incident has been circulating in Linjiang City, and the older people basically know it.

Although Technology is now Changming, the theory of Feng Shui is prosperous and even placed on the lecture hall as a discipline.

If Linjiang City is demolished, then the Fengshui treasure of Zuo Family cannot be ignored by the people, and it is of great commercial value in terms of location.

Ding Xu was reminding Zuo Yi that he couldn't hold others back.

Yet Zuo Yi just smiled, "When did you see me, when were you afraid?"

What a domineering answer!

Ding Xu was speechless.

Zuo Yi is indeed the character of fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth, but he has made it very clear that the strength of the other party cannot be countered at all.

Afraid not to say otherwise, it is normal for ants to not know the fear of elephants, because they cannot imagine the weight of the latter.

He just wanted Zuo Yi to recognize the reality.

"Then you should do it yourself."

Ding Xu had no interest in persuasion from her mother-in-law, saying, "Call me if you have a hard time. Don't try to be stubborn."

Zuo Yi said, "Take care of yourself."

Ding Xu waved his farewell to him, turned and rode on another motorcycle, and led the two men away.

Zuo Yi watched the taillights disappear at the intersection, then came to the Harley motorcycle that was already his own.

This Harley is very new. It should not have driven many miles. It has the most typical American style. The two large rows of exhaust pipes on the left and right are bright and bright.

The car is not yet licensed, Zuo Yi found the purchase invoice and information in the car storage box, and a Ding Xu business card.

It is printed with the title of Ding Xu-Dazzling Sight Enternaiment General Manager.

Below is Ding Xu's phone number and WeChat.

Zuo Yi shoved his business card into his pants pocket and sat down on Harley.

Zuo Yi used to have an off-road vehicle, but later sold it. In fact, he also likes motorcycles, so he went to test his driving license.

And this Harley is the first motorcycle he really owns.
