Paladin Dad Chapter 19


Zuo Yi dropped the door that he had just pulled down to the ground, then leaned down, pats the driver's face.

He said, "Wake up, don't fall asleep."

The non-mainstream girl was about to close her eyes and reopened, and her severely crushed eyes were broken, her eyes were full of pain and despair.

Zuo Yi reached out and grabbed the metal pipe that pierced his chest, and asked, "What's your name?"

Although the consciousness of the girl had become blurred at this moment, she was still unable to answer, "Wang, my name is Wang Jiaojiao."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Good name."

"What do you want to do?"

At this time, a passerby exclaimed: "If you can't pull it out, she will die!"

He was closest to Zuo Yi, so he saw Zuo Yi's movements clearly and was immediately frightened.

The passer-by said it makes sense, because pulling out the metal pipe in such a situation will undoubtedly cause an instant blood loss to the injured girl, with extremely serious consequences.

This common sense is known even by ordinary people.

Reminders from passers-by were also in good faith, and Zuo Yi's approach could easily cause him unnecessary trouble.

Wrong treatment equals murder!

However, Wang Jiaojiao's wound was torn, and the bleeding was very serious. In fact, regardless of whether the metal pipe rod could not be pulled, she obviously could not persist to the emergence of the ambulance staff.

Zuo Yi turned his head and gave the other person a confident smile: "With me, she won't die."

Pu chi !

The metal pipe was pulled out by him instantly.

At the moment when the pipe was pulled out, Zuo Yi's right palm was slammed on the girl's wound, and the speed was so incredible that he even shot most of the spurting blood back forcibly!

His palms became hot, and the pale golden rays of light overflowed between the fingers, silently penetrating into each other's body.

Under the palm of Zuo Yi, the torn viscera of Wang Jiaojiao within the body first began to heal quickly, and then recovered from inside and outside, skeleton, flesh, and skin one after another, as if time was flowing back to the place before her injury For a moment.

Sacred Healing Technique!

Zuo Yi has just exhibited the Sacred Healing Technique that can only be mastered by Knight with Mercy Faith. This skill can be used to treat any fresh wound. The higher the Knight's rank, the more powerful the treatment effect.

In battles and wars, the Knight Sacred Healing Technique is more practical than Wizard's Life Restoration and disease treatment spells. Although the latter is more applicable and effective, it is more troublesome to perform and takes longer. .

When comrades-in-arms were pierced by a lance, chopped by a sharp axe, and chopped by a long sword, and were about to face death, the Knight Sacred Healing Technique is undoubtedly one of the fastest and most reliable means of treatment.

There is also Healing Potion.

Zuo Yi has entered the Sacred Rank. His Sacred Healing Technique has a very high skill level. Not to mention that this girl has not died, even if she has just taken a breath, Zuo Yi has the ability to save it!

In less than half a minute, Wang Jiaojiao's injury seemed to be miraculously healed, and the death quietly left her.

Only the damaged clothing and blood pierced by a metal pipe can prove what just happened.

Zuo Yi retracted her hand and said to her: "In the future, remember to follow the traffic rules while driving, do not speed, or you will harm yourself and you will never be so lucky."

She was indeed very lucky, and without Zuo Yi, she would have taken a breath now.

Although the injury was cured, Wang Jiaojiao was still very weak due to the previous large amount of blood loss, and her consciousness was not completely sober, so the warning to Zuo Yi was just weakly nodded.

"never mind."

Zuo Yi stood up and said to the passerby who was watching on the sidelines: "Don't move her, wait for the ambulance to come over."

Passers-by small partners have been stunned.

Anyone can see that the girl's condition has improved a lot, and it looks like she can survive.

How did Zuo Yi do it?

What just happened is completely beyond their common sense, like performing magic.

But this cannot be a magic show!

Everyone's look at Zuo Yi's eyes is basically not different from that of Immortal.

Zuo Yi did not stay to accept the shocking and worshiping gaze of the passers-by. He returned to the original place and took the Harley motorcycle, which was not yet turned off, and moved towards the city.

wee-oww ~ wee-oww ~

Zuo Yi drove Harley for less than a kilometer. A police car and an ambulance each issued a harsh alarm, and one after the other crossed him from the opposite lane.


When the sirens of police cars and ambulances passed from far to near Wang Jiaojiao's ears, she felt like she was falling into a dream.

Very untrue.

Countless images of memory emerged from her mind.

For Wang Jiaojiao, this year should be a very happy and happy year.

First, she was accepted by the University of Jiangnan with excellent grades. Then she got her long-awaited driver's license and finally was able to drive her 18 years old birthday gift from her parents.

A Ferrari convertible sports car!

Driving this fiery red sports car galloping under the blue sky and white clouds has become the biggest hobby of Wang Jiaojiao's summer vacation. She enjoys the excitement brought by power and speed.

However, this hobby has become her biggest nightmare today. Obviously the road condition was very good and her control was no problem. This sports car worth millions of dollars suddenly ran out of control and hit the railing on the side of the road!

Wang Jiaojiao thought that she was going to die. She could even see the god of death showing a sloppy smile to herself, but she couldn't resist and couldn't escape, she could only lie in the pool of blood and slowly lose her vitality.

That pain and despair cannot be described in words.

But just as she was about to fall into the bottomless Abyss, a voice suddenly sounded: "Wake up, don't fall asleep."

The voice seemed to have magic power, which instantly woke her up.

eyes opened, Wang Jiaojiao met someone, a man wearing a helmet and sunglasses.

Deja vu.

What happened next was not clear to her. She only felt that something was detached from her body. Immediately the chest area was extremely warm, and she was injected into the body to help her dispel pain and despair.

Instinct tells her that she can survive.

Wang Jiaojiao worked very hard to see the man who brought her back to the world, but unfortunately she only saw a tall silhouette turning away.

Then everything around became extremely noisy and noisy. Someone seemed to help her to unfasten her seat belt, some asked her what, some hung her infusion, and someone carried her to the ambulance.

Too tired, she fell asleep.

Waking up again, Wang Jiaojiao's consciousness was much clearer, and then she saw two familiar faces.

"Father, Mother."

Wang Jiaojiao shouted out subconsciously, but felt extremely guilty.

But this guilty conscience immediately turned into strong grievances, and tears burst out: "I thought I would never see you again."

Seeing daughter wake up, Wang Yongqiang's expression changed from worry to anger, and then turned into pity and love.

He couldn't help complaining: "You child, do you know how much you worry us?"

When receiving a phone call from the police earlier, Wang Yongqiang really felt like the sky was falling, and took his wife to the hospital as quickly as possible.

On the way he regretted why he gave a sports car to daughter, and his birthday gift turned into a terrible gift!

"do not talk."

Zhang Hui shook her husband's hand and said, "Jiaojiao is fine, don't scold her."

She stroked daughter's pale face lovingly and asked, "Jiaojiao, what the hell is going on, the police told us that your car had crashed and a lot of blood was bleeding."

Speaking, she couldn't hold back her tears: "I and your dad …"

"Mom, I'm fine, it's really fine!"

It was so sad to see the Mother who loves herself most often. Wang Jiaojiao suddenly had more strength in his body, and said quickly: "You see that I'm fine now, there is really nothing at all!"

Is it all right?

Suddenly Wang Jiaojiao felt something was wrong. She couldn't help but reach out and touch her chest.

There was no wound and no pain, except that he had changed to a clean hospital uniform.

As if in memory, the horror picture she was pierced by the railing was just an illusion.