Paladin Dad Chapter 24

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave floats in the air, and Bao'er stands on the ground.

Big eyes staring at small eyes.

Although Bao'er's eyes are large, Wuyu is bright and pure, and his eyes are full of surprise and wonder.

But compared to Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, she is a small eye.

The two "people" stared at each other for a long time, before Bao'er hesitantly asked, "Father, is this our Housekeeper?"


Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "It can help us wash clothes, heat meals, and clean up. If there are mosquitoes, flies and ants in the house, it can help us get out."

Bao'er's eyes widened even more: "Will it be hard?"

Doing so much work must be tiring, right?

She couldn't help thinking of Aunt Qing. Every time Aunt Qing cleaned the house, she shouted exhausted, so hard.

"Will not."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "It's hard-working, these are the jobs it likes."

Bao'er couldn't believe it: "Really?"

Zuo Yi affirmed: "Really."

Of course he didn't lie, because for a Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, the hard work is the life.

Bao'er asked, "What's its name?"

"first name?"

This question made Zuo Yi scratch his head: "It doesn't have a name."

As a low-level Law of Creation, Giant Spirit Shaman Slave usually only has a number but no name. Whether it is Wizard or Knight, it is directly called with spiritual thoughts, and it does not need a name at all.

Bao'er wondered, "Why?"

Zuo Yi had a hard time explaining, "Uh, then you give it a name."


Bao'er thought about it and said, "Call it A'Gu."


Zuo Yi asked, "Which drum?"

"A'Gu, a ten above, a mouth ancient."

Bao'er looked at Zuo Yi with the eyes of "father you are stupid," and raised his little finger to teach him to write "Gu": "This is the ancient!"

Zuo Yi bowed his head to the boss again: "Father knows, call it A'Gu."

But Zuo Yi found a question: "Baby, have you learned to recognize and write?"


Bao'er was definitely nodded: "I was taught by Aunt Qing, I can now know, one hundred, two hundred …"

She pinched her fingers and counted: "Four hundred, five hundred, I know more than five hundred words!"

A slap is just right.


Zuo Yi sighed: "I know so many words now, you are much better than Father when you were a kid."

He didn't recognize so many words when he was four.

Bao'er raised his face proudly.

Zuo Yi couldn't help but touch her little face and said, "Why did you name it A'Gu?"

Bao'er carefully explained: "Because A'Gu is a lot like Deity Gu in the Chenchen Adventures Record book. "

That's it …

In fact, Zuo Yi has never read the book Chenchen Adventures Record. He looked up and said to Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, "From now on, your name will be A'Gu."

Zuo Yi pointed at Bao'er: "She is your Little Master. You have to obey her orders just as you obey me!"

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave accepted his new name, and the new Little Master, without complaint.

It bowed to Bao'er and saluted, "Dear Little Master, A'Gu will always be your most faithful servant!"

Facing the respect of Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, Bao'er was a little overwhelmed. She grabbed Zuo Yi's corner and asked quietly, "Father, am I going to shake hands with it?"

Based on the "common sense" she learned from television and books, it seemed appropriate at this time to use handshake to show kindness and friendliness.

Although the object of the handshake is strange.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Yes."

Bao'er bravely reached out to Giant Spirit Shaman Slave: "Hello, A'Gu."

Based on the intelligence of Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, it is difficult to correctly understand the meaning of Bao'er's action, even if it is broken into a spiritual seed containing Earth's common sense by Zuo Yi.

But at this time Zuo Yi, a humanoid cheater, was nearby, so I saw Giant Spirit Shaman Slave immediately lowered his height, bowed and bent, and stretched out his bulging hands.

Shake with Bao'er's little hand: "Hello, beautiful and lovely Little Master!"

It must be pointed out that the words "beautiful and lovely" come from the spiritual instructions of Zuo Yi, because the gimmick of Giant Spirit Shaman Slave will only say Respected Master and respected Little Master.

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave belongs to Half-Soul, between the entity and Spirit Physique, so Bao'er feels like his little hand is wrapped in a ball of warm, elastic cotton, and then shakes up and down passively.

She couldn't help but "ge ge" laughed-it was so funny.

Zuo Yi touched her head and said, "Now that you already know A'Gu, then Father will introduce you a friend, do you think so?"


Bao'er agreed in one sip, looking forward to it.

Zuo Yi said, "This friend is the monster you just discovered. It looks ugly, but you shouldn't be afraid, because it protects us and gives us care. It will never hurt us."

Bao'er hesitated, still nodded-she believed in father.

Bao'er got his thoughts ready. Zuo Yi turned around and pinched his lips and whistleed outside the door. A few seconds later, he heard the flapping wings of the flapping wings, and the gray-colored Gargoyle dropping from the sky fell stunned at the door of the living room !!


Bao'er whispered softly and immediately hid behind Zuo Yi.

Quite different from the slick and rounded Giant Spirit Shaman Slave, Gargoyle is undoubtedly the common monster in that nightmare. If Zuo Yi had specifically reminded her, she must be scared.

The most important thing is that Zuo Yi gave her the greatest sense of security, so despite being a little scared, the little girl cautiously protruded half of her head, and secretly rubbed Gargoyle.

Zuo Yi didn't let Gargoyle approach. In fact, he had passed the highest level of instructions to Gargoyle, and included Bao'er in the Guardian sequence, allowing Bao'er to command the Law of Creation at will.

Gargoyle's battle strength and wisdom threw away Giant Spirit Shaman Slave.

"Baby …"

Zuo Yi suggested: "You gave A'Gu a name, and give it a name too."

Bao'er retracted his head and whispered, "Call it A'Guai."


Zuo Yi couldn't help laughing, and sent a command to Gargoyle with his mental thoughts: From now on, you'll be named A'Guai!


Gargoyle bowed his head, and immediately opened his wings and flew up into the air, returning to his canopy nest between his breath.

In this world that looks beautiful, ugly, it can only come out and beat soy sauce, so as not to scare Huahua hastily.

After Gargoyle left, Zuo Yi clearly felt Bao'er sighed in relief.

He said, "It's okay, A'Guai is back."


Bao'er was no longer scared, and asked, "Father, you said that A'Guai was for us as a housekeeper. Isn't it just like a dog, a dog is also a housekeeper."


Zuo Yi said: "A'Guai is smarter than dogs, it can catch all thieves, very difficult to deal with!"

Bao'er thought about it and said, "I still like dogs."

(At this moment Gargoyle is crying and fainting in the canopy)

"Do you like dogs?"

Zuo Yi had an idea and quickly said, "Will Father give you a dog?"


Bao'er was surprised: "Really?"

"of course it's true!"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Give you it now!"

If you are a friend or a small partner, whether it's A'Guai or A'Gu, obviously it's not suitable for Bao'er.

The reason is obvious, but A'Guai is too fierce, A'Gu is too stupid, and it is still Half-Soul.

It was Bao'er who reminded Zuo Yi himself!

The next moment, a giant egg appeared silently on the palm of Zuo Yi.

This giant egg is a perfect oval with a length of one foot and a height of half a foot. It is as white as jade.

But it only took a few seconds for Zuo Yi to appear. Numerous slender red lines appeared on the surface, densely packed and interwoven into a piece, forming countless complex runes!

Dong! dong! dong!

It sounded like a drum of war, low and majestic, and then came from the egg within the body.

Although already a little accustomed to the endless magical methods of Zuo Yi, Bao'er couldn't help asking: "Father, are you a Doraemon?"

Create something from nothing again and again to "change" things out, little girl seriously doubts that her father is dressed as Tinker Bell!

Doraemon Zuo Yi hehehe: "This issue, I will tell you later."
