Paladin Dad Chapter 29

Goo Goo ~

Sun Qiang drank the milk in the cup cleanly.

He lowered the empty glass, reached for a napkin and wiped his mouth indiscriminately, then shouted into the kitchen: "Mom, I'm going to Martial Arts Hall!"

After talking about Sun Qiang, he picked up the backpack resting on the chair and ran towards the door.

"and many more!"

Qiang Mom moved out of the kitchen and yelled, "What are you so anxious to do, take the lunch box first."

Sun Qiang looked back at his mother's hand, the three-layer super-thick bento boxes stacked on top of each other, and said bitterly, "Mom, I came back for lunch at noon."

"It's all snacks."

Qiang Mom said distressedly: "Look that you have lost weight recently, and only eat this little for breakfast. It is very important to exercise, but you must also supplement your nutrition, and you will have the strength to lose weight when you are full!"

That makes sense.

Mother, should it be mother?

Sun Qiang touched his fat and chubby face, and then touched his round belly that had just been filled with five meat packs, two fritters, two fried eggs, and a large glass of milk. He seriously doubted whether he was charging for Mother Free gifts.

Qiang Mom indiscriminately stuffed the bento box into Student Little Qiang's hand, and pats his head with a large fan-like hand, revealing the unique loving smile of the old mother: "Go, be good, be careful on the road."


Sun Qiang shrank his head and obediently left the house with the bento box.

Out of the neighborhood, he walked to a subway station other than several hundred meters and was going to take the subway to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

"Little fatty!"

"Fatty Sun in front, stop me now!"

Sun Qiang had just taken a hundred steps, and suddenly a shout came from behind him.

He looked back subconsciously, and saw four or five teenagers in strange costumes chasing him along the sidewalk.

Among them, the front one ran, and scolded innocently: "little bastard, the Young Master finally caught you today!"

Sun Qiang suddenly turned pale with fright.

Because the other party was a high school student next door to his school, and the popular delinquent, Sun Qiang had not been blackmailed or beaten by them when he was in school.

The reason why he went to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall to learn sword was mainly to learn the ability to defend himself, so as not to be bullied.

These delinquents are the culprits!

Sun Qiang absolutely did not expect that they actually ran to the front door of their house to squat, and did not know who told them their address.


Sun Qiang couldn't think of who the leaker was. He turned his head and ran, spreading his energy to spread his legs.

Otherwise, if they are caught, the pocket money in the pocket can't be kept, and there will be lessons learned!

When I saw Sun Qiang, I dared to run away. Several delinquents were furious. The leading one scolded: "Dare to run, your kid is dead, wait a moment to let you know why the flowers are so red!"

One of his companions said with confidence: "If dead fatty can't run, he's fat, fuck!"

Before they surrounded Sun Qiang, Sun Qiang also ran, but often they could not run beyond a hundred meters, and they were easily overtaken by them.

Want to come today is no exception.

However, to everyone's surprise, several delinquents chased Sun Qiang's ass and chased out two hundred meters fast. The little fatty in front didn't slow down. It seemed to be running like chicken blood.

It's a hell!

In fact, Sun Qiang was wondering.

Resting in the past, running such a "distant" distance at the fastest speed, he should have collapsed to the ground with breath panting, but now he is still breathing hard, but there is still room to continue .

Run faster, run farther!

Sun Qiang rushed to the intersection, turn left in front of the subway entrance, then he must be safe.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

Seeing that the cooked duck was about to fly, the delinquents were so angry that they couldn't help it.

"go to hell!"

Sun Qiang, who had just ran to the intersection, suddenly felt the wind in his head. He instinctively tried to dodge but was too late. He was hit by something in the back of his head, and suddenly Venus was dizzy!

He stumbled, but did not fall to the ground, turned and moved towards the left to continue running.

Finally successfully removed the delinquents behind him.

When Sun Qiang got on the subway, he discovered that his back of the brain had been smashed out of a big bag, which was very swollen and painful.

However, he kept his pocket money and his dignity!

At this moment, Sun Qiang could not help thinking of Zuo Yi.

Sun Qiang knows very well that if there were no action moves taught by Tianhong Martial Arts's Instructor to allow him to keep practicing and improve his physical fitness, then he must be hard to avoid calamity today!

But this is not enough.



Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, when Shang Yulin saw Bao'er who was brought in by Zuo Yi, he couldn't help but utter a whisper of surprise.

What a lovely little person!

Zuo Yi introduced: "Senior Sister, this is my daughter."

He said to Bao'er again, "Bao'er, this is Shang Yulin Aunt Shang."

Bao'er greeted politely, "Good morning, Aunt Shang."

"Hello there."

Shang Yulin squatted down, staring at the stars, holding Bao'er's little hand and asking, "What's your name, how old is this year?"

"My name is Bao'er, Bao of Baby, Er of Child."

"I'm four years old," Bao'er explained seriously.

"Four years old."

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "You, ah!"

She was taken aback by a dog's head that suddenly came out of Bao'er's backpack!

Tyke: woof woof!

No surprise, no surprise?


Bao'er quickly criticized: "No mischief."

She apologized to Shang Yulin again: "Aunt, this is Tyke, it's a bit naughty, but it won't bite."

(Sadya Abyss Portal's Watcher smiles old mother)

Shang Yulin reacted, said with a smile: "Well, I know."

She stood up and said to Zuo Yi, "You are lucky!"

With such a beautiful and lovely daughter, the last life must have saved the World!

Zuo Yi shrugged. "I think so."

He is certainly lucky.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Bao'er took a look at Zuo Yi and then looked at Shang Yulin.

She shook Zuo Yi's hand and looked up and asked, "Father, can I play with A'Ty?"

"Of course."

Zuo Yi pointed to the Sword Room on the right and said, "Go to that room and don't run around."

"Know it!"

Bao'er happily carried Tyke on his back and ran to the Sword Room.

Looking at Bao'er's lively silhouette, Shang Yulin exclaimed, "I didn't expect your daughter to be so big."

Zuo Yi said, "I didn't expect it."

Shang Yulin couldn't help asking: "What about her mother?"

Zuo Yi said with a bitter smile: "I don't know either. I only knew a daughter a few days ago and just picked it up yesterday."

Shang Yulin glanced at him suspiciously.

Zuo Yi's answer sounded a little weird, but instead of asking why, she said, "After that, you can bring her here every day. Let this be her home."

Feeling ambiguous, Shang Yulin's pretty face became red and quickly added: "I like her very much."

Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "Thank you."

"you are welcome…"

Shang Yulin waved his hands weakly, then lowered his face and said to the trainees on the sidelines, "What are you doing here, hurry up and practice!"

The students who watched the excitement suddenly disappeared.


At this time, the door of Martial Arts Hall was pushed open, and Sun Qiang with a bento in his hand ran to Zuo Yi in front of him, struggling to raise his chest and said, "Teach, Instructor, I want to learn fights! "


There was a shudder on his head.

"Learn to fight?"

Zuo Yi 嗤 said with a smile: "You want to run before you even learn to walk? Who do you want to fight with?"

Sun Qiang suddenly felt like a discouraged ball, his head dropped to his chest, stammering said, "I, I …"

Zuo Yi's eyes flickered, and he noticed that his back was swollen!

It seems that this guy wants to learn to fight for a reason.

With a little thought, Zuo Yi said to him, "Come in."

He rushed to Shang Yulin nodded, and then brought little fatty to the Sword Room.
