Paladin Dad Chapter 35

ao ~

It was as if the prisoner had escaped the cage and Tyke, who had just been freed from his narrow backpack, howled freely.

It has a milky tone in the slenderness, and instead of being a bit of mighty domineering, it looks super cute.

Passing by a little elder sister holding Husky was sprung up, turned to stare at Tyke, his eyes stared at the stars.

Wow, so cute puppy, I really want it!

However, the little elder sister not at all pays attention to the look at her pet …

It's so difficult to say.

When Tyke howled, all the pets in the entire pet management office, whether dogs or cats, or other pets, all had no sound.

They showed extremely terrified expressions. Husky Samoyed Alaska Malamute Chow Chow Teddy Dog Chihuahua, no matter what kind of dog collapsed or lay on the ground, many even scared out on the spot.

The cats only blew their hairs, or escaped the fetters, or desperately drilled into the arms of the Master. The claws fluttered and caught anything.

And this sudden situation has made everyone aggressive, and the management office is like a world of doomsday!

Fortunately, Tyke only yawned for a few seconds before boring yawning and curling up into Bao'er's arms.

Slag, all of it is slag, meaning nothing!

Magic Beast has a gas field. The more powerful the Magic Beast gas field is, the wider the coverage area is, and the stronger the deterrent effect on other Magic Beasts.

The breath of the top Magic Beast can even cover the entire forest, making it an exclusive territory that cannot be violated.

Although Tyke now looks like a small milk dog, it has the Legendary Bloodline of Abyss Cerberus, not to mention any ordinary any cat any dog, even scared witless backsliding.

Speaking of which Tyke is also merciless. If it is fully open, it can scare away all pets here.

But those masters of any cat any dog ​​who were scared of urine were panicked.

"A'Huang!" "Little Ha!" "Huahua!" "Fatball!" …

All kinds of screams came and went, and immediately turned the management office into a vegetable market, and there was a scene of chaos and chaos everywhere!

Bao'er held Tyke around and looked around unknownly. He didn't know that the goods in his arms were the culprit.

But Zuo Yi is clear.

He returned with the form he had just received, and slapped it on Tyke's head.

Tyke shrank his head, wu wu wu, shuddering under the power of Great Demon King.

Bao'er was surprised and distressed: "father?"

She pursed her mouth to express her dissatisfaction-A'Ty is so good, why should she hit it?

Zuo Yi rubbed the little girl's head and explained: "Tyke is too naughty, it just did bad things, so I want to punish it, let it remember that it can't be random, you understand?"

Magic Beast has its own wildness, and the pups are no exception, so you must conduct reasonable training, otherwise High Level Extraordinary Magic Beast like Tyke is too easy to cause trouble.

Bao'er was nodded.

A'Ty just did something bad?

She understood a bit, and frowned and said to Tyke, "A'Ty, how can you do bad things? If you do bad things again, then I, then I will not be good to you!"

Tyke "咿咿 咿 en en en" sobbed, his eyes woof woof looked pitiful.

It made Bao'er's hardened heart soft again, and it was difficult to look towards Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It's all right, it already knows it's wrong."

In fact, Tyke's trouble was not great. The chaos in the management office was quickly subsided. Some staff members came out to maintain the order, and the cleaner Aunt cleaned the ground with a mop.

On the contrary, Order is quieter.

Zuo Yi filled out the form and handed it in, paid the registration fee, and took Bao'er to give Tyke a vaccination shot.

Vaccination of pets is a necessary process for licensing. Although any virus is not effective for Magic Beast like Tyke, Zuo Yi still has to do it according to regulations.

"Elder sister …"

Sitting with Tyke in front of the pet nurse, Bao'er cautiously asked, "Does the injection hurt?"

Miss Nurse pouting said with a smile: "You definitely don't hurt."

She saw Bao'er so cute and couldn't help teasing Bao'er for a joke.

Bao'er touched Tyke's head and said, "I'm afraid A'Ty hurts."

The injection is terrifying. She has also been injected before. It hurts!


Miss Nurse said with a smile: "Soon, will you let father hold it, uh, A'Ty?"

Bao'er bravely shook the head.

Miss Nurse didn't insist, let her hold Tyke, took the syringe and pierced Tyke's neck.

Although she hasn't worked in the management office for a long time, she has extremely rich experience in giving pets injections, which can be done in a few seconds.

But this time she missed.

The needle penetrated Tyke's neck skin, and not only did not penetrate it, the needle tube was actually bent!

It was like a tenacious incomparable rubber.

Miss Nurse retracted her hand erratically.

Tyke, obediently lying in Bao'er's arms, turned her head, glanced at her in confusion, and turned back without any care.

Miss Nurse didn't give up, and tried again.

This time, she deliberately increased her strength, and as a result, the needle tube was bent even harder, and she couldn't get in!

what happened?

Miss Nurse stunned.

She gave many big, thick-skinned dogs injections, all of which went smoothly.

Is there a problem with the needle?

She quickly changed a needle, and then pierced a third time.

Still failed!

This time Bao'er looked at her with doubtful eyes.

Miss Nurse wants to cry without tears.

"cough cough !"

Zuo Yi, who was sitting aside, coughed and said, "Let me come, this guy's skin is a little thick."

More than a little thick, impervious to sword or spear neither water nor fire can approach

Miss Nurse hesitated: "Will you fight?"

Zuo Yi said: "No problem, you can rest assured."

Anyway, instead of giving people an injection, Miss Nurse who failed three times still passed the syringe to Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi held Tyke's back of the neck and pierced with a single needle, and easily completed the injection.

Tyke, who was injected with the injection, was a little upset, but there was no room for resistance under his Suppression.

Only Zuo Yi can handle this product.

Just let Miss Nurse look a little skeptical of life.

After stamping the three vaccines and stamping them, Zuo Yi took the form and went to the window to get a license.

Bao'er was so distressed that Tyke took three shots and whispered, "A'Ty, do you hurt?"

Tyke took the opportunity to coquettishly complain, then successfully tricked Bao'er into a bunch of promises.

Like going home and having it steak.

Here Zuo Yi got the dog ID and dog tag and left Bao'er with the pet management office.

Out of the management office, there are many pet shops in the street in front, selling various pets and dog food and cat food.

Pets are very popular in the big cities now. Many people in the city are emotionally lonely and empty, so they put their spirits on pets and make the pet industry a big business.

Zuo Yi chose a pet store that looked quite large.

He said to Bao'er, "Come and choose."

Bao'er wants to buy a kennel for Tyke, because dogs on books still have their own kennels on TV.

So Tyke should also have one.

There are many dog ​​kennels in pet stores. The large and small variety makes Bao'er almost blindfolded.

She asked Tyke for advice: "A'Ty, which one do you like?"

Tyke who was put down really did pick one, and jumped to the top and lay down.

Let Zuo Yi look like a black line-this product directly selected the highest grade!

But he let Bao'er choose, and Bao'er let Tyke choose, and now that Tyke has chosen, he can't break his promise and only pay for it.

Then I bought another capsule.

This is a backpack for cats and dogs. Although it can not be used to transport pets and other subway systems such as subways, it can be brought into shopping malls, restaurants and other places, and it is very convenient to carry.

Mainly stronger than the small backpack that Bao'er currently uses.

The pet store clerk also tried to sell things like dog food, dog rope collars, dog toys, etc. to Zuo Yi.

But Zuo Yi refused.

Even so, when Zuo Yi took Bao'er out of the store, there was almost no balance left in his account!
