Paladin Dad Chapter 47

West Creek Underground Market, first floor.

Zuo Yi took Bao'er to the market management office.

There are many people in the management office. He consulted a service staff and quickly understood the process of renting a booth.

The process is actually very simple. There are more than a dozen self-service kiosks in the lobby. Select the corresponding service on the touch screen, insert the Bronze Card and the ID card in sequence according to the above prompts, and then the schematic diagram of the temporary booth in the market is immediately displayed.

Just like buying movie tickets online, you can see the booths that have been rented out and available.

Interestingly, the rent prices of these stalls are different, ranging from 20-100 yuan / hour. The stalls with high rents are definitely better located and fully comply with the rules of marketization.

Probably Zuo Yi came a little late. There are not many empty booths above. Zuo Yi picked a 50 yuan / hour booth and chose to rent it for 4 hours.

Not that he was reluctant to pay more booth fees, but that the better space had been rented out.

When the selection is over, system immediately pops up a payment QR-Code.

Zuo Yi scanned the code with his mobile phone and paid 200 yuan of rent.

He secretly sighed that this West Creek Underground Market is really a daily gold bucket, not to mention those fixed shops, there are so many temporary stalls, and the daily rents received are quite amazing.

After the payment is completed, a reminder related to the transaction rules is displayed on the self-service machine.

The people who have used it will definitely ignore the past, but Zuo Yi is here for the first time, so I will read the rules prompts completely, and it won't take much time anyway.

As he flipped through the rules, Zuo Yi couldn't help but compare Earth with Sadya World.

Earth is the true main world of Zuo Yi, his hometown and roots, but his power was obtained in Sadya World and he lived longer in Sadya.

Although Earth belongs to the low latitude plane, it is far weaker than the High Dimension Sadya World at the level of law, but for ordinary people, Earth is much better than Sadya in many aspects.

This is the great charm of Technology civilization!

The Wizards in Sadya World also have the ability to make something like a self-service machine, but to build a complete industrial system to benefit the common people, that is what they can't do and are unwilling to do.

Sadya's class solidification phenomenon is too powerful. The highest authority of those empires and kingdoms will always be occupied by the powerful Wizard or Knight family. The upper society composed of Transcendents and the lower civilians are deeply divided. Ordinary civilians unless there is an outstanding innate talent or luck, otherwise it will be difficult to cross this divide.

It's just that Sadya's Wizard and Knight use the plane conquest to increase the dimension of the main world, and also maintain the social order of the main world through the plundering of planes. A few missing items from the upper layer can feed many people in the lower layer. Already.

However, Zuo Yi did not like Sadya's social atmosphere. The Wizards and Knights in the upper level were rigid and the civilians in the lower level were numb and foolish, so that Zuo Yi in them often felt suffocated, so he frequently participated in the war on the surface.

Only in constant battle can Zuo Yi find the meaning of life.

Now he is fortunate enough to return to the World that truly belongs to him, only to deeply appreciate the beauty of Earth.

Especially in this world, he also has a cute and lovely Qianjin Baby!

Gently tapped on the "Reading End" button on the display interface, Zuo Yi looked down at the little girl, and a faint smile came to the lips.

It's really wonderful!

At this moment, his soul and will was touched silently.

That was a message that passed through the meditation.

Zuo Yi immediately understood that the "God-Killing Thorn" that he generously gave to Guan Zhishang in the morning came into effect.

He smiled a little more.

"God-Killing Thorn" is a skill created by Sadya's Big Wizards specifically to kill God.

Sadya World does not have a God Belief. According to Wizards, the so-called God is just the most powerful Transcendent, which has some special capabilities.

However, in the conquest of the plane, Wizard and Knight often encountered the resistance and resistance of God in the conquered plane, so they developed the "God-Killing Thorn" for these powerful "indigenous".

Since many Gods are immune to Battle Qi and Magic attacks, "God-Killing Thorn" is neither a combat skill nor a spell, but a mental skill, relying on Wizard and Knight's Mental Power to perform.

"God-Killing Thorn" ignores physics and Magic's defense, and can directly attack God's Divine Soul core, destroy Divine Fire and let it fall completely or fall into sleep.

Generally speaking, facing the "God-Killing Thorn" attack, only the Mental Barrier can be countered.

However, the most powerful part of this skill is the ability to combine the Mental Power of multiple Transcendents and use special arrays to expand the power of enhanced skills.

No matter how powerful God is, even if k has a sturdy Mental Barrier, he cannot withstand the siege of the Legion, a plane composed of hundreds of Wizards and Knights!

Zuo Yi has participated in the "God-Killing Battle" many times, and of course he has mastered the "God-Killing Thorn" skills.

"God-Killing Thorn" is not only effective for God, it is also no problem to deal with Wizard or Knight, so Wizards and Knights often have to cultivate mastery of mental defense skills, so as not to encounter the sudden Spirit Thorn kill.

After killing the wild boar and Clown last night, Zuo Yi put the main messenger behind the scenes on the list of kills.

Zuo Yi was not an indecisive and muddy Holy Mother. He went directly to Guan Zhishang in the morning and sent the other party a "God-Killing Thorn" across the glass window.

Guan Zhishang should feel very honored, this little miscellaneous fish actually enjoyed the treatment of BOSS.

You need to know that even the "God-Killing Thorn", which has been weakened thousands of times, is not something that ordinary ordinary people are fortunate to experience.

This Spiritual Attack was lurking in his head, which was the root cause of his restlessness all afternoon.

When Guan Zhishang's mood changed drastically and the blood flow in the brain accelerated, the time bomb exploded and eventually killed his dog.

And no one wants to find out the real cause of his death.

At this moment, Zuo Yi felt that "God-Killing Thorn" was excited, and knew that Guan Zhishang was undoubtedly dead.

Eliminated one faction enemy, Zuo Yi also received some Power of Faith feedback.

Although the number is very small, he is not disgusting-even if a little, it's still better than nothing!

"Baby …"

Zuo Yi took Bao'er's hand, said with a smile: "Let's go."


The little girl couldn't wait to ask, "father, shall we go to the stall now?"

"Not in a hurry."

Zuo Yi said, "Let's go around first. If you see something you like, then father will buy it for you."

Within four hours, the temporary booth belonged to Zuo Yi. He planned to spend an hour to understand the situation in the market.

By the way, take Bao'er for a walk.

Bao'er eyes shined: "Thank you father!"

There seem to be a lot of fun things here!

She pulled the leash, said with a smile: "A'Ty, let's go shopping!"

Tyke: woof!

So Bao'er took Tyke in front, Zuo Yi followed her, chose a direction where there were not many people, and wandered among the first floor of the West Creek Underground Market.

This trading market is huge, and there are many shops. The products on sale are countless. What antique calligraphy, painting, calligraphy and bracelets, jewellery, amber and wax, ginseng velvet and rare medicinal ingredients are dazzling.

In addition, bookstores, food stores, clothing stores, etc. are all available. Zuo Yi even found a Teahouse with a storyteller in it. The business is particularly good and full of market atmosphere.

It does n't feel like Underground Market, but a bustling city without high-rise buildings!

In addition, there are a lot of Weapon Shops here. They sell various swords and fighting equipment. Zuo Yi took Bao'er to find a few of them to go in and turn around. He had more accurate Inch of Gold blades Valuation.

Some Sword Shops provide recycling services, but Zuo Yi not at all took out Inch of Gold Sword.

The market is too big, and one hour is obviously inexhaustible. Zuo Yi took a look at the time and decided to take Bao'er to the temporary booth area to find his own rented booth.

As a result, Bao'er stopped at a pet shop.
