Paladin Dad Chapter 73

ding dang ding dang ~

The cell phone tucked in his pants pocket suddenly rang.

Zuo Yi looked into the rearview mirror, reduced the speed of the motorcycle, and landed firmly on the side of the road.

He pulled out his still-sounding phone from his pocket and connected: "Hey?"

"Zuo Yi …"

Shang Yulin's voice came from the earpiece: "Where are you now?"

"I'm on my way now."

Zuo Yi replied, "It's almost time to get to Martial Arts Hall, is there anything wrong?"


Shang Yulin said, "I'm waiting for you."

Zuo Yi ended the call in doubt, but didn't care, and drove Harley on the road.

Arriving at the Blessed Peace Building at the same time as usual, he parked his motorcycle and hugged Bao'er, and then took the elevator to the fourth floor where Tianhong Martial Arts Hall is located.

As a result, the elevator door just opened and Zuo Yi was shocked by the sight.

The front of the Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was full of people, and the front desk was surrounded by leaks. Little Yuan, who was sitting there, looked like a scorching one. Fortunately, there was Zhang Dahai next to him with several students to maintain the order. Smashed out!

At least there were people in their forties and fifties who were noisy about to sign up. Zuo Yi also heard his name.

What happened? Zuo Yi was surprised.

You should know that during the time he came to Tianhong, Martial Arts Hall's business was deserted, but Shang Yulin advertised and barely recruited a few new students. It was not far from the collapse.

I do n't know where I came from today, so many people are rushing to register!

"Master Zuo is here!"

Suddenly someone yelled, but found Zuo Yi who had just stepped out of the elevator.

Dozens of people turned around in unison, the air was suddenly quiet, and everyone's eyes focused on Zuo Yi.

Most of them are youngsters around XNUMX years old, and there are also teenagers.

The little girl was a little scared and timidly hid behind Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi couldn't help frowned.

But before Zuo Yi started to speak, the crowd was uproaring!

"Teacher Zuo!"

"Really Teacher Zuo!"

"Teacher Zuo, I want to learn fighting with you!"

"Teacher Zuo, please accept my disciple!"

"Master Zuo …"

Many people surrounded him with excitement, screaming with excitement, making the scene chaotic.

"be quiet!"

Zuo Yi shouted loudly.

In order to stabilize the situation, he had to release a hint of coercion.

All were immediately deterred, but instead of being afraid, they showed an expression of worship.

Zuo Yi said: "If you want to register, just queue up, and those who do not follow the order please leave yourself."

These people came to Martial Arts Hall to sign up, and apparently came by him. Although Zuo Yi is not very clear about the cause and effect at this moment, there is no reason to keep them out.

Zuo Yi's tone barely fell, and they immediately formed a long line at the front desk by themselves, looking very obedient.

"Zuo Yi."

Just then, Shang Yulin appeared at the door.

Zuo Yi led Bao'er to the past and asked, "Senior Sister, what's going on?"

Shang Yulin glanced at the crowd waiting to sign up. She greatly sighed in relief and said, "Come in and talk."

Zuo Yi asked Bao'er to go to Sword Room first, and she and Shang Yulin came to her office.

dīng líng líng ~

As soon as they sat down, the fixed telephone set on the desk rang.

Shang Yulin reached up to pick up the microphone but didn't pick it up. She put it back and hung up. She said with a bitter smile: "I came to the morning now, and the phone and mobile phone haven't stopped. I just turned off the phone."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Are we a business fire?"

"It's you!"

Shang Yulin explained: "Yesterday your kicking hall video was clicked more than 2 million and it has been reposted in large numbers. Now the entire Hangzhou Martial Arts circle knows that we are Tianhong there is a person Martial Arts. Many people call to ask . "

"Those outside …"

She pointed out the door: "I watched the video and came to you to learn from the teacher!"

Zuo Yi was shocked.

Having spent that many years at Sadya World, and just returned to Earth, many of his thoughts have not immediately turned back.

Although Earth is a low-latitude world, Technology is extremely developed, especially the transmission of information is astonishing, even ten thousand li across the globe.

The time of the Internet, the distance between people has become closer than ever.

In contrast, High Dimension Sadya does not have such a communication system that benefits the general public. Although Wizards possesses cross-plane communication technology, it is impossible to serve ordinary people.

Zuo Yi punched Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall yesterday. Afternoon video was uploaded to the Internet, and after one night's spread and fermentation, he no longer had an unknown name, and became a new and exciting Martial Arts!

And Zuo Yi's identity was revealed on the Internet at the same time. Today, so many people who came to ask for a teacher are actually normal.

Martial Arts is at the very top of the Martial Arts circle!

Naturally, Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, where Zuo Yi works, has also become famous. Although there are only two or three kittens except Zuo Yi, they do not hinder the enthusiasm of these people at all.

"Uncle Uncle in the circle just called me …"

Shang Yulin's expression was bitter: "I had a good relationship when I was alive. After I died, they never came here again, and no one cares about me and mother."

The relationship is cold and warm, and Shang He has been rooted in Hangzhou for decades as a foreigner, and has never really integrated here.

Shang Yulin's feelings in the past six months are particularly profound.

"Don't say this."

Shang Yulin smiled again and asked, "So many applicants are coming now. What do you say?"

These people are all running for Zuo Yi. Of course, she has to ask Zuo Yi's opinions, and she must recruit them all indiscriminately.

To be honest, Shang Yulin still feels incredible about the strength that Zuo Yi showed yesterday.

In just four or five years, Zuo Yi's progress has been too great!

In fact, she didn't know at all that Zuo Yi's true strength was not even revealed by one ten thousandth.

"Since it's here, we'll take it."

Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "It's good to be the first trainee in August, but we have to control the number of people, not to exceed the affordability of Martial Arts Hall."

When Zuo Yi got the sword manual that Shang He left to himself last night, some of his ideas changed.

He intends to help Shang Yulin revive Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

Right now is an opportunity.

Zuo Yi used to be the instructor of the Sulo Empire Imperial Family Knight Regiment at Sadya World, responsible for teaching thousands of elite Knights. By comparison, he now has hundreds of weak chickens and novices.

It is just that Tianhong has limited space and equipment, so it cannot open up to recruit people.

"it is good!"

Shang Yulin immediately got up and said, "Then I'll help Little Yuan, she can't handle it alone."

Zuo Yi reminded: "Don't forget to push back the enrollment time a few days, you have to prepare here."

Due to lack of funds and students, many of the equipment and facilities at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall have experienced aging and damage. Some of them can be used for maintenance and some of them must be replaced with new ones.

Now a lot of fresh blood comes in, there must be some new weather!

"I know."

Shang Yulin's smile was so bright that he made an "OK" gesture to him: "Just rest assured!"

Zuo Yi laughed dumbfoundedly-making him look like Tianhong Hall Master now.

Shang Yulin personally went to the front desk to help, and Zuo Yi also left the office to go to Sword Room.

As soon as he came out, he met Zhang Dahai head-on.

The fighting Instructor of Martial Arts Hall apparently guarded Zuo Yi deliberately, and escaped without seeing him as usual.

Zuo Yi asked lightly, "Is there something wrong?"

His impression of Zhang Dahai is not bad or bad, although it is the same sect Junior Brother, he has no closeness.

Zhang Dahai's expression was stiff, and his lips moved a few times, saying, "Instructor Zuo, thank you yesterday."

Yesterday he was defeated by Xiong Wu in the first game. Zuo Yi defeated Xiong Wu, not only preserved the dignity of the Tianhong Martial Arts Hall and two Martial Arts Competition places, but also singlehanded against the Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall.

The strength of Zuo Yi also made Zhang Dahai awe.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You're welcome."
