Paladin Dad Chapter 77

"big brother !"

Zuo Yi and Bao'er had just returned to the temporary booth. The short coat man next to him immediately came over: "You can come back, Director Zhang of the market management office just came to you!"

There was a hint of awe in his eyes.

For a small street vendor such as a short coat man who lives in the West Market, the director of the management office is the "county official" who cannot absolutely offend, and the latter can completely drive him out in one sentence.

Director Zhang came to Zuo Yi in person, what a face!

Zuo Yi asked in confusion: "What is he looking for?"

Zuo Yi doesn't know any Director Zhang at all. He is coming to West Creek Underground Market for the second time.

"Then I dare not ask."

The short coat man quickly said, "But Director Zhang told me. If you come back, let him know. Would you like me to send a message to Director Zhang now?"

Originally, the short coat man could secretly send a message to Director Zhang, but he was very glamorous. Since Zuo Yi is the character that Director Zhang has to come to find himself, it is undoubtedly very flattering.

Moreover, Zuo Yi can be regarded as his nobleman. Last time he made a lot of money, this time he talked to Director Zhang.

Go back and have a blow!

"Being not."

Zuo Yi thought for a while and said, "Let's talk when I'm done."

short coat man repeatedly nodded: "Okay."

This is really awesome. He didn't take Director Zhang at all.

If you change to another stall owner, then you can't immediately go to the management office to see you?

In his heart is a capital "cap"-it is indeed a big brother who has done millions of business!

Zuo Yi didn't care about the idea of ​​the short coat man. He opened the sword box and took out the Illusory Star Sword stored in it.

The short coat man's attention was suddenly attracted to the past, secretly guessing how much Zuo Yi would sell this sword today.

At least 2 million, right?

The last time I sold Inch of Gold Sword back, Zuo Yi deliberately took a moment to make a camphor wooden sword box. The wood used the old materials originally stored in the basement. After processing, he became a container for Illusory Star Sword .

This sword box is special because it can be used as a sword rack after the cover is turned over, which is convenient for displaying swords.

Zuo Yi placed Illusory Star Sword on a wooden stand along with sword scabbard.

He was thinking about whether to let Pippi sip, and a spectacled man cringed and walked over.

It is exactly Zhou Hong just now!

Zuo Yi didn't expect this dare to come up to himself, but it was funny to see his legs trembling.

Since Zuo Yi didn't feel any maliciousness from the other party, he didn't speak and looked at the other party.

See what medicine is sold in his bottle gourd.

"Old, Boss …"

Zhou Hong summoned the courage and asked arduously, "Excuse me, is this sword for sale?"

Zuo Yi nodded: "Yes, do you want to buy?"

Zhou Hong swallowed saliva and said, cautiously asked: "How much?"

Zuo Yi replied: "10 million."

One, one thousand, ten thousand! ?

The short coat man with his ears eavesdropping next to him almost bit his tongue and couldn't believe his ears.

He thought it was an exaggeration to sell 4 million Zuo Yi's two swords last time, and it is likely to break the transaction record of the West Market first floor temporary booth area. Absolutely did not expect to hear more exaggeration today.

10 million !

He was suffocated as he listened, as if there were countless big bills flying in his eyes.

However, to make the short coat man even more surprised, Zhou Hong didn't hesitate to say, "I bought it."

Zuo Yi was not surprised, saying meaningfully, "You made it."

This Illusory Star Sword, regardless of its quality or attributes, can be said to have crushed the Inch of Gold Sword in all directions, and its value is at least ten times higher.

The rune equipment can be divided into four levels: ordinary, superior, outstanding, and legendary. It is one of the highest mythological levels less than Law of Creation. The Inch of Gold Sword transformed by Zuo Yi belongs to the ordinary level of the rune weapon, and engraved two Rune's Illusory Star Sword has reached the superior level.

Rune of Law is not intended to be added. It is very important that the material and forging process of the equipment that carries rune are not equivalent. The result of forced loading will inevitably lead to the destruction of the entire equipment.

So the value of the two is not on the same level at all.

The price of 10 million can be said to be very fair. If it is speculated and auctioned, the price will definitely be much higher.

It's just that Zuo Yi is disdainful to do so.

In fact, if it is not for verifying his ideas, he may not return to West Creek Underground Market.

Zhou Hong rubbed his hands nervously: "Thank you."

He pulled out his mobile phone and scanned the QR-Code of Zuo Yi's receipt, and quickly transferred 1000 million to Zuo Yi's account.

Very happy.

Zuo Yi glanced at the news of the account balance change on his mobile phone, and said with a smile to Zhou Hong: "This is the Illusory Star Sword, and you will receive a sword box."

"Its name is Illusory Star?"

Zhou Hong reached out and touched the word scabbard lightly, his eyes moving with rays of light: "Good sword, good name."

Although he hasn't seen the true face of Illusory Star Sword until now, with the power of "Platinum Pupil", Zhou Hong knows that he definitely hasn't lost money.

Although the Illusory Star Sword's treasure light is far less than Bao'er's small wooden sword, it is also much stronger than most of the objects he had found in the past!

As Zuo Yi said, he made it.

A sense of joy sprang up, and Zhou Hong, who was more daring, asked, "Boss, can I talk to you?"

In fact, this is the true purpose of his courage to face Zuo Yi again!

Illusory Star Sword was an unexpected gain.

Zuo Yi pays his big client a happy face: "Yes, but you have to wait a few minutes."

In fact, the main one is the first Transcendent that Zuo Yi encountered, otherwise Zuo Yi would have no interest in chatting.

He pointed before and said, "You'll be waiting for me in the Teahouse over there."

Zhou Hong nodded: "Okay, I'll wait for you in the Teahouse."

For fear of Zuo Yi's remorse, he immediately put away the Illusory Star Sword, and then hurried to the Teahouse.

Zuo Yi said to the short coat man who was already dumbfounded by the side: "Thank you for sending a message to Director Zhang, and say I'm going to the management office now."

short coat man wake up like a dream: "Okay …"

Zuo Yi took Bao'er's little hand: "Baby, let's go."

"So fast?"

little girl The stool under the buttocks is not yet hot. She is feeding Pippi with popcorn and she is leaving.


Zuo Yi shrugged: "Business is good tonight and it's sold all at once."

Bao'er was pleasantly surprised: "The father made money, can he buy a lot of steaks for A'Ty again?"

She is still very young and has no specific concept of money. She knew that Zuo Yi had to make money to buy steak for A'Ty.

Well, Foodie Ty's crazy love for steak puts a lot of pressure on little girls!

Tyke was so moved by tears woof woof that the little tail moved faster than the electric fan: Bao'er was so good to Wang, so good!

Zuo Yi smiled and reached out and shaved her little nose, and said, "Yeah, buy as much as you want."


Bao'er cheered and touched Tyke's head and said, "A'Ty, are you happy?"

Tyke: woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof!

The parrot crouching on the shoulder of the little girl is almost jealous!

Zuo Yi hehehe: "Let's go."

He took Bao'er to the market management office again and walked directly to the tax management window.

The one in charge of taxation is still the aunt. She recognized Zuo Yi at a glance: "Is it you?"

The aunt's impression of Zuo Yi is too deep. West Market has been open for such a long time. Zuo Yi is the one who has applied for the highest amount of tax.

She joked: "Should you come to pay 4 million income tax again?"

"No …"

Zuo Yi shook the head, said: "This time the declared amount is 10 million, alas, it is 999,800 Yuan."

The two-hundred-dollar booth fee must be deducted as usual.

Aunt's face was terrifying!

But no matter how her heart collapsed, Zuo Yi's tax payment procedure was still completed, which was 99 yuan.

"Thank you for your contribution to the country."

The moment he got the tax payment certificate, Zuo Yi felt the surging feedback from Virtue Faith again!

There seemed to be a sound in his ear.

China State Administration of Taxation reminds you that there are tens of thousands of ways to become stronger, the first tax payment …
