Paladin Dad Chapter 80

In the morning, when Zuo Yi took Bao'er into the Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, he was almost flashed by the reflection from the floor.

Just less than a day apart, the Martial Arts Hall was completely renovated. The two Martial Arts Arenas were scrubbed clean, the floor was obviously just waxed, and the air was a lot fresher.

There are a few more green plants in the corner of the hall all around.

"Am I in the wrong place?"

Zuo Yi smiled and said to Shang Yulin who had just come over, "It's a bit uncomfortable to make it so clean."

Shang Yulin wiped the sweat from his forehead and explained, "The new students are coming in a few days, and we must give everyone a good martial arts environment."

Fortunately, some of the trainees she took were not there, otherwise she would cry and faint in the toilet.

But in the past, there was really no way. The operational status of Martial Arts Hall was very poor. Shang Yulin did not have the funds to repair and clean up the old Martial Arts Hall. The current financial situation is getting better. .

In addition to calling for cleaning and maintenance, she also personally participated in this work, rushing over early in the morning to the present.

Although it's been a bit hard, anyone can see that Shang Yulin's mood is very happy, and his spirit and looks are very good.

Zuo Yi looked deeper.

That drop of Fountain of Life water is continuously working in Shang Yulin within the body. She may not have much feeling herself, but both the external skin appearance and the inner temperament are quietly changing.

Zuo Yi nodded said, "So too."

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "Thank you, otherwise there can be so many new students!"

Yesterday afternoon, Zuo Yi was absent. People who came to Tianhong to apply for admission were still in a constant stream. They all named Wuo Yi to practice with them.

The influence of a Martial Arts is evident.

Actually, I really want to speak of which. Although Zuo Yi has the brilliant record of kicking hall Mountain and Sea, he hasn't got real recognition in Martial Arts, and he can't stop everyone's enthusiasm.

It is a pity that the first quarter is fully booked, and Tianhong Martial Arts Hall cannot accommodate more students.

So we can only keep latecomers out.

On the edge of the promenade not far away, Zhang Dahai silently watched Shang Yulin talk with Zuo Yi with laughter and gaze.

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall is booming, but in his feelings, he is not as happy as before.

At this point a student came over and summoned the courage to ask, "Teacher Zuo, can I learn to fight with you?"

This student was one of the five people who came in the same group as Sun Qiang, but Sun Qiang chose to study with Zuo Yi. He and the other three chose Shang Yulin, so he threatened to withdraw his tuition.

As a result, all four of them now regret it, including the arrogant Zhao Shaohui.

Shang Yulin's strength is not bad, and the teaching is very serious and responsible, but compared with a Martial Arts, the trivial matter does not need to think at all, and the choice of several people was undoubtedly wrong.

Although they don't know what Sun Qiang and Zuo Yi have learned, the daily change of little fatty is almost visible to naked eyes.

Everyone spent a lot of money to learn art at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall. In the final analysis, they want to learn the true ability.

So this guy wanted to buy a regret pill.


Zuo Yi said, "If you want to learn, then be good with the new students, I am Unified Instructor."

The opportunity is just once. If he misses it, he misses it. He has no obligation to give the other party again.

And even the unified Instructor is completely worthy of the tuition paid by the other party.

The student was not stupid, knowing that this was the best result, so he bowed and said, "Thank you Teacher."

He said to Shang Yulin saluted again, "Thank you, Hall Master."

Shang Yulin said with a slight smile: "Go and practice."

After the student left, Zuo Yi said to Shang Yulin: "Yes, I'm going to participate in class reunion the next night. Can you help me take care of Bao'er?"

"Of course no problem!"

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "My mother must be very happy. Yesterday, she also said Bao'er to me."

She looked at the little girl, and her beautiful eyes were full of expressions of joy: "After you brought Bao'er the night before, my mother's body is much better, and my meals have increased a lot!"

Shang Yulin felt a little incredible when I thought about it. Since Shang He died, Liang Xuemei's physical condition has been very bad, and the daily medication for hospitalization has not improved. The doctor said that her condition can only slowly recover.

Because of mother's illness, Shang Yulin usually didn't worry much.

The situation suddenly changed in the past two days. Liang Xuemei's Spirit, Soul and Qi are different from before!

This delighted Shang Yulin with some panic.

She plans to take mother to the hospital today to see what is going on.

If it is really okay, then Nature is a great thing. Now Shang Yulin looks at Bao'er just like Xiao Fuxing.

My eyes are shining!

Zuo Yi laughed and said nothing.

In the next two days, the repair and cleaning of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall continued. Shang Yulin relentlessly purchased a batch of new training equipment and equipment, so that Martial Arts Hall can welcome new students with a new look.

On Saturday evening, Zuo Yi sent Bao'er to Shang Yulin's house.

At the door of the house, he warned repeatedly: "Be obedient at Grandma's house, father will pick you up later."

little girl obediently: "Well."

Zuo Yi touched her head, then rang the bell on Shang Yulin's door.


Liang Xuemei opened the door with a surprise look: "Bao'er come in fast, it's hot outside."

As Shang Yulin said, Liang Xuemei's physical condition has greatly improved. The whole person looks at least ten years younger, his blood is full of vitality and radiance, and even his white hair is much less.

Standing with Shang Yulin behind, more like a pair of sisters!

Bao'er greeted him politely: "hi grandma."

"Good, good."

Liang Xuemei couldn't wait to hold the little girl's hand and said with a smile: "Bao'er, Grandma has prepared a lot of delicious food for you today, both snacks and snacks. You can have a snack first."

She only had Bao'er in her eyes.

"Thank you Grandma."

Bao'er was taken away by Liang Xuemei in this way, and Tyke and Pippi were taken away, leaving Zuo Yi mercilessly at the door.

Let Shang Yulin pout and grin.

Zuo Yi shrugged with ridicule, saying, "Senior Sister, then I'll go first. I'll probably pick up Bao'er at about XNUMX or about XNUMX in the evening, and trouble you."

"So kind."

Shang Yulin yelled, "If you don't, let Bao'er live in our house at night. She can sleep with me."

Zuo Yi shook his head. "That's too much trouble."

He couldn't bear it.

Leaving Shang Yulin's house, Zuo Yi rushed to Hangzhou Regent Hotel, where the classmate reunion party of the university is tonight.

On the way he also received a call from Gao Feng asking him where he was.

For this gathering, Gao Feng deliberately ran back to Hangzhou from the port city of beyond a thousand miles.

Regent is a super 5-Star level luxury hotel in Hangzhou. The KTV room and restaurant are all available, and the grade is very high.

Zuo Yi was studying Finance Major at the University of Hangzhou, and he had graduated for 6-7 years. Most of the students in the same class were mixed well, and it was hard to get together once today, so I chose this place specially.

When Zuo Yi came to the reservation box, there were already people in the XNUMXth and XNUMXth, and everyone was divided into two tables and chatting in a frenzy.

"Hello everyone."

Zuo Yi stood at the door of the box and knocked on the open door, and said with a grin, "I'm here."

The box became very quiet instantly.

But in the next moment, the sound of exclamation and noise was loud!

"Old Zuo!"

"Zuo Yi, we are waiting for you!"

"Three late drinks!"

"Old Zuo you, I thought you died abroad, do you know how much my love wasted?"

"Old Zuo, I flew over three hours, and you'll take care of it at night!"

"Zuo Yi …"

Looking at the familiar faces and listening to everyone screaming, Zuo Yi felt a warm current in his heart.

Zuo Yi used to think he would never see his classmates and friends again, but his fate is so wonderful.

Although his heart has been tempered to the point that Staunchness is so incomparable, there is still an indescribable impression of this situation.

A boy stepped forward and gave Zuo Yi a strong hug, followed by the second and third …

Old Zuo, everyone has been waiting for your return.

Wish it done today!
