Paladin Dad Chapter 103

Out of curiosity for the title party, Zuo Yi did not leave Azure Dragon martial arts stage immediately, but chose to watch the showdown in Tiantaitai half an hour later-Iron Man VS Black Widow.

As soon as the time was up, he was automatically transferred to the Teana Taikan War Zone!

It is indeed the first test with an expected value of more than 1.5. Looking at the audience around all around, the audience is full, and the number of audience has reached at least XNUMX.

Zuo Yi opened Spirit Vision and observed it. These audiences are like stars dotted in the Net of Law. Starlight is the Spiritual Fluctuation they emit, some bright and some dim, showing different colors.

When tens of thousands of Transcendent consciousness densely packed together, Tianzhutaiguan War Zone looks like a gorgeous galaxy!

Just now the number of Transcendents who came here to watch the game exceeded XNUMX, so how much is the total number of Transcendents in China, and how much is the Transcendent in the entire world?

This question got Zuo Yi into thinking-Transcendent's World is obviously bigger than he expected!

Just then, the high-profile showdown began.

With the flashing rays of light, two silhouettes appeared on the Tiantai platform at the same time.

From Zuo Yi's perspective, the silhouette on the left is unusually tall and burly. His entire body is covered by thick armor, and the silver-gray surface is exuded with the unique rays of light of the metal, which is as solid as the humanoid Mecha.

No need to guess, he must be Iron Man.

The Transcendent, whose face was covered by steel armor, held an epee in both hands, leaving only a pair of black holes in his head, staring at the opponent in front.

Zuo Yi noticed that the thickest part of his chest armor was inlaid with a bright red Dragon Mark badge.

The pattern of the badge is a roaring giant dragon.

"iron Man!"

A burst of almost fanatical shouts broke out from the crowd, and the sound of waves rushed across the auditorium.

Facing the enthusiasm of the audience, the Iron Man dropped the epee and held it with one hand, leaving his left hand to wave to the fans.

Cheers are louder!

"Black Widow!"

However, another scream squeaked down Iron Man's momentum instantly.

More viewers are going crazy for his opponents!

Compared with the burly Iron Man, his opponent is undoubtedly too petite, the lithe and graceful lovable body is tightly wrapped in black leather, perfectly outlines the sexy figure of the forward and backward.

The black widow used a half-mask to hide Zhenrong, but her unobstructed eyes were seductive, and her blood-red sakura lips and white compact jaw seduced countless viewers.

Sexy beauties are more popular than iron men and rough men, and rightly so.

Zuo Yi has just landed on Liwang today. He doesn't know either of them. Nature is not a fan. He is a truly neutral audience.

But he found that the black widow's chest was actually emblazoned with the DXCG logo.

Is this a person in the Extraordinary Management Office system?

"Black Widow …"

Iron Man said, "Are you ready to die?"

His voice sounded like it was inside a closed jar, very deep and thick, and easily suppressed all noise.

The Temple of Heaven's War Zone immediately became very quiet, only the aftermath of Iron Man buzzing.


The black widow crossed her arms, and the two daggers held by her hands bumped past her, causing instant sparks of friction.

The rays of light of the dagger reflected the beautiful eyes of this Transcendent, and there was a strange beauty.

"Less nonsense, look!"

Tone barely fell, and the black widow rushed forward abruptly.

She approached her opponent in an instant, suddenly leaped up, and drew two dazzling arcs in her dagger, piercing Iron Man's eyes with lightning.

This is the only weakness we can see in Iron Man!

"courting death !"

Although Iron Man's appearance is far less flexible than his opponent's looks, his reaction speed is not slow at all.

The moment the dagger was approaching, the steel giant grabbed his right hand's epee quickly from the bottom up, and the sword edge was directed to the fragile chest and abdomen of the black widow.

This makes the opponent look more like he is actively colliding with his epee!

The black widow jumped into the air, and was about to be struck by the epee. Her body suddenly moved towards the right and turned away, avoiding the counterattack from the opponent.


One of her daggers struck Iron Man's left shoulder plate and immediately left a deep mark.

But that's it.

The black widow who missed a few tumbling rolls to the ground, the figure unfolds again, from the side rear to the fortress-like opponent.

Iron Man groaned, holding the epee in his hands and cutting sideways, relying on a solid defense to toughen the enemy!

His application method is actually very simple, without any extra fancy moves, he slashed and slammed his forces vigorously, and used his advantages of high defense and high strength vividly and thoroughly.

Black Widow's speed and martial skills are far more flexible than him. However, her lack of attack power is her biggest weakness. Unless she hurts Iron Man's eyes, she can't hurt a drop of blood even if she hits.

There was a fierce fight between the two sides, and the intensity of the fight was breathtaking!

In fact, with the agility of the Black Widow, a mixed draw with no difficulty, although she can't break the defense of Iron Man, Iron Man should not even want to catch up with her speed.

But this is obviously not the result that the Black Widow wants. She seems to have a hatred with the other party, and she goes all out to launch an attack.

From a visual point of view, such a duel is undoubtedly very exciting. The exclamation, shouting and cheering in the audience one after another, the sound of waves seems to overturn the dome of the martial arts stage.

Only Zuo Yi looked a little bored.

Iron Man and Black Widow's strengths are pretty good, but they are far from his level.

The only thing that interested Zuo Yi was the martial arts stage itself.

It is actually a safety proving ground that helps Transcendents improve their combatability. Because everyone comes in only through consciousness, even if they are unfortunately defeated in the duel, the damage caused will not have much effect.

Without fear of death and disability, Transcendents can go all out to fight without any worries. With the accumulation of time, the battle experience Nature will continue to increase, even driving their own ability to improve.

Zuo Yi noticed that the Black Widow has the power to control the wind, so she is so fast, and Iron Man has special resonance with the steel armor on her body, and it is not cumbersome and clumsy in the battle.

Both can use the power of spirit to stimulate or simulate the Extraordinary ability, which is much higher than Cheng Yuan and Da Qiang that Zuo Yi has encountered before!


At this time, the Black Widow grabbed the gap exposed during Iron Man's turn, and suddenly close to the other person's body, the dagger one after the other stabbed the latter's eyes!

This is the best opportunity she has seized since the showdown.

The black widow's personal dagger came too fast and suddenly, Iron Man was too late to fight it, and it was a big loss at sight.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, at this crucial moment, the armor of Iron Man's chest and shoulders burst out, and dozens of sharp steel blades burst out at the same time, hitting at least half of the black widows nearby.

Pu! pu! pu!

The black widow was shot backwards by the steel blade, and the wounds spewed countless red blood, which were thrown on the platform.

Although virtual, it's as cruel!

She landed on the ground and backed away, saying hatefully: "despicable!"

Iron man shrugged through the armor hole.


What a despicable thing. Nature must do everything in battle, and the winner will never be condemned!

But before he started to fight back, there was a flash of rays of light on the black widow's body, and it disappeared instantly without a trace.


Victor Iron Man!

A message popped up at the same time in the audience's horizons, and the audience burst into joy.


Zuo Yi stood up from his seat and felt that although the competition between the two parties was a bit boring, the five points were still worth it.

"Does anyone want to challenge me?"

At this moment, the voice of Iron Man uploaded from the platform saved his footsteps: "As long as you pay XNUMX points, you can win XNUMX points by defeating me!"
