Paladin Dad Chapter 111

To Zuo Yi, Ling Yu is like a fly that suddenly flew up and buzzed in front of himself, and slaps it to the point where he can't take care of himself, so it is not worth any attention.

He has a lot to do.

The next morning, Zuo Yi and Bao'er arrived at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall as usual.

In the performance hall, dozens of students are following Zhang Dahai to practice Prof. Zuo Yi's Hongwu boxing, but the number is obviously less than yesterday, and many students practice less seriously.

Zuo Yi didn't care at all.

The first three moves of Hongwu Boxing he taught to the students yesterday are the simplest. The main role is not to fight in combat, but to open muscles and strengthen the muscles.

According to Sadya World's warrior training standards, the best starting age for practicing warrior body training and combat boxing is 13-15 years old, and these students have basically exceeded the standard.

Many people's bones have been shaped, and there is not much Martial Arts foundation, so there is little room for improvement, so Zuo Yi deliberately merged warrior body training and combat boxing to create a simple and practical Hongwu boxing.

As long as the new students study hard and practice hard, even if they cannot achieve the goals set by Zuo Yi for them, the effect of the practice will be very good-provided that they can persist!

Some people come down one day and just practise three-four hundred times. They can't bear it, and then they are late or even absent from class. Zuo Yi will not manage it.

Because he made his words very clear at the beginning, the opportunity has been given, can he grasp all of himself?

To put it bluntly, this group of admired students is only paying to study. Zuo Yi has fulfilled his teaching obligations, and does not assume any responsibility for their future.

On the contrary, some students persisted hard, so they will only learn more and more here!

After watching it for a while in the performance hall, I felt that there was no major problem. Zuo Yi signaled Zhang Dahai to continue to practice, and took Bao'er to the Sword Room.

Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao have already been practicing there.

These two apprentices have been doing quite well recently. They have learned to practice hard and diligently, and they are improving very quickly.

But it's a long way from condensing Knight's Heart.

Just after Zuo Yi sat down, Shang Yulin knocked on the door and came in: "Everyone is early."

"Hall Master Shang is early!" "Elder sister Yulin is early!" "Elder sister is early!" "Beauty is early!"

It must be pointed out that the last greeting was called by Pippi.

Zuo Yi stood up with a smile: "It's not too early, Senior Sister, are you looking for me?"

Shang Yulin nodded.

Her mental state was obviously not very good, with faint dark circles on her face, showing a little hesitation and tiredness, it seemed like she had not slept last night, and she was a little nervous and upset.

"Then let's go out and talk."

Zuo Yi touched Bao'er's small head, motioned to play by herself, and then came to the office with Shang Yulin.

Shang Yulin closed the door.

She took a deep breath and stared straight at Zuo Yi, saying, "I do!"

Zuo Yi: "Ah?"

Shang Yulin woke up and suddenly the pretty face became red and quickly explained: "That's the one you said yesterday, that …"

But it feels more and more dark.

Zuo Yi couldn't help laughing: "I see. Just ask, are you ready?"

Returning from the headquarters of the Jiangnan branch yesterday, Zuo Yi told Shang Yulin that she had abolished Ling Yu 's resentment, and stated her identity as a Transcendent and asked her if she would like to be a Transcendent member.

Shang Yulin apparently thought about it all night.

After all, things come too suddenly, and stepping into Extraordinary means stepping into a completely different world.

Shang Yulin is not the kind of strong and determined person, it is normal to have concerns and hesitations.

But at this moment, she definitely made up her mind: "Yes!"

Zuo Yi nodded: "That's good."

Shang Yulin bit his lip, and a fascinating expression appeared in his eyes, and asked, "So how do we start?"

"Not in a hurry."

Zuo Yi waved his hand and said, "Get a cup of tea first."

Shang Yulin stunned: "Uh, okay."

She immediately brought the tea set, poured the bottle of mineral spring water into the electric kettle and boiled it, and then put a tea cup on the coffee table.

Just as she was about to take the tea leaves, Zuo Yi handed a wooden jar: "Drink my tea."

The wooden jars Zuo Yi brought out were small in size, showing a dark greenish color, and polished outside, but there were no logos or descriptions on them.

Shang Yulin took it a bit curiously to open the lid, and suddenly eyes shined: "What a fragrant tea!"

The color of the tea in the tea pot is almost the same as the body of the pot. The smell is not strong but there is a special fragrance. She only smells it and feels that all her hairs are spread out. The fatigue caused by insomnia will not change. Winged.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It is enough to put a piece of tea in a cup. This jar is for you. You usually drink it by yourself, not to others."

Paused, he added: "I'll take another jar for Master's Wife and drink it slowly at home."

Zuo Yi gave Shang Yulin the ancient tea nourished by the Fountain of Life water, and the jar containing the tea was made from the trunk of the tea tree, which could preserve the effectiveness of the tea to the greatest extent.

There is about one or two tea leaves in a small jar, which is enough for Shang Yulin to drink for a long time.

Shang Yulin had previously taken a drop of Fountain of Life water. Before she knew it, her physical fitness had changed a lot. The internal injury accumulated by Xi Wu had been completely restored, and her vitality was greatly improved. Promotion.

Shang Yulin is now more beautiful and younger than before, as if returning to eighteen-nineteen adolescence.

And this jar of life ancient tea can help her break through to become a Transcendent faster!

"I can't bear it!"

Shang Yulin scooped out two pieces of tea from the wooden jar and put them in the cup, immediately re-capped the lid, and pinched his hand and said, "Is such a fragrant tea definitely delicious?"

Zuo Yi said, "Taste it and see. Just boil it."

When the kettle boiled, Shang Yulin couldn't wait to pour boiling water into the tea cup, and the tea became more pleasant.

She took a sip of cautiously Earth Grade, and a happy smile appeared on her pretty face: "Really good Hah!"

It's like a happy little girl who got a love toy.

Zuo Yi laughed and said nothing.

After drinking tea with Shang Yulin, he got up and said, "Let's go to the Sword Room."

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has two Sword Rooms. One is currently the exclusive practice room for Zuo Yi apprentices. The other one has been empty for a long time, but it is still kept clean and tidy.

Zuo Yi took Shang Yulin to this Sword Room.

Zuo Yi asked Shang Yulin to stand in the middle and walked around her.

Use Spirit Vision to see her physical condition.

Shang Yulin's physical fitness is still excellent. After all, she has been nourished by the Fountain of Life water, and in some ways she has shown signs of Extraordinary.

In fact, even if Shang Yulin does not propose it, she will complete her self-breakthrough in the future.

What Zuo Yi has to do now is speed up the process.

And Shang Yulin was flushed with pretty face by his dazzling eyes, and felt the bones all over his body a little bit itchy.


At this time Zuo Yi stood behind her and reminded him in a low voice.

Before waiting for Shang Yulin's reaction, Zuo Yi right hand's ring finger had already poked her white neck!


Shang Yulin instantly lost control of his body, only feeling a hot stream from the fingertips of Zuo Yi within the body, and quickly spread to the limbs and internal organs, sore and itchy taste is beyond words!

Zuo Yi 's finger is very mysterious. He is using his unmatched Battle Qi power to help Shang Yulin push the door of Extraordinary. In conjunction with the Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method, he can do it in the shortest time. Condensing Knight's Heart.

Have a Real Extraordinary Power!

The same trick, Zuo Yi has also played on Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao respectively, otherwise the two can not make such rapid progress, and do not know how much effort it will take to reach the extraordinary field.

The next moment, Shang Yulin was pulled by Zuo Yi like a marionette, making various complex body movements.

The door of the Sword Room is tightly closed, isolated from the inside and outside, so no one can hear the whisper of ecstasy from time to time inside!
