Paladin Dad Chapter 119

Squeak! Squeak ~

At noon, when the sun was fierce, Xia Chan was crying desperately, as if never stopping.

But the courtyard of Zuo Family Old Residence is very quiet, as if there is an invisible force blocking the noise from the outside. The canopy supported by the Camphor Tree blocks the hot sunlight, making everything here look exceptionally beautiful.

Under the big tree, Zuo Yi leaned on a rattan chair to relax with Earth Grade tea.

Zuo Yi drank not the precious ancient tea nourished by the Fountain of Life water, but Wang Jiaojiao's "honor" Top Grade big red robe.

Because ancient tea has basically no effect on Zuo Yi, he still prefers the taste of big red robes.

A'Gu stood quietly to make a cup of tea for him.

The tranquility of the Old Residence also benefits from the sound insulation performed by this Giant Spirit Shaman Slave-Zuo Yi is not afraid of noise, but fears that cicadas will affect Bao'er's nap.

After drinking the tea in the cup, Zuo Yi put down the empty cup and waved to A'Gu not to add any more tea.

He took a long breath, closed his eyes and slowly fell into sleep.

As a Sacred Domain Knight, Zuo Yi can stay alive and well for ten and a half months without sleep, or he can sleep for a long time, but he is more willing to live like an ordinary person.

I don't know how long after that, Zuo Yi suddenly felt itchy nose, and something burr was moving.

He closed his eyes and extended the hand without thinking, grabbing a naughty Little Brat into his arms.


Bao'er holding the dog's tail grass in his hand shouted, "A'Ty, come and save me!"


Tyke swooped over and rushed to Zuo Yi for an emergency brake.

It wanted to roar at the Great Demon King: let go of the girl.

However, when things are coming, Foodie Ty can only try to squeeze out a charming smile, shake his little tail like a fan, and try his best to sell cute.

Just Zuo Yi was too lazy to ignore it, grab the little girl fiercely on her red face, and sip two.

Bao'er protested: "father your beard is so tied, I haven't shaved it today!"

Zuo Yi laughed her down and touched her chin. "It's not shaving, it's just growing too fast."

His beard cannot be shaved with an ordinary razor, and it can only be solved with Meteorite Dagger, so often it is not shaved particularly, and sometimes it gets stuck on Bao'er's delicate face.

Of course, it will not cause any harm.


At this time, the mobile phone resting on the coffee table suddenly vibrated violently.

Zuo Yi immediately picked up the phone and connected: "Hi, hello."

"Hello Advisor Zuo."

A clear voice came from the earpiece: "I am the dispatcher of Super Operation Command Center No. CD021, the contact code is 778K, and an E-Rank Extraordinary out of control incident occurred in Xiaoqingshan area 19.85 kilometers away from you. Can you participate in support ? "

Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "No problem."

"Okay, I'll send you the mission coordinates right away. Please pay attention to your safety and the support team will be here immediately!"

The other party ended the call very neatly, and a coordinate message appeared on Zuo Yi's mobile phone.

This is the first assignment Zuo Yi has received since joining the Extraordinary Management Office!

As the advisor with the highest degree of freedom, Zuo Yi can refuse the task, but he has no idea of ​​picking.

Extraordinary Management Office treats Zuo Yi very high, solves a lot of troubles for him, and also helps him.

Although Zuo Yi didn't particularly care about these, he chose to enter the system not to be an uncle or to provide for the elderly. Knight's Honor, Faith of Order, Trust and Uprightness also demanded that he bear his own responsibilities.

So when the Extraordinary Management Office communicated the task, Zuo Yi had no reason to refuse.

But there is a small problem.


Zuo Yi hugged the little girl and said, "Father has something to go out for a while. Would you stay at home with A'Ty?"

Bao'er sensible: "Well, good!"

"Really clever."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled, looking up to Giant Spirit Shaman Slave instructed: "A'Gu, you take care of the Little Master here."

Although Giant Spirit Shaman Slave has no battle strength, there is no problem in taking care of a four-year-old little girl. There will never be any accidental injury or loss from home.

There was a real danger in his home while he was away, and Gargoyle squatting on the tree at the moment was enough to deal with it.

According to the extraordinary strength rating of main world, A'Guai's battle strength is at least above C-Rank!

And Bao'er has Tyke beside him.

Don't look at Foodie Ty's small size and cuteness, if it really launches Biao to fight desperately, A'Guai may not be able to win steadily.

Therefore, Zuo Yi is not worried about the safety of the little girl. Anyway, it doesn't take him long to resolve an E-Rank Extraordinary out of control event.

The processing level of Extraordinary Management Office for Extraordinary events is compared to the level of Transcendent. E-Rank is the trouble from E-Rank Transcendent.

Giant Spirit Shaman Slave bowed his head and said, "Do what you want."

Zuo Yi immediately got up: "Baby, wait for me at home."

Bao'er nodded: "Goodbye father."

Zuo Yi reached out and touched her head, then quickly left the yard and entered the garage from Small Sect, which had been cut out of the wall.

He drove Daece to the mission site.


When Zuo Yi had just left by car, Pippi immediately flew out of the living room.

It shouted loudly, stretched its beautiful feathers in the bright sunlight, and flew back and forth above Bao'er's head.

Okay, I feel that Torii has reached its climax!

woof woof!

Tyke jumps around Bao'er: Bao'er Bao'er, let's play!

Great Demon King is gone, we are free, we are liberated, we want to celebrate, three pounds of beef jerky!

Woof woof woof !

Bao'er hugged Tyke and giggled: "A'Ty is not naughty!"

At this time, Zuo Yi did not know that after leaving, the two Little Brats were going to rebel.

He drove Daqie through Linjiang City to the main road quickly, then reached out to open the locker, took out a police ceiling strobe light and placed it on the roof.

When the strobe light firmly attached to the roof, Zuo Yi's finger toggled the switch. This police light immediately issued a sharp alarm sound, and the striking red and blue lights flashed alternately!

This police light was delivered when it was modified by Daqie. It was used during the execution of Zuo Yi's mission. Once placed and turned on, his car is like a police car in police operation and does not need to follow the restrictions of traffic rules.

Because Extraordinary incidents are often more serious than ordinary criminal cases. Time is about human life. It is necessary to give Law Enforcer certain privileges.

As soon as the lights were turned on, Zuo Yi immediately stepped on the accelerator to speed up, while stimulating the "resonance" rune engraved on the chassis of the car.

The next moment he entered a state of human-car integration, and the speed of the car soared to an astonishing 300km / h in a short period of time!

This speed has been on par with many high-speed rails, but the Grand Cherokee is very smooth under the control of Zuo Yi, and the engine growls fast as lightning, quickly surpassing the car in front!

After hearing the siren, most of the vehicles in the front consciously gave up the fast lane.

So in less than 10 minutes, Zuo Yi reached his destination according to the guidance of car navigation.

The location of the mission coordinates is at the foot of the mountain marked Xiaoqingshan on the map. When he arrived, there were already four or five police cars and a black special-purpose off-road vehicle.

Several police officers were standing by the car.

Zuo Yi stopped at a slow speed, opened the door and jumped down.

He took out his credentials and showed them to the other party, asking, "Where is your person in charge? What happened?"

Zuo Yi has seen the action flow of the Extraordinary Management Office, so although he is on his first mission, he also understands the relevant procedures.


As soon as a police officer spoke two words, he heard a loud noise coming from behind.

"hurry up!"

"Everyone is careful!"

"Captain! Captain! What about the ambulance?"

"Captain, hold on!"

I saw a group of men and horses rushing down the narrow and rugged mountain road. Some of them were ordinary police officers, some were members of the special forces team wearing black body armor, but everyone looked very embarrassed.

Several of the wounded were either carried on their backs or carried down, spilling a lot of blood along the road!

Seeing this situation, the faces of several police officers left all changed.

They couldn't bother talking to Zuo Yi and greeted them.

The wounded were soon dropped to the ground.

"Captain !"

The heartbreaking howl shook everyone's eardrums!
