Paladin Dad Chapter 141

In the years that Zhou Hong received the "Platinum Pupil" ability, the wealth accumulated through various leak detections was almost XNUMX million to XNUMX million.

As long as he doesn't splurge, this wealth is enough for him to live a carefree and wealthy life in the second half of his life, and in the end can leave a lot for his children and grandchildren.

Zhou Hong is also a man of brains. He did not store all of this money in the bank to earn interest. Because that point of interest could not keep up with the currency depreciation caused by inflation, most of it was invested in high-quality real estate and stock funds.

There are also some valuable collections, such as the jade safety button just given to Bao'er.

So if one day his power suddenly disappears, don't worry about sitting and eating.

But it is not easy to realize these investments.

Originally, Zhou Hong thought that if Zuo Yi needed the money, he could make a few tens of millions out of all his cash deposits.

I never thought that Zuo Yi would say 1 billion!

If you change to someone else, Zhou Hong will only talk about the other party's nonsense. You must know that many large corporations with a market value of tens of billions of dollars may not be able to immediately draw 1 billion of cash.

But Zuo Yi is by no means the kind of person who speaks well, just look at the Giant Spirit Shaman Slave standing next to it.

Who can have such a big Michelin tire!

He bit his clinching one's teeth said: "Big brother Zuo, give me a few days and I can help you make 100 ~ 200 million."

Zhou Hong really sold the mortgaged property of the collection, plus cash deposits, and it was no problem to make a 100 ~ 200 million.

His life was saved by Zuo Yi, maybe Zuo Yi will save his life in the future, and he doesn't care about these things outside!

"That's not going to be."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I want to sell something, but there is no suitable channel."

Where is he worse than Zhou Hong this 100 ~ 200 million.

The 1 billion needed by Zuo Yi was mainly used to buy the XNUMX-acre permanent yield land of Uncle Fei.

Although Uncle Fei's asking price is 500 million, Zuo Yi has to consider personal income tax and transaction tax on freehold land. The two sums are also very high. So in the past, Kuanli counted 1 billion.


Zhou Hong's spirit suddenly refreshed: "Is it the same weapon as Illusory Star Sword? Big brother Zuo, it's really cheap for you to sell my sword. I feel that if I take it, I can take 40-50 million. problem!"

If you think about it, Yu Juncai spent nearly 30 million on the sword bought by Japanese, and his Illusory Star Sword cut off the Japanese sword. Who dare to say that it is not worth 40-50 million?

If this divine weapon was forged by Zuo Yi himself, it would be easy to make 1 billion!

"Not a sword."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "It's medicine."

Having said that, he reached out and waved forward, and immediately there were six bottles of different colors on the coffee table!

Zuo Yi certainly knows that Illusory Star Sword is very sharp. As Zhou Hong said, as long as appropriate publicity and hype are used, it is easy to take a tens of millions of transactions.

The problem is that he doesn't plan to continue to spend the precious materials stored in the space ring for the time being.

These materials brought from Sadya World use a little less. Originally Zuo Yi didn't care much, but recently he transformed the Grand Cherokee and the revolver shotgun and had to think more about the future.

You should use it for your own use, or sell it first to save for future needs!

In contrast, there is no pressure to sell medicine.

Zhou Hong stared at the magic bottle that appeared magically in front of him and asked, "big brother Zuo, is this all Healing Potion?"

The size and size of the six medicine bottles are exactly the same as the Healing Potion given to him by Zuo Yi last night. They are about two inches in height. The bottle's glittering and translucent are very beautiful. The wooden stoppers are dark brown, except for the medicine color inside. different.

"Only this bottle is Healing Potion."

Zuo Yi pointed to the red vial first, and then pointed to the green vial next to it: "This vial is Antidote Potion, which can relieve most poison poisons."

"This bottle is Power Potion, which can permanently increase the strength attribute of the user."

"This bottle is a Constitution Potion, which permanently enhances the physique. Power Potion and Constitution Potion work best together."

"This bottle is Purification Potion, used to drive the curse out."

"And this bottle is Curing Disease Potion, which can treat any disease!"

Zhou Hong listened for a moment, then stared blankly at the medicine bottle on the coffee table.

Out of his previous habit of picking up leaks, he subconsciously turned on his "Platinum Pupil" ability.

As a result, I was almost blinded by the dazzling rays of light in front!

It's really treasure! !!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "I don't know how much these medicines are most suitable for sale. Here are six bottles. If the quantity is not enough, then I can provide another 30-40 bottles!"

As the so-called a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, no matter how it is the Legendary Wizard, although Adler has exploded the flowers and borrows, but his space ring also contains several bottles of necessary rules for plane adventure medicine.

The amount of medicine taken by the Legendary Wizard is different from ordinary people and low- and middle-level Transcendents, so Zuo Yi split it out.

This approach is normal, because it is often needed, so there are many empty bottles in his space ring, and the number has been increased by dozens of times after filling.

Medicine empty bottles can be recycled and reused, as long as they are not mixed with other medicines.

Among them, Power Potion and Constitution Potion are Zuo Yi's own inventory.

So …

Zhou Hong's brain immediately started to work frantically, and countless ideas came to mind!

He was able to mix into high-level circles like Jinhu Villa, and was favored by big names like Chang'an. Of course, he has his own connections and channels. Now what he is considering is how to maximize the benefits.

These medicines are definitely the baby of the geneuary. If you meet the right person, then it will be okay to sell at a high price!

The key lies in who is the most suitable buyer?

"Big brother Zuo …"

Zhou Hong pointed to the white bottle of Curing Disease Potion and asked, "Can it treat advanced cancer?"

Earth Technology is developed. As long as early detection and early treatment are available, cancer is not incurable, but the survival rate for advanced cancer treatment is still very low and has not been completely overcome.

"no problem."

Zuo Yi replied with certainty: "All diseases of ordinary people can be treated no matter what the disease is."

Curing Disease Potion and ordinary medicine are completely different things. It is essentially a condensed force of laws and belongs to the Extraordinary item. Not to mention ordinary people, even the middle and lower grade Transcendent's disease can be treated.

Don't think that Transcendent will not get sick, once Transcendent gets sick, that is the most troublesome!

"That's good!"

Zhou Hong slaps his palm: "big brother Zuo, I should be able to find someone who needs it."

In his opinion, compared to other detoxification medicines, Purification Potion and even Healing Potion, Curing Disease Potion that can treat advanced cancer is the most valuable, and it is easiest to find a big buyer!

"That line."

Zuo Yi said, "I'll leave it to you. If the quantity is not enough, you can get it from me."

"Big brother Zuo."

Zhou Hong rubbed his hands and asked a little embarrassedly: "Here, can these two bottles of Power Potion and Constitution Potion be sold to me? It doesn't matter how much the price is, I guarantee you will not lose money!"

What is he missing most now?

It's the ability to protect yourself!

Although he can be regarded as a Transcendent, his battle strength is only 0.5 goose. It is not possible to become strong at the Martial Arts Hall in Zuo Yi, and the two bottles of medicine made him see the hope of improving himself quickly.

Zuo Yi smiled.

If Zhou Hong did not make this request, he would be disappointed-not smart enough.

In fact, he took out these two bottles of medicine for Zhou Hong.

Zhou Hong has already passed the best age for martial arts, and under normal circumstances he has no future in Martial Arts.

Power Potion and Constitution Potion can make up for his shortcomings in this aspect to the greatest extent, and become a true martial artist at the fastest speed, and even evolve into a higher level Transcendent.

Zhou Hong has basic self-insurance ability, which can help Zuo Yi to do a lot of things.

Looking at Zhou Hong's anticipation, Zuo Yi said: "No problem, you can use Power Potion and Constitution Potion first, how much money will come back and then settle it, but I need to make at least 800 million before the end of the month."

Zhou Hong was immediately delighted: "Thank you big brother Zuo, I will definitely find a way to help you get together."

He has made up his mind. If the proceeds from the sale of medicine are not enough, he will fill in another 200 million.

This is the most important opportunity for him to change his life. It must be firmly grasped!


Zuo Yi said, "You take all these medicines away, how to operate it's up to you, find me if you have any questions, and …"

He said meaningfully: "Remember to take Constitution Potion first, then take Power Potion the next day, and then the best place to take it is in the bathroom."

Why is the bathroom?

Zhou Hong nodded: "en!"
