Paladin Dad Chapter 143

"That's A'Guai."

Bao'er took the initiative to explain: "Although A'Guai looks ugly, father said that it can help us look after the house, so …"

She climbed over on the hanging chair and reached out to touch the Camphor Tree in comfort.

A'Guai Tears: Is it strange to look ugly? Do you really like to squat on a tree and get sun and wind?

Qin Qin grinned.

Qin Qin has seen Gargoyle hidden among the branches, but now she is no stranger to the ancient ancient monster of Zuo Yi's family, and her mental endurance has greatly increased.

"not bad."

Zuo Yi liked it again.

Communicating with grass and trees is not a very powerful ability. It belongs to auxiliary skills rather than combat skills, but Qin Qin can feel the voice of a big tree in only a few days, which is quite amazing.

Although Zuo Yi's strength exceeds Qin Qin ten thousand times, he does not have such ability.

In addition to the magic of Druid Heart, the most important thing is probably Qin Qin's own innate talent.

Qin Qin Secretary is a born Druid!

Qin Qin was exaggerated by Zuo Yi and turned red on her pretty face. She retracted her hand and said, "Life Restoration, I can only treat small animals now, are there no injured small animals?"

Zuo Yi said, "That's easy. I'll go out and find you. You'll be here with Bao'er, waiting for me, very soon."

After that, he left the yard.

Zuo Yi is certainly not too busy, he needs to fully understand Qin Qin's ability in order to give the latter the right guidance.

Out of the house, Zuo Yi took the motorcycle out of the space ring.

Now that he has a big cut, he uses this Harley a lot less often, but he usually goes out to buy a breakfast or something, and driving a motorcycle is definitely more convenient than driving.

Driving Harley, Zuo Yi followed the path outside Linjiang City and quickly found the target.

Meow ~

There are two cats curled up beside the garbage dump, a flower cat and a white cat. They are dirty all over, and the skinny bones are only the size of a slap. Obviously it didn't take long to be born. Abandoned.

There are many wild cats swimming in Linjiang City, so we often see some kittens without owners. Unless they are willing to adopt a kind person, their fate is bound to be miserable.

The little white cat didn't know what had been bitten. He had wounds on his hind legs and blood on his body. He was already breathless.

Kitten was listless beside him, screaming weakly.

They were hiding in the shadow of the garbage dump, waiting for death to come.

Meow ~

The kitten screamed again and licked his companion with a little tongue.

Zuo Yi's Mercy heart was lightly touched.

He stopped the motorcycle, strode over, and leaned forward to catch two kitty.

Zuo Yi's hand hasn't touched the kitten yet, and the blood-sucking parasitic fleas Stinking Insect hidden in their hair seems to be experiencing the devastation and fleeing wildly!

Zuo Yi gently grabbed the two cats' necks and lifted them.

The little white cat had no resistance, but Kitten waved his paw, and "Meow Meow" screamed twice to be honest.

Its life is like a residual candle in the wind, and it may be extinguished at any time!

Zuo Yi carried the two cats back to the motorcycle, packed them in the trunk, and then returned to the Old Residence.


Seeing Zuo Yi bringing back two kittens, Bao'er's eyes lit up: "kitty!"

But she soon revealed her sad expression, pulling Zuo Yi's clothes corner and saying, "Father father, they are so pitiful, let's save them."

Little girl can also see that these two kitty are about to die.

Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "It depends on your big sister Qin Qin's ability."

Bao'er immediately looked towards Qin Qin.

Qin Qin nodded, giving little girl a soothing and confident look.

She squatted, her right hand pressed gently on the little white cat's body, and applause appeared a faint green rays of light.

Meow ~

Just a moment later, the breathless little white cat opened her eyes again, raised her head and screamed softly.

The wound on the hind leg showed clear signs of healing.

Life Restoration!

Qin Qin remained motionless and continued to treat for half a minute before retracting his hand.


The little white cat struggled to get up, and it seemed to know that Qin Qin had saved himself and crossed his head to pinch Qin Qin's calf.

Qin Qin touched the kitten, which had just been rescued by himself, and did not dislike its filth at all.

"Big sister Qin Qin is great!"

Seeing Qin Qin really saved Kitty, Bao'er clapped his hands happily.

Qin Qin smiled at her with a big smile.

At this time, fine sweat had leaked from her forehead. Obviously, the continuous application of Druid skills was also a great burden to her, but she did not feel tired and continued to rescue the other kitten.

Both kittens were rescued, one after the other meowing around Qin Qin to express their gratitude and admiration.

Qin Qin held them up in one hand and said, "Big brother Zuo, I want to adopt them."

Her eyes moved, and her beautiful face glowed with light.

The wind blew across the yard, blowing the leaves of Camphor Tree hua hua, as if someone was whispering softly.

Bao'er felt so envious, she also wanted kitty.

The little girl couldn't help but looked towards Zuo Yi.


Foodie Ty, crouching aside, suddenly felt a catastrophe, and hurried to Bao'er's body and fluttered her pussy!

It communicates with the little girl's heart, and feels Bao'er's thoughts at this moment, which immediately creates a huge sense of crisis.

Bao'er's pet has been parted by Pippi. If there are two more cats, will Wang be kept alive?

Not enough points!

Tyke did his best and finally caught Bao'er's attention.

So there is no progress without competition.

Zuo Yi asked, "Do you plan to accept them as pets, or animal companion?"

Although he didn't need the professional inheritance sealed by Druid Heart, he gained considerable understanding through contact.

Animal companion is a skill of Druid. One or several animals can be used as combat partners. This is a completely different concept from ordinary pets.

For example, Pippi is Bao'er's pet, and Tyke is her partner!

Qin Qin replied without hesitation: "animal companion!"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "You think clearly?"

Druid's best animal companion is not a cat, but a tough beast such as tiger, leopard, eagle, wolf, because the animal companion with low battle strength can easily become a burden, or it can only serve as an aid for investigations.

So Zuo Yi has to ask one more question, because once the combat partner is identified, it cannot be replaced unless it is dead.

That is not in line with Druid's path of cultivation, just like Zuo Yi cannot easily violate the Virtue that he believes in.

The two kitty suddenly took the place of two animal companion, which is undoubtedly a drag and burden for Qin Qin.

She is still very weak!

But Qin Qin's attitude is firm: "Think clearly!"

Prior to this, she used Life Restoration to treat a dog on the roadside, but did not have the idea of ​​adopting it as a pet or animal companion.

However, the two kitty rescued today gave Qin Qin a feeling of flesh and blood.

So she made such a decision, no regretful decision!

"okay then."

Zuo Yi respected her choice.

But that doesn't mean Zuo Yi will let go.

He thought about it, took a medicine out of the space ring, opened the stopper and dropped a drop of Fountain of Wisdom water inside.

Re-closing the stoppers, Zuo Yi handed the medicine to Qin Qin, and said, "Go back and mix with the milk and feed them. It's best to divide it into several feeds. Don't feed them all at once."

He gave Qin Qin an agile medicine. Cats are sensitive animals. This medicine can help them break through the limits.

And the Fountain of Wisdom water incorporated at the same time can open their wisdom!

With this two-pronged approach, two cats have a high chance of becoming Extraordinary Magic Beast, so that they will not be a drag on Qin Qin.

Although a drop of Fountain of Wisdom water is priceless, Zuo Yi thinks it is worth it.

Qin Qin is very kind, her mind is very pure, and she has Nature Affinity's innate talent. Now she has acquired inheritance from Druid, and she has shown amazing potential. The future prospects are limitless.

She will also be an excellent teammate.

For teammates, Zuo Yi is never shy!

But he would not give too much at once, because that would not be good for Qin Qin's growth.

"Thank you."

Qin Qin didn't understand the value of this medicine, but she instinctively felt it was a really good thing.

"Big brother Zuo …"

Qin Qin said shamefully, "You have helped me so much, I really don't know how to thank you."

If this medicine from Zuo Yi was for her own use, she would definitely refuse to accept the gift of Zuo Yi.

But Zuo Yi was for two kitty, so she couldn't refuse.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "In the future, when you report back, we will not say these now."

Qin Qin was gently nodded and kept in mind.

"All right."

Zuo Yi pointed to the cat in Qin Qin's arms and said: "Both are a little dirty. You can take them to the bathroom in the living room and warm them with a shower. There is a hairdryer and towels on the shelves."

In fact, it was for Bao'er, because the envy of little girl wanted to hug the cat.


Qin Qin is very smart, and smiled and said to Bao'er, "Bao'er, shall we bathe them together?"


Bao'er immediately agreed with his eyes bright.

She had always wanted to bathe Tyke, but Tyke would rather die, which made her deeply regretful.

Today such regrets have finally been made up!

"Bath kitty!"

The little girl happily followed Qin Qin and ran to the bathroom of the living room, leaving Foodie Ty aggrieved.


Bao'er suddenly leaned out of the door of the living room and greeted, "Come on!"

Tyke turned her head proudly: Don't come!

Bao'er crooked his head: "A'Ty, I will go if you don't come."


Tyke immediately spread his legs and flew towards her.

Not coming is puppy!
