Paladin Dad Chapter 151

Zuo Yi took Zhou Hong to another Sword Room.

Zuo Yi asked, "Did you already take Constitution Potion?"

Zhou Hong answered truthfully: "Yes."

While answering, an expression of embarrassment flashed across his face.

Zhou Hong took Constitution Potion last night. He had never thought that such a small bottle of medicine would bring him a horrible experience that was really beyond words.

Fortunately, he followed Zuo Yi's reminder and chose to take it in the bathroom, otherwise …

Zhou Hong doesn't want to remember anymore.

But now, he has really felt the change brought to him by this bottle of medicine. For example, when he got up in the morning, he almost did not break the skin!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "The medicine efficacy of medicine will last for a while, and then your appetite will increase a lot. It is recommended to eat more high-quality beef, and fruit sweets can also eat more, you must ensure nutrition!"

An ordinary person took Constitution Potion, and his physical fitness will usher in a leap-forward improvement in a short period of time. However, if he does not get enough nutritional supplements, not only the effect of the promotion will be greatly reduced, and even hidden dangers will be left.

It's the same with Power Potion.

"I know!"

Zhou Hong vigorously nodded and kept Zuo Yi's words in his heart.

Regarding the major event of his own strength, of course, he has to do the best, not to mention that even if his net worth eats a few thousand yuan a pound of top-level beef, that is completely affordable.


Zuo Yi said, "You're going to change your suit now, I'll teach you a set of Body Refining Method first."

"Teacher …"

Zhou Hong quickly said, "I have spread the news of medicine. Seniors in the circle are quite interested, but they have some doubts about the effect of medicine."

Zhou Hong's circle includes wealthy businessmen and wealthy people, as well as the Aristocratic Family with a deep foundation. Although he does not have a high status in the circle, he still knows a lot of people.

Zhou Hong is very cautious. Although he wants to help Zuo Yi make up a huge sum of 1 billion, he chooses the old seniors who are reliable and trustworthy.

The problem is that these Old Seniors are all old foxes. It's impossible to listen to Xiaozhou's classmates and say something, and then throw a huge sum of money to buy a bottle of medicine to go back to quench their thirst.

Especially now that scammers are rampant in the society, all kinds of cures for divine medicine are blown up, and I hope that these old people will easily believe that it is simply impossible.

That is, Zhou Hong used to be very reliable, so everyone did not consider him a liar.

But Old Seniors still don't act without some incentive.

After listening to his explanation, Zuo Yi came to understand: "Do you mean to try it for free first, and let them see the effect before selling?"

"Do not!"

I did not expect Zhou Hong to directly deny: "How can such a precious medicine be tried for free? I mean signing a contract and taking payment after taking it. I plan to sell Curing Disease Potion first because Curing Disease Potion is the most valuable and the most effective. Intuitive! "

If Zhou Hong had doubts in his mind just when he got the medicine, now he is convinced.

Free trial? Where is there such a cheap thing!

The real good thing, one price for one price, the first payment and the later payment is already very kind.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "That line, it's up to you."

"I'm afraid my weight is too light …"

Zhou Hong said with a bitter smile: "I can't support such a scene, you will have to come to Teacher in person at that time."

Zhou Hong's biggest advantage is self-knowledge. Because he has no power background, he never survives after receiving the power. Now that he has so many magical medicines in his hand, the first thing he thinks of is security.

Don't think that the Old Seniors in the circle are good-natured and kind-hearted people, but their moral bottom line is higher than that of ordinary people. If they encounter something that makes them jealous and hot, their hands will still be dark.

Zhou Hong's worth is nothing in their eyes, and there is no pressure to bully.

It's nothing more than eating.

Therefore, he needs Zuo Yi to help himself, to deter some speculative generations, and to ensure that the transaction is completed successfully.

Zhou Hong opened his bag and took out a silver metal safe from it, saying, "Teacher, you have all the medicines I sell for you. For your safety, I think it's better for you to keep them."


Zuo Yi nodded agreed: "Then you just have to talk to people, this scene will let me support it."

These medicines are nothing to Zuo Yi at all, so he ignores the pressure that Zhou Hong may face, and now Zhou Hong's suggestions are also good.

Zuo Yi would like to see if anyone dares to rely on his account!

He took the safe and went straight into the space ring.

Zhou Hong: (⊙o⊙)

Zuo Yi smiled at Pats on his shoulder and said, "Don't be dumbfounded, I will give you a gift."

Then, Zuo Yi found a small wooden token from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Hong.

"This one, um, is a help card."

Zuo Yi said: "You are always with you, hold it in your hand when you are in danger, and then call my name at the concentration one's mind. I do n't need to shout directly, I will feel it to save you."

Because Zhou Hong had a distress experience, considering that he is now working for himself, Zuo Yi deliberately made this distress card to give him a layer of security.

The material used in this small wooden token is the leftover scrap from Zuo Yi's Dragon Blood Wood Sword production for Bao'er. He engraved a messenger rune on it and branded his True Name mark. .

No matter where Zhou Zhou is, as long as it is the area covered by Net of Law, once Zhou Hong triggers rune, then Zuo Yi will be able to sense and follow the Net of Law to find his location.

In fact, Zuo Yi also has more superb methods. For example, he engraved a special rune on Bao'er's dragon's blood bracelet. When he encounters danger, he can inspire the protector by himself, and at the same time, he can send a message to Zuo Yi to protect the level. Much higher.

But Zuo Yi is not the Holy Mother of Purdue, and Zhou Hong is not his biological son. He gave each other a chance, coupled with this distress card and the matching promise of protection.

What he has given far exceeds what Zhou Hong is currently paying.

And Zhou Hong is not the kind of person who has an inch and a lack of greed, and said gratefully, "Thank you Teacher!"

"The key is to rely on yourself."

Zuo Yi said seriously: "This wooden token can only take up to half a year. I will not give you a new one after six months. Do you understand what I mean?"

Zuo Yi never thought of being Zhou Hong's long-time bodyguard.

"I know!"

Zhou Hong replied without hesitation: "Teacher, I will work hard!"

Zuo Yi is telling him that people must rely on themselves, and they can't put their future and destiny on others.

Only when I am strong, can I fear no plot against it!

Zuo Yi nodded: "Go get changed."

Zhou Hong went out to prepare. Zuo Yi consulted with Shang Yulin and decided to free up another room which is currently used as a storage room to convert it into a practice room.

He plans to let Sun Qiang and Zhou Hong share a Sword Room, Wang Jiaojiao and Bao'er, and himself and Shang Yulin use another.

Shang Yulin certainly has no opinion, but she needs to remind Zuo Yi of something.

"Did you choose a kindergarten for Bao'er?"


Zuo Yi didn't really think about it: "Don't worry so much?"

But he planned to send Bao'er to kindergarten after this summer vacation.

The little girl is four years old. Just in the age of a small class, Zuo Yi can't always take her with her and take him to Martial Arts Hall every day to learn practicing sword.

She should lead a normal human life like other children, go to school and learn about classmates and friends, and then enter society in junior high school, high school, and college.

What Zuo Yi needs to do is to guard her silently, shield her from the wind and rain, and to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for her to grow up happily and happily.

But not to arrange all her life for her.

"Do not worry?"

Shang Yulin couldn't help but give a glance to his ignorant dad and said, "You have to give Bao'er a good kindergarten?"

"Public kindergartens are allocated according to household registration school districts, don't you have school district rooms? Those good private kindergartens are difficult to enter, you need to register in advance. Once the quota is full, you can't enter even if you have money!


Zuo Yi heard the sweat in his head-where did he know this!