Paladin Dad Chapter 162

If Zuo Yi is a Spirit Wizard, or there is a strong Spirit Wizard around him, then with the help of a special Spell, he can trace back the memories of his entire life, dig out those long-forgotten experiences, and find out the truth. .

However Zuo Yi is Knight and this is Earth instead of Sadya World.

Therefore, this mystery can only be solved later, maybe there is no answer for a lifetime.

But that's okay, it's enough that he has the little person in front of him!


Bao'er quietly opened his eyes and asked anxiously, "Are you angry? I will never do this again."

"Father is not angry."

Zuo Yi smiled and held her in her arms, gently pats her back and said, "Bao'er did nothing wrong. May I teach you how to use this ring?"

No wonder Bao'er is so smart and well-behaved, much better than her peers. It turned out that she had a Perfect Spirit Body.

As the little girl's dad, Zuo Yi is very proud of this.

Well, a little bit proud!


little girl Surprise: "Can I still play?"

She actually likes Silk Weaver Ring very much, but she just made a big mistake by accident and was uneasy at heart.

"of course!"

Zuo Yi smiled and put Silk Weaver Ring back on her right hand middle finger, and said, "It's yours."

For Zuo Yi, the full version of Silk Weaver Ring is just an interesting gadget, and its value is not as good as the layer of cerana silver that has just been plated.

Since Bao'er likes it, of course it is for her.

If the little girl is only an ordinary child, Silk Weaver Ring has no effect on her, but the Perfect Spirit Body is completely different. The accident just now shows that she has the ability to control this rune ring.

Then she wears Silk Weaver Ring, which can be used as a toy and can also be used as a good self-defense equipment. How could Zuo Yi be stingy!

The best thing is that Zuo Yi engraved the "Spirit Concentration" rune for Silk Weaver Ring. This intermediate rune is undoubtedly a perfect match with her Perfect Spirit Body, which is actually equivalent to an oversized spiritual gem.

Although Bao'er's Perfect Spirit Body is still small, the potential for the future is limitless. Silk Weaver Ring and the "Spirit of Convergence" symbol In Literature there is to help her grow her Perfect Spirit Body.

But in this way, Bao'er is farther and farther on the road to Wizard.

And as Knight, how can Zuo Yi guide her into a real Wizard?

Of course, Perfect Spirit Body also has an excellent auxiliary effect on Knight's cultivation, but this is like using a top 1000 carat diamond as a drill bit, which is too much wasteless of natural resources.

Zuo Yi hasn't thought about this for the time being, after all, Bao'er is still too young, and he doesn't mean that there is really nothing he can do.

"Come, Baby."

Zuo Yi held her little hand: "Father teaches you, you should play like this …"


A slender, tenacious gossamer shot out, hitting a wall a few meters away, and the front end was firmly stuck to it.

The next moment, the spider silk was collected back in an instant.

"It's fun!"

Bao'er's silver bell laughed quickly in the basement.

With the help of Zuo Yi, she quickly mastered the proper use of Silk Weaver Ring. Not only can she inspire spider silk and Spider Web Art, but she also knows the simple techniques of using retractable pull.

Although it is limited to Mental Power's upper limit, the spider silk she ignites is very thin, and the spider web can only die two feet square. However, no matter the attack speed or the tenacious degree of spider silk, it is no more than Zuo Yi.

This is the power of Perfect Spirit Body-its quality is super high.

"You try it yourself."

Seeing that Bao'er had control over the Silk Weaver Ring, Zuo Yi let go.


The little girl couldn't wait to try it, raised her little hand to show Silk Weaver Ring and aimed at Tyke.


Foodie Ty, who was just overwhelmed by the cobwebs, was suddenly shocked, and rushed over to lick her face and shake her tail desperately and coquettishly: Bao'er, forgive me, Wang aaaaaah! !!

"I'm kidding you."

Bao'er quickly comforted him: "A'Ty, don't cry."

Foodie Ty tears woof woof: Scared to death!

Bao'er touched his dog's head, and stared at Pippi, who was crouching on the shelf.


The rapper was so frightened that he immediately spread his wings and flew out of the handicraft workshop.

"Just said it was a joke …"

Bao'er pursed his mouth and felt his heart tired again.

She blinked, and smiled at the Giant Spirit Shaman Slave A'Gu who was standing by: (* ^ __ ^ *)

A'Gu: (._.)

Forget it.

Bao'er looked around and couldn't find a suitable test target.

Not fun!

She wasn't content to cast spider silk and Spider Web Art against walls and empty jars.

Zuo Yi smiled and touched the little girl's head and said, "Okay, let's play here today. It can't be played more. It's almost time to take a bath and sleep."

Although it is said that using Silk Weaver Ring has a small burden on Bao'er with Perfect Spirit Body, excessive consumption of Mental Power is not a good thing. For safety reasons, he made a three chapters with Bao'er.


Bao'er yawned, put out his little hand, pats his mouth, and said, "Father, good night."

"Good night Baby."

Zuo Yi kissed her on the forehead: "Have a good dream."


Bao'er bouncing off the basement, Tyke and A'Gu, two "loyal servants", immediately followed closely.

It is with their personal companionship and help that Zuo Yi will let the little girl scramble around the house, bathe and sleep on her own, without worrying about any accidents.

No housekeeper is better than A'Gu!


The next morning, Zuo Yi, as usual, took Bao'er to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall.

Shang Yulin's work efficiency is very high. People have vacated an original storage room, cleaned and laid a floor mat, and simply transformed it into an independent exercise room.

In this way, Sun Qiang and Zhou Hong were arranged in the new practice room, Wang Jiaojiao and Bao'er were still the original Sword Room, and then Zuo Yi continued to teach Shang Yulin Knight Body Refining Method and Giant Dragon Breathing Method in another Sword Room. .

Because Shang Yulin is nourished by the Fountain of Life water, plus she is a professional martial artist who is quite an innate talent, and she is fully cultivated by Zuo Yi, so her cultivation progress is very fast, and her strength has been greatly improved.

Zuo Yi estimates that at most one month, Shang Yulin can consolidate Knight's Heart and impact Knight Rank.

Become a true Transcendent!

"Teacher …"

While Zuo Yi was pointing Bao'er in the Sword Room to practice the Faston Court Cross-Shaped Sword Technique, Wang Jiaojiao said with a low eyebrow: "Are you free this Saturday night? I want to host a table dinner for me. "

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "I didn't say that long ago, so you don't have to worry about so much trouble."

Because Zuo Yi took the action to save Wang Jiaojiao, Wang Jiaojiao's parents were very grateful to Zuo Yi, a benefactor, and repeatedly wanted to repay.

Wang Yongqiang is very particular about being a man. He and his wife once came to Martial Arts Hall with a valuable gift to thank him in person. After being rejected by Zuo Yi, he now expressed his gratitude in a different way, which made Zuo Yi helpless.

He didn't save people for the reward of others, but just followed his Virtue Faith and had already got his due.

So Zuo Yi accepted Wang Yongqiang's gratitude, but did not ask for the other's gift.

No need.

"Teacher ~"

Wang Jiaojiao used the coquettish Divine Art: "Please, please, please!"

She folded her hands to look poor.

"Alright alright."

Zuo Yi couldn't stand it, she said, "Then this Saturday night, but don't make the scene too big, I don't like it."


Wang Jiaojiao immediately cheered and patted his small breast to ensure: "Just rest assured, I'll tell father!"

She gleefully called her dad to announce the good news.

Zuo Yi reluctantly shook the head.

He doesn't like to be so popular, but anyway, Zhi En Tu Bao is a kind of Virtue to be encouraged.

In this world, not many people can follow this Virtue.

There are some people, fighting rice to support the good, bear rice to support revenge!
