Paladin Dad Chapter 166

Zuo Yi has seen hundreds of Worlds, both high-dimensional Worlds and low-latitude Worlds.

Among all the Worlds that Zuo Yi has experienced, Earth's Technology civilization is undoubtedly very unique. He has not encountered the same or even similar World in his century-old battle experience.

Although Earth, as a young low-latitude World, is full of vitality and vitality, and the development of Technology civilization can be called brilliant, in the eyes of Zuo Yi, this development has actually fallen into the bottleneck.

Earth mankind landed on the moon decades ago, and decades later he did not set up an unmanned base on this satellite, and there is still a long way to go before actually flying out of the solar system.

I'm afraid that's why Earth's World Consciousness played this game to consume the source to force the promotion of World.

World Tree and World Stone, the Seven Heroes, World on the Intranet, Nightmare Space, and Transcendent awakened a lot, in the end, in order to achieve the conquest of Different World, and then get enough resources to complete the breakthrough.

Zuo Yi felt the tragic meaning of "becoming successful without success"!

He even suspected that it was not an accidental miracle that he accidentally crossed Sadya. Perhaps World Consciousness quietly sent many people to "study abroad" in other planes, and then waited for the rabbit.

He is just one of them.

Zuo Yi knows that there is a super spell similar to "Big Expulsion", which can randomly exile people to an unknown World.

But he didn't think much about it, because the answer is only known by World Consciousness who has fallen asleep.

"Adviser Zuo …"

Wu Yongjian finally said to Zuo Yi: "As long as you are doing righteous thoughts and abide by the principles, the Extraordinary Management Office will always be your strongest backing, and you can also use this as your own home!"

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi shook hands again with the Chief Executive Officer of the Extraordinary Management Office.

If he originally joined the Extraordinary Management Office just to gain Faith value, now there is undoubtedly an additional sense of identity for the Extraordinary Management Office!

Leaving the police station building, when Zuo Yi had just returned to his car, he received a call from Zhou Hong.

After ending the call, Zuo Yi did not return to Tianhong Martial Arts Hall directly, but went to the Nanshan Hospital that he visited last time.

Mei Jingyang contacted Zhou Hong through Changan, hoping to meet Zuo Yi.

In addition to expressing thanks and apologies, he also wanted to introduce several "big customers" to Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi didn't care about the other person's gratitude or apology, but considering that he needed to sell a few medicines as soon as possible in exchange for funds for land purchase, he agreed.

There is no need to arrange another time, and rushing directly to the past saves trouble.

At Nanshan Hospital, Zuo Yi first met Zhou Hong-he came earlier.

The two again came to the intensive care unit of the inpatient department and met Mei Jingyang.

Compared with a few days ago, the beauty of this old mister is really much stronger, no longer dying, although still thin, his face is a little more rosy, and he looks good.

He did not lie on the hospital bed, but in a wheelchair personally went to the door to meet Zuo Yi.

Interestingly, there were no other people in the ward except the two paramedics, and the children were not there.

Zuo Yi estimates that the eight-nine was specifically avoided by Mei Jingyang's family to avoid causing discomfort.

Actually, Zuo Yi is so narrow-minded.

But being quiet is also a good thing.

"You must be Mr. Zuo Yi …"

I have seen Zuo Yi in front of the door, Mei Jingyang said with a faint smile: "I'm so sorry, I disturbed you today."

For such an old man, Zuo Yi would not be rude: "May old mister is polite."

"Let's go talk."

After coming to the living room, after Zuo Yi and Zhou Hong sat down, Mei Jingyang asked the two nurses to leave.

He solemnly said to Zuo Yi, "Mr. Zuo, here I apologize to you first."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It's important, it's nothing to do with you, you don't need to apologize to me."

"The son does not teach the father!"

Mei Jingyang said earnestly: "I have repeatedly taught them that people are unfaithful, especially businessmen. If they cannot keep their promises, how can they do business all over the world?"

"My daughter's pattern is too light-eyed. I'm sorry to show you the joke."

Zuo Yi shook his head: "It's over."

"Then let's get down to business."

Mei Jingyang said: "Mr. Zuo, I take the liberty to ask, are you a Transcendent?"

Zuo Yi's eyes flashed: "Why do you ask?"

Mei Jingyang explained: "I want to know if you know that the Dao Foundation has evolved medicine."

"Genetic evolution medicine?"

Zuo Yi was slightly surprised: "I haven't heard of it, but I am indeed a Transcendent."

"So this is ah…"

Mei Jingyang's expression was a little complicated. He was silent for a moment and said, "Mr. Zuo, I want to tell you that my disease is caused by the genetic evolution of medicine."

It turned out that three months ago, Mei Jingyang had received a recommendation from another person to inject a gene that was claimed to be the latest technology to succeed in genetic evolution. .

Zhou Hong was surprised: "Mei old mister, have you encountered a liar?"

Who is he thinking so bold, dare to make money for this one!

"Not a liar."

Mei Jingyang said with a bitter smile: "People have said that at my age, the success rate is very low, but this is my only chance to become a Transcendent. In fact, there are many people besides me The same medicine was injected and several of them were successful. "

Zhou Hong stunned: "Why do you want to be Transcendent?"

From his own point of view, unless it is as strong as Zuo Yi, the low-level Transcendent is nothing great. It can still be killed with a single shot, so why take such a huge risk to pursue it.

Mei Jingyang is not bad at all.

"I thought I was down on Life and Death …"

A self-deprecating expression appeared on Mei Jingyang's face: "At the age of death, I didn't know I wanted to live a few more years. It is said that Transcendent's life expectancy is stronger than ordinary people, and he will become younger when he becomes Transcendent. And health. "

"I can't resist such a temptation.

There is a big horror between Life and Death!

Zuo Yi knows what the other person thinks-who wants to live well who wants to die?

Sadya World's Wizards, in order to prolong their lives, researched various methods to pursue eternal life.

Ordinary people also have the dream of longevity.

"Adviser Zuo."

Mei Jingyang looked at Zuo Yi's eyes with a touch of eagerness: "Your Healing Potion is so good. I thought I was dead this time. I didn't expect to be rescued, so I want to ask … … "

"Do you have a medicine to extend your life?"

In the last sentence, his voice was slightly trembling, showing his inner excitement and expectations.


Zuo Yi replied without hesitation.

What Zuo Yi can tell is the truth, he really doesn't have a medicine extension in his hand, he just has the Fountain of Life water.

But Fountain of Life water is not for sale, and it has been given to Mei Jingyang 10% drops, which is totally worth the 200 million.

"This way."

Mei Jingyang couldn't hide her disappointment: "I knew …"

Even his face became a lot darker.

Zuo Yi thought about it and said, "Although I don't have a life extension medicine, I have another medicine that can help you live better and healthier, improve the quality of life, and also have a certain effect on delaying aging."

Mei Jingyang was overjoyed: "I bought it!"

Zuo Yi smiled and took a Constitution Potion from his pocket, actually a space ring, and handed it to the other party.

He said: "200 million."

Constitution Potion is actually more expensive than Curing Disease Potion, but Mei Jingyang belongs to the "old customers", so I gave a discount.

Mei Jingyang replied without hesitation: "I'll have someone transfer it to you right away!"

He held this medicine tightly, like the first time he held the little hand of his first love lover in his youth.

Zhou Hong, who was sitting beside him at this moment, was already stunned.

He took two medicines before and after, one physique and one strength. Just when the prices of the two medicines were the same, wouldn't it kill a whole XNUMX million!

Zhou Hong has only so many net worths!

Originally, I didn't think about it very much. In retrospect, I feel really like dreaming.
