Paladin Dad Chapter 168

Run and run.

Bao'er didn't know how far she ran forward, but she still couldn't find father.

And it was getting darker and darker.


She slowed down, tears accumulated in her eyes, and she wanted to cry again.

But the TV said that the crying child is not a good child, and Bao'er wants to be the best child, so he cannot cry.

But where is father?


Tyke took a small step and looked up: Bao'er Bao'er doesn't cry, Wang will accompany you to find the Great Demon King, ah no, you father!


Bao'er vigorously nodded: "I don't cry, I will definitely find father."

Trying to encourage myself, the little girl held back the tears, as well as the fear and anxiety in her heart, and continued to run.

Then she saw a cloud of light ahead, like a lighthouse in this dim world.

Bao'er's eyes shined suddenly: "A'Ty, look!"

Tyke: Wang, Wang saw it!

"Father must be there!"

Bao'er laughed cheerfully: "A'Ty, let's run!"

She hastened her pace.

Tyke: Red duck ~

The light cluster in front of it grew larger and brighter. Bao'er saw a towering tree standing in the light cluster, and the soft rays of light shone on her, making her feel safe and warm.

Close at hand.

Father !

Bao'er rushed into the light group without thinking, and Tyke followed her closely.

The next moment, the world in front of me is different!


The little girl was surprised to find that she was actually on a Grand Plaza. All around was all palace buildings that can only be seen on TV. From time to time, there was a rays of light flashing around her, and then each and everyone looked strange. People.

Bao'er asked in confusion: "A'Ty, where is this?"


Tyke: Wang doesn't know.

Bao'er's curious look also attracted the attention of many people around him.

Everyone felt very weird. Why was there a little girl that was a few years old and came here with a puppy?

This is not a city park citizen square!

"Children …"

A young girl dressed as Elf came over and asked, "Why are you alone here?"

"elder sister is good."

Bao'er said politely, "I'm looking for my father, have you seen my father?"

"You father?"

The Elf girl asked, "Who are you father? Are you a real person or an NPC?"

Talking, she couldn't help laughing, and felt very interesting.

The Elf girl suspected that Bao'er is not true person, because he had never seen a few years old baby dolls appear on Liwang.

Never heard of it!

Although she hasn't seen Liwang 's NPC, Liwang belongs to the virtual world. It has many similarities with ordinary Internet. The appearance of NPC is reasonable.

Maybe it's a new feature just launched by Liwang. It has added NPCs to interact with these Extraordinary players.

In the Liwang forum, some people have called for it!

Bao'er is a little bit stingy: "elder sister, what is NPC?"


The Elf girl hadn't answered yet, and suddenly heard someone calling her name.

She immediately turned her head towards the direction of the sound, and saw the friends in the crowd at a glance.

"I am here!"

The Elf girl quickly beckoned to each other: "Come here."

Several companions quickly got together, everyone talked and laughed happily.

A few minutes later, the Elf girl suddenly thought of Bao'er.

But when she turned around, she found that Bao'er was gone.


Elf girl is a bit sorry, but she didn't care-NPC disappeared normally, maybe it was just being tested!

Bao'er is certainly not an NPC.

Seeing that the Elf girl didn't answer her question and talked to others, she didn't bother the elder sister and took Tyke herself to continue to find father.

Where is father?

Bao'er frowns thought hard, pointed to the front and said, "A'Ty, I feel father is over there, what do you say?"

She was pointing at Azure Dragon Street.

Tyke: Wang has no opinion.

"Then let's go."

Bao'er said, "Let's find father soon."

She took Tyke to trot across the square and slowed down to Azure Dragon Street.

The surrounding scene attracted the attention of the little girl and made her look around constantly: "A'Ty, look at the many shops here, do you think father came here to buy us something?"

Tyke: Wang doesn't know.

After walking on the Azure Dragon Street where people come and go, Bao'er's face collapsed again: "A'Ty, where did you say father went? How can I not find it?"


She thought of a good way: "Let's ask someone else!"

Just passing by a 30-40 years old mercenary-dressed man, Bao'er quickly asked: "Uncle Uncle, have you seen my father?"

The mercenary man paused and asked in amazement: "You father? Child, who are you?"

"My name is Bao'er."

Bao'er answered seriously: "Zuo Bao'er, my father's name is Zuo Yi, have you seen him?"

"Zuo Yi?"

The mercenary man subconsciously wanted to shake his head-where did he know what was left and right.

But seeing Bao'er's innocent and full of anticipation, an Evil Thought suddenly appeared!

Unlike the Elf girl just now, the mercenary man not at all treats Bao'er as an NPC, but a Little Jin person!

Such a small child is Transcendent, and it also has an intranet registrar, and its identity must be extraordinary.

The eight-nine is a kind of small money of the Aristocratic Family, secretly come up to play!

Will she have a lot of points on her body, or something else of value?

Robbery can't be grabbed, but what about cheating?

The mercenary man licked his lips and said with a smile: "Child, you really asked the right person. I just met you father. I saw him in the tavern just now, and I'll take you now!"


Bao'er suddenly overjoyed: "Thank you Uncle!"

"you're welcome!"

Mercenary man said with a smile: "Then let's go, go through the alley here, and get to the tavern very soon."

Then, he walked towards an alley next to him.

Bao'er quickly followed along.


Tyke called out, instinctively feeling a bit out of place.

"A'Ty, go!"

Bao'er couldn't wait to see father and hurried back: "Come on!"

Tyke hesitated, still following Bao'er closely.

Following the mercenary man in front, Bao'er and Tyke entered the alley.

The alley was long, straight and clean, with high walls made of red bricks on both sides, and no one inside, so it was very quiet.

The mercenary man took the little girl down the alley along the section of the road, and suddenly stopped.

Bao'er asked in confusion: "Uncle, are you here?"

"not yet."

The mercenary man turned around, and there was unstoppable greed in the eyes of looked towards Bao'er: "Little friends …"

At this moment he not at all noticed that following Bao'er side Tyke's eyes were fierce, and his eyes became blood red.

The maliciousness of the other party is so obvious that it has touched the most sensitive nerve of Abyss Cerberus!

Bao'er felt something, and could not help but take a step back: "Uncle?"

At this moment, a voice from Tyke sounded in her mind: Bao'er, father is behind you!


Bao'er turned away in surprise, yellowed: "father!"

Just here in an instant, Tyke jumped up and leapt to the mercenary man in front!

Its body swelled more than ten times in an instant, and opened a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl moved towards The other party made a silent growl, and the sharp canines on the upper and lower rows moved the cold rays of light.

Such a puppet!

The malicious mercenary man did not have any defense, and had no time to react at all. He was bitten by the giant version of Tyke and swallowed into its big Abyss mouth.

Straighten round with feet!

The next second, Tyke landed on the ground, chewed a few times, and immediately spit out "pei pei pei".

It's really smelly, this person's meat is too chewy, the gabab is quite crispy, there is no chicken flavor at all, Wang pei pei pei!

I wo n't chew it anymore, but steak is the best!


Bao'er turned around and hummed to the big scammer Foodie Ty, "Where's the father you said?"

Not at all!

Tyke spit out his tongue, "hahaha," shaking his tail desperately and charmingly.

When it landed just now, it has returned to its original appearance.

Afraid to scare little girl.

"hmph! "

The magnanimous Bao'er decided not to care about it, but she was also surprised to find that the Uncle had just disappeared!


little girl Looking around: Where did Uncle go?

Tyke licked his tongue and secretly spit again.

