Paladin Dad Chapter 178

"Zuo Yi, are you free now?"

As soon as Zuo Yi stepped out of the Sword Room, he bumped into Shang Yulin head-on.

"There is an important thing to discuss with you about the Martial Alliance contest."

Zuo Yi nodded: "OK."

As early as two or three decades ago, with the rise of the World Martial Arts system, sports events such as the Olympic Games, World Championships, World Cup, etc. have gradually withdrawn from the historical stage and replaced by various Martial Arts Competitions.

Among them, the largest and most influential is undoubtedly the biennial World Martial Arts Competition, referred to as the World Martial Arts Competition.

The China Martial Arts Alliance holds a national Martial Arts Alliance Grand Prix every year, and sets up two major competitions: martial arts and sword technique. The competition is divided into different groups based on the participants 'gender, age, and team.

The contestants were selected from the city level, then entered the provincial division, and finally went to the National Finals.

The winners of the finals will not only be able to win huge sums of money, but also be qualified to participate in the World Wushu on behalf of China to win a higher Honor, attracting the attention of the entire World.

For thousands of Martial Arts Halls across the country, the annual Martial Alliance competition is undoubtedly extremely important.

Does a Martial Arts Hall participate in the competition, and whether the player can get the ranking, whether it is a city-level, provincial-level or national-level winner, the influence is completely different.

Top Martial Arts Halls often have multiple national laurels and even the World Gold Cup!

When Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was the most brilliant, some players had entered the semi-finals of the sword technique youth group of the Martial Alliance competition, which is already a remarkable result.

But in recent years, the talent loss at Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has been severe, and even after the death of Shang He, he was even more distressed.

Now that Tianhong Martial Arts Hall has regained its glory, Shang Yulin has high hopes for this year's Martial Alliance competition and hopes to make a difference.

Tianhong now has three directly elected seats, which would be a shame if not used.

"I will sign up in another month."

Shang Yulin said: "We must determine the three places, otherwise overdue will be considered as a waiver, so I would like to ask your opinion, who are these three places allocated to."

The three Martial Alliance contests directly elected places can be said to be the most valuable resource owned by Tianhong. Last time, the Mountain and Sea Martial Arts Hall came to the kicking hall to do things. The purpose was to force Shang Yulin to make a place.

As a result, Zuo Yi kicked it back, causing a big storm.

Originally, only two places were held by Tianhong, and the third was recently compensated by the Martial Alliance.

The previous two places are not permanent and expire in two years.

In this matter, Shang Yulin absolutely respects the opinion of Zuo Yi.

"Zhang Dahai one."

Zuo Yi said without hesitation: "Wu Hao, the last one is for Yu Wei."

Shang Yulin was surprised: "Don't you leave me one?"

Shang Yulin is not selfish. Her sword technique is the strongest except Zuo Yi. She has the highest Professional Rank and the status of Hall Master.

As for Zuo Yi, Zuo Yi is Martial Arts certified by Martial Alliance. According to the rules, you cannot participate in Martial Alliance competitions as a player.

He also participated in the Martial Alliance competition as a judge, and is eligible for the highest jury.

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "After a while you will not be eligible to participate, why waste a place."

Shang Yulin stunned: "Why am I ineligible?"

She immediately came to her senses: "Ah, you mean I can become a Transcendent soon?"

Zuo Yi smiled nodded.

Shang Yulin is close to the breakthrough Extraordinary. She may not be aware of it herself, but Zuo Yi can see it clearly.

No more than a month, Shang Yulin will surely be able to cross this nature!

Can Transcendent participate in the Martial Alliance contest?

The original Zuo Yi didn't know it at all, but now it definitely won't work.

Even the lowest-level Strongthening Type Transcendent has a great advantage over the ordinary martial artist. The Martial Alliance definitely has a complete set of detection mechanisms to prevent Transcendent from appearing in the game.

Otherwise it would have been messy.

"I can't believe it myself."

Shang Yulin is happy, but still a little confused: "Zhang Dahai and Wu Hao, I have no opinion. Why not give the last place to Sun Qiang or Jiaojiao?"

Participants in the Martial Alliance contest are independent of teachers and students. Zhang Dahai is of course qualified to participate, and it is beyond doubt that he will get a place with his strength.

Wu Hao is the one with the highest strength and innate talent among the trainees that Zhang Dahai originally brought. Now he is studying Hongwu Boxing, and he is also one of the fastest improving people.

When Tianhong Martial Arts Hall was the most dismal, Wu Hao didn't leave, and he should be rewarded.

And Yu Wei is a new student, and Zuo Yi gave him the last precious place, which made Shang Yulin puzzled.

Zuo Yi replied: "Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao, I plan to let them both participate in the local trials. Which level they can reach depends on their own efforts. It can also be regarded as an exercise for them. Not good. "

Sun Qiang and Wang Jiaojiao are too short to enter the martial arts. Even if there are still three months before the start of the Martial Alliance contest, it is not enough for them to really grow up.

Compared to Zhang Dahai, Wu Hao and Yu Wei, they are still too young!


Shang Yulin no longer disputes: "I will report their three names next month."

She asked again, "If Martial Alliance invites you to be a judge, will you go?"

The judge of the Martial Alliance competition is a very high Honor in the Martial Arts circle. As a Martial Arts Zuo Yi double-ranking nine, invitations will be issued from emotions and from logic Martial Alliance.

"Not interested in."

Zuo Yi without the slightest hesitation shook the head: "You refused it for me."

He was bored when others followed.

Although it was a pity, Shang Yulin respected Zuo Yi's opinion.

This matter is officially finalized.

dīng líng líng ~

At this time, Zuo Yi's phone rang.

He looked at the number and found a strange call: "Hey, hello."

A sweet female voice came over the phone: "Hello, may I ask Zuo Bao'er's parent Mr. Zuo Yi?"

Zuo Yi wondered, "Yes, are you?"

"Hi Mr. Zuo."

The other party said: "I am Yan Teacher from Morning City Kindergarten. May I ask if you have submitted an application form for the new semester to our Morning City Kindergarten?"


Zuo Yi immediately straightened the waist, and his serious appearance made Shang Yulin, who was sitting opposite him, feel inexplicably nervous.

"Is such that…"

Yan Teacher said: "The application you submitted for Zuo Bao'er has passed our preliminary review. Please come and interview with your child. The time and place will be sent to your mobile phone later. ,can you look?"

"Ok, Ok."

Zuo Yi quickly said, "Thank you!"

"you are welcome."

Yan Teacher said, "What's the matter, you can contact me at any time, goodbye."


After ending the call, Zuo Yi held the phone and did not speak.

Shang Yulin couldn't help asking, "What's wrong?"

She didn't deliberately listen to Zuo Yi's conversation with the other party, but just felt that Zuo Yi's expression was not right.

Zuo Yi put down his cell phone and said with a smile: "It was a call from the morning city kindergarten. Bao'er's application for registration was approved, but I still have to attend an interview."

"Morning City Kindergarten!"

Shang Yulin was pleasantly surprised: "That's the best kindergarten, congratulations!"

Some time ago, for Bao'er, Zuo Yi submitted application forms to the three top private kindergartens in Hangzhou. At that time, he did not have much hope, because from the information searched on the Internet, the requirements of the three kindergartens were extremely high. .

Higher for children, higher for parents!

Unexpectedly, the best Morning City kindergarten among the three actually passed the application and informed him and Bao'er to participate in the interview.

If the interview passes, then no problem.

This was also a surprise for Zuo Yi.

He is an invincible powerhouse, and also a dad who loves daughter. Of course, I hope Bao'er can get the best of everything!

"And an interview."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "It doesn't necessarily pass."

"Passing that is their loss!"

Shang Yulin said disapprovingly, "Bao'er is so smart and cute that it is their blessing to go to kindergarten in the morning city!"

Zuo Yi hehehe, I feel so happy.

At this moment, Zuo Yi is really no different from an ordinary father!

dīng líng líng ~

His cell phone rang again!
