Paladin Dad Chapter 181

"Bao'er eats more food."

Liang Xuemei put a piece of shrimp in Bao'er's bowl with public chopsticks and said with a smile: "This is the prawn that Grandma bought for you today. It is still alive and sweet when you buy it."

Courtesy Bao'er: "Thank you Grandma."

But she was a bit sad, because the dishes in the small bowl in front of her were so high that she couldn't eat them at all!

However, Liang Xuemei seemed to turn a blind eye and kept on picking vegetables.


Shang Yulin really couldn't see it anymore, and Zhanyi said, "Bao'er can't eat any more, so don't force it."

"Where am I stuck? How do you know Bao'er can't eat?"

Liang Xuemei immediately retorted: "She is the age of the body, and nutrition must keep up. What if you are not full? You were so picky when you were young …

Shang Yulin was counted to his head and was almost on the table.

She would like to ask Mother-did she give it to her for free, is she really a mother?

I didn't ask because I was afraid of being killed.

But Zuo Yi couldn't bear to look at it, and said quickly: "Master's Wife, I have already eaten, you eat slowly."

Saying he kicked Shang Yulin lightly under the table.


Shang Yulin immediately responded: "I have eaten too, Mom, you and Bao'er continue to eat, and I go to Zuo Yi to see Aunt Zhuang."

Originally, Liang Xuemei also wanted to scold Shang Yulin. When she heard that she was going to visit Aunt Zhuang, she immediately put down her chopsticks: "Then you can't go with your hands free, and bring some food."

She retrieved the bag, filled it with bags of milk powder, fruits, nutrition cookies and other food, and gave it to Shang Yulin.

Liang Xuemei said: "Then you go, you do n't have to rush back after seeing your aunt Zhuang, go outside and watch a movie or something, I just stay with Bao'er at home."

Shang Yulin didn't know whether to cry or laugh: "Mom …"

Liang Xuemei hurried: "Go and go!"

She sent Shang Yulin and Zuo Yi out of the door together and watched them walk down the stairs.

But there is a snack.

Why don't you call with such a good pair?

Liang Xuemei has always liked Zuo Yi, and now he is even more fond of Zuo Yi.

Shang Yulin is not too young, because she is busy with the work of Martial Arts Hall and has never been in love. Seeing that year after year has passed, her mother's heart is also anxious!

From Liang Xuemei's point of view, Zuo Yi is undoubtedly an excellent object. Although there is a daughter, Bao'er is so cute and well-behaved.

Being eldest to be her granddaughter!

However, neither of them had such a meaning. Originally, she was Senior Sister Junior Brother, and now she has become a master and disciple. She also tried it side by side, but the answer she obtained was not what she wanted.

Nevertheless, Liang Xuemei did not give up the last effort!

Shang Yulin and Zuo Yi went downstairs, and her pretty face glowed red. "You don't care about my mother, she's bored now."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Master's Wife also cares about you, don't you plan to spend your whole life alone?"

He certainly understood Liang Xuemei's thoughts and ideas.

It's just that Shang Yulin is more like a sister's relative to him. It is impossible to fall in love.

Once troubled by the sea, Zuo Yi's heart is now vicissitudes, and he has no intention of starting a new relationship with others.

He just wanted to accompany Bao'er to grow up slowly.

"What's so bad about being single?"

Shang Yulin said disapprovingly: "That way I can stay with my mother forever, and live better without a man!"

Zuo Yi convinced: "Just like it."

Shang Yulin glanced at him and said nothing.

After a while, she asked, "Do you think Xiao Yun's ghost is still in Aunt Zhuang's house?"

Since seeing Zuo Yi's magical means and knowing the existence of Transcendent and Li World, Shang Yulin's acceptance of extraordinary things has undoubtedly increased greatly.

Earlier, when talking about the ghost, Zuo Yi said that if she wanted to go to Aunt Zhuang's house, she knew that things were not easy.

Zuo Yi nodded replied: "It's possible."

The most familiar relatives can most feel the existence of Spirit Physique. Although it is invisible and intangible, it has a telepathy.

Shang Yulin worried: "What then?"

"Let's take a look and talk."

Zuo Yi said, "It's not necessarily true, but if it is true, then you can be relieved if you help her realize her wish."

In Sadya World, Zuo Yi once helped a lot of Bai Ling.

It has also wiped out countless evil spirits.

He got a lot of Power of Faith.

Zuo Yi is also a true expert in this regard.

So I learned about Aunt Zhuang from the mouth of Shang Yulin, and he became interested and wanted to go and see.

See if you can help each other.

Aunt Zhuang's home is close to Shang Yulin's home, across a small street across the road.

The community has been built for a long time, the house looks more dilapidated, there is no management, and people enter and exit casually.

Shang Yulin took Zuo Yi and turned left and right to the 2-Layer of a residential building.

"Aunt Zhuang!"

She knocked on the door of one of the houses.

The door was opened by a two-faced, pale-faced Old Lady.

When she saw Shang Yulin, she smiled: "Xiaoyu, why are you here, have you eaten? Cough cough!"

Old Lady leaned on her thin body and coughed hard, making people feel uncomfortable listening.

"Aunt Zhuang …"

Shang Yulin quickly stepped forward to help her: "Are you all right? Would you like to go to the hospital?"

"No need to."

Aunt Zhuang waved her hand and said, "I have been sick for so many years. The hospital can't be cured at all, and it's vain to go."

"Come in and sit down."

Her gaze fell on Zuo Yi's body, and there was a surprise in her cloudy eyes: "This is … your boyfriend?"


Shang Yulin pretty face Yihong, quickly explained: "Zuo Yi, my father's disciple, he came to visit you with me."

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "Hello Aunt Zhuang."

"Good, good."

Aunt Zhuang nodded said, "Come in."

Her home is not big, and the two-bedroom and one-story hall are like fifty-sixty square meters. The layout of the living room is very simple. A picture frame is placed on the shelf near the corner, with a picture of a delicate and pretty girl inside. .

It should be the little Yun.

Aunt Zhuang asked Shang Yulin and Zuo Yi to sit down on the sofa. She said with a little embarrassment: "There is nothing to entertain at home. I'll go boil some water and make two cups of tea for you."

Shang Yulin quickly said, "Aunt Zhuang, you don't need to worry."

Aunt Zhuang shook her head stubbornly.

Shang Yulin had to go over and said, "I'll help you."

Aunt Zhuang did not refuse this time, and she said to Zuo Yi very kindly: "Little Zuo, then if you feel like it, this is your own home and you don't have to be restrained."

Zuo Yi nodded: "Okay, thank you."

After Shang Yulin and Aunt Zhuang went to the kitchen, Zuo Yi not at all sat still, got up and looked around.

At this point he was able to determine that Spirit Physique really exists in this home!

Converging his breath to the extreme, Zuo Yi turned around in the living room and finally stood at the door of a room.

The door is closed.

Zuo Yi reached out and held the doorknob, twisting it slightly.

The door opened with a squeak.

This bedroom is small but warmly furnished with a single bed, a wardrobe and a dressing table, clean.

But it looked like there had been no occupants for a long time, and the sheets were extremely flat.

Zuo Yi stood at the door and turned on Spirit Vision.

The next moment, a slim silhouette instantly appeared in the vision of spiritual sense in Zuo Yi!

She looked very young, in her twenties, with exactly the same appearance as the photo in the living room, wearing long hair and a white dress, sitting quietly on the edge of the bed.

When Zuo Yi's eyes gazed at her, she seemed to be aware, turning her head to look at Zuo Yi.

The other half of the face was rolled in flesh, exposing Sensen's bones, looking at unusual horror!

It 's just that Zuo Yi has seen ten times more grieving spirits than her terrifying, so there is no slight fluctuation in her heart. Try to ask with spiritual thoughts: "Xiao Yun?"

Spiritual ideas are the only way to communicate with Spirit Physique.

The white skirt woman was shocked, and her half-intact face showed a startled expression: "You, are you?"

Her words were also conveyed with mental thoughts.

"My name is Zuo Yi."

Zuo Yi replied, "I came to visit your mother with Shang Yulin. Why are you hiding here alone?"

"I, I'm afraid."

The white skirt woman touched her wounded face and muttered to herself: "I'm afraid my appearance will scare mother."

Zuo Yi sighed slightly.

The "Xiao Yun" in front of her is undoubtedly a Bai Ling, and she still retains a considerable memory-this is exactly her biggest sadness.
