Paladin Dad Chapter 189

In addition to Qin Junhao and the magician, Zhang Jingyao also had other problems.

Because of her beauty and singing, she will never lose her sense of reason. It is just that she has a strong background in the brokerage company, plus Zhang Xiufen and Lu Han doing their best to protect her from the wind and rain, nothing has happened.

However, the confrontation between Qin Junhao and the magician on the Liwang forum pushed her to the edge of the cliff.

Qin Junhao is also a very dazzling figure on Liwang. Not long ago, he posted on Liwang's Xiadu Forum, demonstrating that he is the only boyfriend of Zhang Jingyao, so that others should not be delusional.

For some reason, Qin Junhao sent such a high-profile post, and few people knew it because it was not in line with his usual style, but his statement was refuted and ridiculed by many people.

The website is Transcendent's World. Transcendents are full of unruly generations, not to mention virtual worlds that can hide their real identity. Everyone is not afraid of Qin Junhao's retaliation.

Among them, the "Magician" responded most severely, saying that if Qin Junhao was really Zhang Jingyao's boyfriend, he would have to give him a green hat.

The reason is that Qin Junhao's "super-second-generation", which "depends on his father to eat," is not worthy of Zhang Jingyao!

Just pumped his face.

This incident caused a great sensation in the Liwang forum.

"Qin Junhao asked me to move to Qin Family …"

Zhang Jingyao said distressedly: "I said to protect me, I refused. He was very upset, and my aunt was worried."

Zhang Jingyao didn't say anything about it, Zuo Yi knew it.

Zhang Xiufen must discuss the countermeasures with Lu Han, and Lu Han must be transferred to the Desolate World at this time.

So Lu Han had no choice but to turn to Zuo Yi for help.

Zuo Yi thought about it and asked, "If that's the case, why would your aunt go back to Beijing?"

Isn't this walking right into a trap?

Still not worried that Qin Junhao will start with her?

"Auntie must go back."

Zhang Jingyao said with a bitter smile: "My grandfather and grandma are both in Beijing, and my two sons and daughters. If there is no aunt to support the facade, they will collapse."

In fact, even if Zuo Yi didn't rush out Zhang Xiufen, Zhang Xiufen would not stay in Hangzhou for a long time, because the family members.

As Transcendent, Qin Junhao's strength is not the strongest, some people can crush him, but as Qin Wuyang's most beloved son, his identity makes everyone afraid.

Zhang Jingyao is very clear about how much pressure her aunt has suffered since this time.

Qin Junhao does not need to take his own shot. Some people are willing to run for him. Compared with the mighty China Qin Valve, Beijing's Zhang Family is just like an ant at the feet of an elephant.

In fact, Zhang Family couldn't wait to marry Qin Family, but Zhang Jingyao didn't listen to Zhang Family at all because of the bad relationship between mother and them.

The Zhang Family that Zhang Jingyao really trusts is only Zhang Xiufen. Zhang Xiufen also hurts her in the bones. She would rather die than Zhang Jingyao.

"I know."

After understanding the cause and effect, Zuo Yi nodded said, "You live in peace for the time being. When the concert starts next month, if any magician comes over, I will take care of him. As for Qin Junhao, it is not a big problem . "

He spoke casually, but Zhang Jingyao opened his eyes unbelievably.

Zhang Jingyao knows that Zuo Yi is a very capable person, otherwise Zhang Xiufen will not send himself here to seek asylum. The few Rare Items that Zuo Yi brought out before can also prove his strength.

But Zuo Yi didn't take the magician and Qin Junhao into her eyes, which made her feel ridiculous.

She wanted to question or remind, but the strong confidence revealed in Zuo Yi's words made her speechless.

Maybe it's true?

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Sit down, I'll go and see in the kitchen."

He didn't like to talk nonsense, anyway, he would use facts to prove it.

In the kitchen, Shang Yulin is busy in front of the cooktop.

When Zuo Yi came in, she immediately whispered, "Is that really Zhang Jingyao?"

Zuo Yi smiled: "Of course it is."

Shang Yulin's curiosity was boiling like the fish soup in the pot: "Did you know her before?"


Zuo Yi had to say the whole sequence of events again, but omitted the content related to "magician".

"Such a thing like this?"

After listening to Shang Yulin, he simply said, "If it was me, I would be exposed online!"

Zhang Jingyao has hundreds of millions of fans, and is a frequent guest on the headlines. Nature has great influence. Once this matter is exposed, she does not believe that Qin Junhao dares to be strong!

"It's useless."

Zuo Yi shook his head and said, "And if you do this, you will tear your face completely."

When it comes to the Qin Family level, it is not something that can be shaken by public opinion.

Qin Family has too many means to solve the problem, or to solve the problem.

Shang Yulin understands the truth, but still feels hesitant: "Is there no way to deal with people like them?"


Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "As long as you have enough strength, you can control your own destiny!"

Regardless of Earth, Sadya World, or the entire pluralistic universe, the weak are prey to the strong jungle law is one of the most basic laws, and may have different external forms, but there is no difference in essence.

After hard work in Sadya World, he didn't know how much it cost, in order to grasp the fate!

Shang Yulin was silent.

The fish soup in the pot is still boiling.

She suddenly said, "Zuo Yi, I want to be a Transcendent soon!"

Obviously what happened to Zhang Jingyao and what Zuo Yi had just said had a great impact on her.

"it is good."

Zuo Yi nodded-this is not a problem.

This world is undergoing tremendous changes, and it will usher in a new era. He is willing to take Shang Yulin together!


At the same time, Beijing, Yangliu Hutong, Yanfu, beyond a thousand miles.

This mansion located east of the ancient Imperial City was originally the mansion of the former prince Yan, but the current master is Qin.

In Yanfu Yayuan, a vigorous white clothed man was sitting and drinking tea with a cute girl.

At this time, a smart man in a suit came quickly to the white clothed man: "Qin Shao."

White clothed man raised his eyebrows and lowered the blue and white porcelain cup: "Say."

The man in the suit lowered his head and said: "Just after news came from Hangzhou, Jing Yao Miss and Zhang Xiufen were picked up after arriving at the airport in the morning, but our people have not found out their whereabouts, and they do not know who was picked up Go, presumably someone from the Extraordinary Management Office. "

The white clothed man was displeased: "So what are we doing in the Extraordinary Management Office? What do they do?"

The man in the suit immediately sweated from his forehead, and his head was lowered: "I will let them find out as soon as possible."


White clothed man waved his hand and said, "Don't let me down again."


If the man in the suit was amnesty immediately, he hurriedly bowed his head and left.

"Second brother …"

The pretty girl sitting opposite a white clothed man said with a smile: "You are so useless, you actually let the sister-in-law run like this!"


White clothed man laughed abruptly: "Where can she run? If not to draw the magician, she can run out of Beijing?"

The pretty girl converged with a smile and said, "The magician is very difficult to deal with. Don't overturn the boat."

"Of course I know he can't handle it."

The white clothed man proudly said, "Otherwise, why would I set up this bureau to draw him in, and if he can handle it well, how can he appear to be my Qin Junhao?"

The pretty girl wrinkled her nose: "I just want to remind you that the magician is the master of Tarot!"

"Tarot will!"

Qin Junhao was coldly snorted, and a severe light flashed in his eyes.

Immediately, he smiled lightly and asked, "Seven sisters, would you like to go to Hangzhou to see Jing Yao's concert with me next month, and watch a good show by the way?"

"Of course, go!"

The pretty girl answered without thinking, "I'm a fan of sister-in-law!"

Qin Junhao said with a smile: "When I marry Jing Yao into the door, you can listen to her singing every day!"
