Paladin Dad Chapter 195

Zhang Ying has been following Bao'er.

As a teacher in the fifth class of Morning City Kindergarten, she is very familiar with the information of the XNUMX children in the class.

Among them, Zuo Bao'er impressed her most!

Zhang Ying has been working in Morning City Kindergarten for six years. This year's PXNUMX is her third class. With the previous two classes, she has never seen being more beautiful and sensible by Bao'er. Child.

Bao'er's goodness has reached the point where she feels distressed.

Because the profile shows Bao'er's family members column, the mother item is blank.

In other words, she is a child of a single parent family!

Children of single-parent families often have a lot of problems, and Zhang Ying pays special attention, not to mention a little girl that Bao'er likes at first sight.

Today is the first day of school. Bao'er is different from most children. She doesn't cry or make noises with other children. She is very polite to Teacher and she hides herself in the corner when she gets the toy.

Such a child is undoubtedly the most worrying for Teacher, but Zhang Ying is also worried that she will have problems in her personality, such as loneliness and autism, and even inward autism.

Therefore, while supervising other children, she also pays attention to Bao'er's every move from time to time.

As a kindergarten teacher, Zhang Ying is undoubtedly very competent.

However, Zhang Teacher found that Bao'er's behavior was a bit strange. She seemed to be communicating with someone, talking to herself, and the gesture seemed to interact with the person opposite.

But no one was across from Bao'er!

Zhang Ying observed for several minutes, feeling more and more wrong, so she walked quietly and sat down beside Bao'er.

Bao'er turned his head and said sweetly, "Zhang hello teacher."

Before Zhang Ying introduced herself, Bao'er had a good memory, and she remembered it all at once.

"Bao'er is fine."

Zhang Ying couldn't help but touched her hair and asked with a smile: "Are you building blocks?"


Bao'er felt Zhang Teacher's question a little strange, but still answered seriously: "I'm building a castle."

She has seen on television that a child has built a very large and beautiful castle using blocks, so she must try it herself.

"Oh castle …"

Zhang Ying said with a smile: "This box of building blocks may not be enough, Teacher will bring you another box."

Bao'er is grateful: "Thank you Teacher."

"you are welcome."

Zhang Ying couldn't help touching it again, as if asking casually: "Bao'er, who were you talking to just now?"

Bao'er said, "It's this little big brother."

She felt Zhang Teacher's problem was even more strange, but she turned her head around and said, "Hey, where's the little big brother?"

I was sitting opposite him just now, why didn't he disappear in a blink of an eye?



Zhang Ying was depressed, and still smiled and asked, "What does this little big brother look like, I'll look for him."

Bao'er thought hard and said, "His face is round, he's wearing red clothes, and … right!"

The little girl pointed to her forehead and added, "He seems to be hurt here, and it's swollen."

red-clothed clothing!

Zhang Ying's face suddenly changed, and the hairs of her whole body stood up. An inexplicable fear surged in an instant!

For a while, his hands and feet were cold, but he couldn't move.

Bao'er noticed her strangeness and asked curiously, "Zhang Teacher, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing."

Zhang Ying woke up in shock, said with a smile reluctantly: "Teacher to get you the building blocks."

Bao'er nodded: "Okay, thank you Teacher."

Zhang Ying stood up, she greeted the living Teacher in the room, and hurriedly returned to her office.

Opening the bottom drawer of the office, Zhang Ying turned out a photo album.

Morning City Kindergarten will take a lot of photos for children every year to record their life and study, and then send them to parents as a memorial. Some photos will be printed and posted in the window, accompanied by text for publicity.

Zhang Ying has taken all the photos of the student herself, and she occasionally took them out and looked at them.

But she hasn't moved this album for three years.

Zhang Ying found a photo from the inside.

She hesitated, and took the picture separately, and returned to the previous classroom.

The moment she entered the room, Zhang Ying subconsciously looked at Bao'er's location.

I saw Bao'er talking into the air.

Such a situation made Zhang Ying's heartbeat suddenly accelerate. She forced herself to hold her inner fear, took a new box of blocks, and sat by Bao'er's side again: "Bao'er."

"Zhang Teacher."

Bao'er turned his head said with a smile: "It's this little big brother …"

"Yi! "

When she looked back, she stumbled again: "Why not? It's strange!"

The little girl scratched her head: "Zhang Teacher, have you seen this little big brother?"

Zhang Ying put down the wooden box. Instead of answering Bao'er's question directly, she took out the photo and asked softly, "Bao'er, isn't he the little big brother you said?"

She didn't realize that her voice was shaking slightly.

In the photo, a little boy in a red coat smiled at the camera, his smile was bright and sunny!


Bao'er rejoices: "It's this little big brother!"

Really are!

Zhang Yingzhang was in the ice cave, and a cold air rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, forcing him not to scream on the spot.

The little boy in the photo is called Cai Haoyu. She was the student in the first class she took after entering the morning city kindergarten. The small class was taken to the middle class and then to the large class.

Although more than three years have passed, Zhang Ying is still very impressed with Cai Haoyu.

On April XNUMXnd, three years ago, Cai Haoyu had a sudden illness while playing with building blocks in the classroom just now. Although she and the Living Teacher had first aid and called an ambulance, she was taken to the hospital. It was already declared dead.

Zhang Ying remembered the scene that day clearly. Cai Haoyu planted it in a pile of blocks, her forehead bumped, her mouth was pale, her face pale, and she did not respond to her call.

Cai Haoyu was wearing a red coat that day!

Although police investigations and hospitals later proved that Cai Haoyu's death was purely accidental and had little to do with Morning City Kindergarten and Teacher, who had already fulfilled their responsibilities and obligations for treatment and reached an understanding with their families.

But this incident has still become a nightmare that Zhang Ying has been lingering for several years, and she sees Cai Haoyu from time to time in her dreams.

Although Zhang Ying had no responsibility in this matter, she always felt that she was too incompetent to save Cai Haoyu's life.

Cai Haoyu is also a very childlike and well-behaved child.

Therefore, in the past few years, Zhang Ying and her children have been very serious, and dare not have the slightest carelessness.

Nightmare also faded over time.

However, she absolutely did not expect that Bao'er said that he met Cai Haoyu on the first day of the new class today!

Zhang Ying doesn't think Bao'er, who is four years old, is lying.

But this thing is too weird!

She held back her consternation and put away the photo and said, "Well, Teacher knows, you can continue playing."

Bao'er is very obedient: "OK."

Zhang Ying got up and became more and more disturbed, and left the classroom again.

She came to the director's office.

Zhang Ying has a close relationship with the director of Chencheng Kindergarten. This is one of the important reasons for her to enter this top private kindergarten in Hangzhou. She also cherishes her work.

She told the headmaster what happened.

After listening, the director also changed his face and said solemnly, "Xiao Ying, you can't talk about such things!"

If I spread it out and said that the haunted people in the morning city kindergarten, then I do n't know how heavy the loss is!

Zhang Ying swallowed saliva and said, "I know, that's why I came to tell you that if you don't believe it, you can come and see it with me."

The principal thought for a while, instead of immediately approaching Zhang Ying to see the situation, he called up the monitor of class XNUMX on his own computer and played back the previous video record.

Although Bao'er was sitting near the corner of the classroom, the surveillance shot was very clear, proving that Zhang Ying was not lying at all.

Zhang Ying asked uneasily, "What should we do now?"

The principal said decisively: "Notify Zuo Bao'er's parents immediately and ask him to come and talk!"

Zhang Ying said immediately: "Okay, I'll call my parents now!"

"and many more!"

The director thought for a moment and said, "Don't call first. When Zuo Bao'er's parents come to pick us up in the afternoon, we will communicate with him. In addition, you now bring all the students in class XNUMX to the music classroom. They watch cartoons. "

Zhang Ying nodded: "Okay."

Seriously, she doesn't dare to stay in the classroom of class XNUMX now!
