Paladin Dad Chapter 213

As for Wu Yongjian's warning, Zuo Yi not at all is on his mind.

He now knows Earth's Transcendent quite well, and has a clear understanding of the Transcendent's ability level.

Measured by Zuo Yi's Knight Rank, A-Rank Transcendent is equivalent to Big Knight's strength.

Knight in Sadya World is divided into Tradeine Knight, Zheng Knight, Grand Knight, Heaven Knight, Legendary Knight, Sacred Knight, and Divine Knight 7th grade, and then divided into the first, middle and high positions.

Zuo Yi is currently the first Sacred Knight. The level of Si Kongyan 's power is between the middle and high Knights. The two sides are three steps apart. As it should be by rights, he was easily crushed into slag. .

According to this speculation, the Alpha-level Transcendent should have reached the level of Heaven and Knight. Although it is said that because of the different laws, Earth's Transcendent and Sadya Knight cannot be directly compared, but the root of power is not at all essentially different.

So don't say that the Super League will send three A-Rank down, even if it is thirty A-Rank, Zuo Yi has no pressure.

If he really fires, he has the ability to smash the entire World!

And Earth can make Zuo Yi feel reluctant, first of all, World Consciousness, and secondly, I am afraid that there are only human doomsday weapons.

But it's just dreadful.

What really limits him is the law, Eight Virtues Faith!

Compared to the Super League, Zuo Yi is more interested in Tarot: "Mr. Wu, how much do you know about Tarot?"

His understanding of the Tarot Society was limited to the most basic materials, and it felt that the organization was quite simple.

"Call me Lao Wu in the future …"

Wu Yongjian took out a cigarette and handed it to Zuo Yi, said with a smile: "I'll call you Zuo Yi, we don't need to be too far-sighted."

Zuo Yi did not decline: "Well."

After taking a cigarette and taking a sip, Wu Yongjian said, "You want to know about the Tarot Club, then you really asked the right person. I almost became a member of the Tarot Club."

Is there such a thing?

Zuo Yi was surprised. To know that Tarot was listed as a dangerous organization by various countries, Wu Yongjian, the chief executive of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, almost became one of the members. The story inside must be very interesting!

He did not doubt that Wu Yongjian would be the undercover of the Tarot Society, otherwise Wu Yongjian would not say so generously.

Zuo Yi also believes in the character of Wu Yongjian.

"I know what you are thinking."

Wu Yongjian said, "In fact, Tarot is not an evil team. They are committed to maintaining the balance between ordinary people and Transcendent. They oppose the development of World in the Desolate World. They believe that all World Stones should be destroyed to ensure that Safety."

"Tarot will think that Transcendent should not be above the ordinary people, and firmly believe that our conquest of the brutal Desolate World will bring us disaster!"

The idea of ​​the Tarot Society is conservative and isolated, like those old Antiques who are embarrassed, and very afraid of the changes in the World.

"And they are antinuclear, demanding the destruction of all nuclear weapons and facilities, including nuclear power plants."

Wu Yongjian said with a bitter smile: "I used to agree with some of their ideas, but later found that the Tarot Society acted too fiercely, so I kept a distance from them."

"So this is ah."

Zuo Yi nodded said, "I think you did it right."

This world is undergoing drastic changes, and it is at the critical moment of upgrading. Some ideas of the Tarot Society may be good, but it is obviously moving against the tide, and it is normal to not wait for people to see it.

For example, the World 's pioneering of Desolate World, the benefits contained in it are hard to imagine, and it is more about the key to whether Earth can achieve promotion. Tarot will actually want to destroy all the World Stones.

If they become teammates, it must be a pig teammate who specializes in hind legs!

"I don't like the Tarot Club or the Super League."

Wu Yongjian said bluntly: "I don't like them to bite dogs on my site, but when I stand in this position, it has to be about the big picture, so I can only support the action of the Super League and at least do some surface work . "

"Zuo Yi, I hope you understand at this point."

He stared at Zuo Yi with a serious expression.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "You can rest assured, as long as the people in the Super League don't take the initiative to find something, I won't bother to ignore them."

Zuo Yi understands Wu Yongjian. If Virtue Faith is a restraint on him, then the post of the Chief Executive Officer of the Extraordinary Management Office is a restraint on Wu Yongjian. Many things can't be helped.

And the principles he has always followed are if others didn't offend me. I will not offender, of course, he will not deliberately add chaos to Wu Yongjian.

"Thank you!"

Wu Yongjian said resolutely: "I will also warn them not to look for anything. I will talk about the big picture. They also need to talk about the big picture. Whoever takes the initiative to undermine the big picture, then I will not be polite to him!"

At this point, there is no need to say anything more, and the two sides reached a tacit understanding.

After smoking a cigarette, the two returned to where they were.

Teacher Tiana from Tianqi School's Nature Department is continuing her lecture, and she is guiding students to feel Nature in a meditation manner.

Dozens of students sat on the floor of this beautiful Teacher, some of them closed their eyes, some thought hard, and some attracted several butterflies to fly around themselves.

This clearly shows the different levels of students.

The little girl sat beside Qin Qin and looked around, her big eyes were full of curious expressions.

When she saw Zuo Yi who had just returned, her eyes shined!

Zuo Yi immediately reached out and made a snoring gesture, then smiled and pointed at Miya who sat on the rock with her thumb and motioned to her to listen to Teacher's lecture and not to violate class discipline.

Bao'er pursed her lips, a little bit small, but she quickly let go, learning Qin Qin next to her and closing her eyes.

After a few seconds, she secretly opened one eye again, and she just met Zuo Yi's gaze, and she closed it in shock!

Wu Yongjian hehe said low with a smile: "Your daughter is so cute!"

An expression of anxiety that she could not wait to go home immediately and work hard with her wife to try another baby.

Zuo Yi touched his chin and smiled without saying a word-just envy you!

At this moment, a colorful butterfly flew from a flower on a cliff. It fluttered through the torrential rain-like waterfall with beautiful wings, and seemed to fall into the nature under the sun Elf, quietly came over the students in a pose.

Many students present discovered its existence at the same time, exposing stunning expressions.

Such a huge and beautiful butterfly is something they have never seen before.

Everyone was excited, immediately exhibited their respective capabilities, and made every effort to attract and control this extraordinary butterfly, and wanted to win its favor or become its master.

Of course, Mia also saw this colorful butterfly. She was slightly smiled and let the students play their own ability.

Most Nature Transcendents are hobby and peaceful, but how can they improve without competition?

However, this big butterfly dismissed the students' "acquisition", it circled twice in the air, suddenly dived at an amazing speed, and stopped at Bao'er in a sound of exclamation and exclamation. Overhead.


Bao'er opened his eyes and saw the Big Brother elder sisters around him, all looking at themselves with envious eyes.

What happened?

little girl was wondering, could not help but crooked her head.

The big butterfly slid down and fluttered up and down in front of her, as if to tell her: I am here!


Bao'er whispered a little, and was immediately attracted by it, and his eyes were lightly dimpled in surprise.

She tried to reach out her little hand, and the big butterfly landed on her hand.

All around the projected eyes, even hotter!

But Bao'er didn't notice it at all, she giggled and raised her hand with a slight wave.

The big butterfly flew up again, dancing around her.

Immediately afterwards, more butterflies didn't know where they came from. They quickly gathered to this little within the valley, and led by the big butterfly to assemble into an air legion.

Bao'er waved to the left, the butterfly Legion flew to the left, Bao'er raised his hand and held it up, they straightened into the sky.

Thousands of butterflies danced with her, such as the arms do as one pleases, this situation is spectacle!

The small partners around were all stunned.

Among Nature's superpowers, controlling Insect is more difficult than controlling animals. It is even more difficult for a large number of Insects to follow orders. The most powerful of them is just controlling more than a dozen butterflies.

Tens of thousands of butterflies are under Bao'er's control at the moment! !!

That Nature Teacher stared at Bao'er, beautiful eyes flashing thrilling rays of light, admiration, surprise, obsession!

Zuo Yi felt that bringing a little girl to Tianqi School was really right.
