Paladin Dad Chapter 222

At XNUMXpm, West Creek Martial Arts Stage.

In the huge inner hall with more than 7 seats, the enthusiasm of the audience was extremely enthusiastic, and the fans who were lucky enough to purchase the tickets were desperately waving their light sticks and shouting Zhang Jingyao's name.

The lighting in the stadium slowly went out, and a large amount of dry ice sprayed out on the long T-shaped stage, which instantly created a large amount of white mist, and turned upside down.

An ethereal song suddenly sounded from outside the sky, quietly passed into everyone's ears, no matter how much the noise of the scene reached the decibel, it could not be blocked.

The West Creek Martial Arts Stage quieted down instantly, and thousands of fans of Jingyao couldn't help holding their breath, staring at the stage without blinking, for fear of missing even a second.

"The waves are silently submerging the night, flowing across the corner of the sky."

"The big fish swims in the crevice of dreamland, stares at you, the outline of sleep …"

The sound of the sea waves and the singing of the nature quietly drowned the entire venue. Even the audience sitting at the corner could hear this wonderful sound like a sea monster, and immersed in endlessly. Among the sounds.

On the highly anticipated stage, a huge whale rushed out of the blue sea. It proudly displayed its streamlined body in the air, and then dived back into the dark deep sea.

"Looking at the sea and sky, listening to the wind and the rain, holding hands, blowing the vast smoke waves."

"The wings of the big fish are too wide, I loosen, the ropes of time …"

Above the stage, a crescent boat slowly landed, and Zhang Jingyao, wearing a sea-blue color dress, stood on the bow of the boat, like breaking into the sea of ​​Elf in everyone's dream.

The whale from the holographic projection surrounds her, sometimes approaching and away, and swim freely like a bird.

Time seems to freeze at this moment, so that everyone will always remember this scene, engraved on the deepest part of spiritual memory!

"She broke through."

The gray-haired old man sitting on the VIP seat in the A2 area suddenly said, looking towards Zhang Jingyao's eyes showing appreciation.

A-Rank's Transcendent all have a strong will, and often can only be destroyed by stronger forces. He has heard Zhang Jingyao's singing more than once, but Zhang Jingyao at that time obviously did not reach the tonight's ability.

With the solidity of his Spiritual Will, he was actually soaked by the song just now, so that a slight hallucination appeared.

Gray-haired old man Even so, there is no need for others to say, without any opening remarks and pre-heating programs, Zhang Jingyao easily conquered everyone present with half a song!

Qin Junhao sitting next to him was nodded infatuatedly, and all his mind gathered on Zhang Jingyao's eyes. There was endless love and madness in his eyes, and he could not help but clenched his fists.

Mine, she is mine!

"She's yours."

On the other side, the one-eyed big man pats Qin Junhao's shoulder in a low, muffled voice and said, "As long as we defeat the Tarot Club and capture the magician, I don't think anyone will stop you from pursuing Jing Yao Miss!"

Qin Junhao's eyes immediately recovered a bit of clarity, bursting out the dreadful rays of light: "Tarot, magician!"

Qin Junhao has not forgotten the magician's humiliation on the Liwang forum, and this humiliation can only be washed with blood, and he will let the entire world know what the "Qin Family Children" means!

And the magician is destined to be Clown stepped on his feet, tonight's stage can only belong to him!

However, at this moment Qin Junhao didn't know that a man in a tuxedo was watching quietly in the middle of the steel frame used to fix the lights and other equipment on the dome of the martial arts stage 100 meters away from him. he.

The man was wearing a high hat, most of his face was covered by a white mask, holding a short stick in his left hand, standing completely motionless on a steel pipe, like a statue.

The angle of his lips just slightly raised, revealing his mood at the moment.

"Super League, Qin Junhao, hehehe …"

The gray-haired old man sitting next to Qin Junhao suddenly felt it, turned his head and looked toward the dome far away.

His eyes were extremely sharp, and the darkness in the stadium could not be blocked, but he did not see anything strange.

The tuxedo man has disappeared disappear without a trace.

"They are coming!"

The Scarface middle-aged suddenly said, with excitement in his voice: "Our sentry found Intruder in the sewer!"

The joy of catching a big fish!

The gray-haired old man smiled at the one-eyed man, who said, "Qin Shao, we should go."

"hold on."

On the stage at this time, Zhang Jingyao was singing, her voice seemed to cross the barriers of time and space, reflected directly in people's souls, arousing the most beautiful side of everyone's soul.

Joy, joy, warmth, intoxication …

Both the gray-haired old man, the middle-aged man with a scared face, and the one-eyed man rarely followed Qin Junhao's opinions unanimously. He did not choose to leave immediately, and was willing to spend a little more time listening to this soul-moving song.

Because they were also touched by this kind of singing song, they were reluctant to give up or disturb.

Until Zhang Jingyao finished singing "Big Fish".

The whale sank into the seabed and disappeared.

In the huge stadium, absolute silence, a needle can be heard on the ground, many and many fans are motionless like a petrified Magic, and the corners of the eyes and face are shining with crystal water.

It was moved tears.

Pa! pa! pa!

I don't know who slaps the palm first, then everyone wakes up like a dream and joins the cheering applause.

The sound of tens of thousands of people seems to be flying off the dome, and it will be transmitted far away.

This kind of singing is worth remembering for a lifetime!


Zuo Yi hugged the little girl and kissed him, and said, "Father is leaving. Will you go home and sleep with elder sister Yulin at night?"

He accompanied Bao'er to listen to the Big Fish, and now it was time to fulfill his duties.

Why are there people who refuse to live well and want to do something?

I hope the Iron Fist of justice will make them wake up!


Bao'er blinked and asked, "Are you going to protect Jing Yao's elder sister?"


Zuo Yi was surprised: "How did you know?"

little girl Honesty: "elder sister Yulin told me, you need to protect Jing Yao's eder sister, and don't let scoundrel bully her!"


Zuo Yi vigorously nodded, and promised: "With father in, no one wants to hurt your Jing Yao elder sister!"

Bao'er giggled: "Father is the best."

Zuo Yi laughed, and reluctantly gave his little Baby to the nearby Shang Yulin to take care of it.

Shang Yulin took the little girl lovingly and said, "Relax, I will take care of her."

Bao'er lay on her chest, turned her head and moved towards Zuo Yi and made a face.

Elf is weird and cute.

Zuo Yi reached out and rubbed her head, then quietly left the VIP seat.

On the stage, Zhang Jingyao's singing continued.

There are no game shows, no fan interaction, and she never raises the microphone for fans to sing along with her, let alone tell stories with a sensational atmosphere, conquering the audience with one song after another.

Everyone was conquered by her, with her singing joy, sadness, smile, tears …

They cheered and cheered again and again, their hands swollen, their throats shouted, and their tears ran dry!

Zhang Jingyao is like a Magic Master, a Music Master. She uses her voice to perform Magic.

The magic is irresistible!

What is certain is that this concert held at the Hangzhou West Creek Martial Arts Stage is destined to become an eternal classic, and people will remember this singer longing for freedom.

For the tens of thousands of fans at the scene, the time passed is really too fast and too fast, as if in a blink of an eye, it was XNUMX o'clock in the evening, and the concert was about to end!

In the finale, Zhang Jingyao chose the extremely difficult "Burning Expedition".

This song is the theme song of a game. The lyrics are only three sentences, and the rest are all chanting. The treble part claims to exceed human limits.

There are many domestic and international talented singers who tried to challenge the highest difficulty of this song, but all failed. Even the best singers can only downgrade the key parts, otherwise they will not sing at all.

Tonight's Zhang Jingyao, however, is going to perform this classic work in a full Kaimai way.

She wants to push the limits and ignite the passion of all fans!
