Paladin Dad Chapter 228

Under the starry night sky, Yang Liu Yiyi was studying the cool breeze by the river.

Zuo Yi glanced back at West Creek Martial Arts Stage, which was still bright behind him, and asked Zhang Jingyao, who was walking side by side, "Do you really want it?"

The concert has ended, and the battle between the Tarot and the Super League has come to an end. The former won the victory.

So now Zhang Jingyao is safe, and no one will come to her anymore.

She decided to return to Beijing to prepare for national and world tours, and plans to complete her dream in two to three years.

Let everyone hear their singing!


Zhang Jingyao nodded hard, and her eyes flashed with rays of light representing determination: "I think so!"

She has found a new path of her own, and has a longing goal!

Although this goal may not be achieved in a lifetime, how can we have hope if we do not strive to catch up?

What Zhang Jingyao found also has meaning in life!

At this time, she has infinite motivation.

Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "I believe you will succeed."

Zhang Jingyao and Zuo Yi stared at each other. She sweetly smiled and said sincerely, "Thank you, big brother Zuo."

"I'll walk you home."

With a wave of Zuo Yi, Harley was taken out of the space ring.

He handed Zhang Jingyao a helmet, put one on himself, and stepped on the motorcycle to start the ignition.

Zhang Jingyao put on her helmet and jumped to the back seat flexibly.

"Sit tight."

Harley's engine roared, carrying the two men forward.

Zhang Jingyao embraced Zuo Yi's waist tightly with both hands, and put her face across the helmet's wide, solid back across the helmet.

Feeling extremely secure.

Although she has not been together for a long time, in her heart, she has extremely trust in Zuo Yi.

However, there is no endless feast, and now it's time for the end of the song.

She has her own pursuit, and Zuo Yi only treats her as a friend.

Up to but younger sister.

Evening wind whizzed by itself, Zhang Jingyao closed her eyes and hummed softly, "How many younger sisters do you have, why do each younger sister marry tears …"

Long road, lights are fading.

Zuo Yi first sent Zhang Jingyao to Lakeview Garden, and then rushed to the place agreed with the college students.

Lao Zhuang stalls.

This stall is located on the food street next to the canal. It is famous for its good quality and low price. It is quite famous in Hangzhou.

When Zuo Yi was studying at the University of Hangzhou, he often ran over with Gao Feng to get a meal. Tonight, it was a refreshing taste, and he reserved a table in advance.

"Old Zuo, you are late!"

When Zuo Yi rushed to the food stalls, the reserved large box was already full, but except for the cold dishes and drinks, none of the hot dishes were served, apparently waiting for his arrival.

"Sorry sorry!"

Zuo Yi cup one fist in the other hand laughed, "Let everyone wait a long time."

A total of 27 students came to see Zhang Jingyao's concert tonight, and there were 4 "family members" who set up two tables.

Everyone fooled: "Fine and fine!"

Zuo Yi was immoral, and he drank three mugs of beer in one breath, which immediately won applause.

The atmosphere in the box became more active.

"Old Zuo, thanks to you this time."

Zhang Yali said with sigh: "Zhang Jingyao's concert is really wonderful. I have cried. If I missed it, it will be a lifetime regret.

She was very emotional, but no one thought that the leader of the class was exaggerating.

Everyone said that this XNUMX yuan was spent too much!


Zhang Yali grabbed two bottles of beer with great pride: "Old Zuo, I respect you for a bottle of wine!"

Zuo Yi laughed and fucked her.

"Old Zuo Old Zuo."

Zhang Yali's hardcore girlfriend Chen Wenwen grabbed Zuo Yi and asked, "Where's your daughter? Why not bring it here?"

"She slept early."

Zuo Yi lowered the bottle and explained, "After watching the concert, I'll take home Master's Wife."

"When can I take me home."

Chen Wenwen said hopefully with both hands: "Your daughter is so cute, I really want one!"

A male student said with a smile: "That's easy, I help you!"

Everyone laughed!

"Go! Go! Go!"

Chen Wenwen waved disgustingly: "Your gene is too bad. I want to have a baby, and I want to have a baby with my family."

She rested her head on Zhang Yali's shoulder with a sweet and intoxicated look.

Zhang Yali almost sipped out the wine.

"Old Class Leader."

Zuo Yi asked curiously: "Last time I heard Chen Wenwen say that you are developing at Imperial Capital, why are you in Shanghai again?"

Zhang Yali drove from Huhai to see the concert with two students at night.

Zhang Yali explained: "I was sent to Huhai by the headquarters for a period of time, and I may be in Huhai in the future.

Zuo Yi nodded: "That's good, Huhai is very close to Hangzhou, we can often meet in the future."

Zhang Yali said with a smile: "Yeah."

She raised the bottle and said, "Come, let's all toast for this time together!"


Everyone responded suddenly, pushing the atmosphere in the box to a climax.

After the toast, the hot and spicy stalls and stir-fried seafood came to the table, and everyone gorge oneself together.

At three or four points, classmates each and everyone toasted Zuo Yi, thanking him for providing concert tickets, so that everyone had an unparalleled wonderful experience.

Zuo Yi, the visitor did not refuse, and enjoyed a drink.

"Old Zuo."

The students at the same table just finished their respects, and the students at the other table came over to make fun: "I respect you."

"Thank you."

Zuo Yi had a drink with each other and asked, "Lao Liu, what have you been doing lately?"

The old Liu was named Liu Zhenhai, and had a good relationship with Zuo Yi, but after graduation, everyone was busy and there was less contact.

But friendship is not at all light.


Liu Zhenhai said with a smile: "I can't compare to you at ease, right …"

He introduced Zuo Yi to the girl who came with him: "This is my girlfriend Ran Hui!"

The girl is probably in her early twenties. She is delicate and pretty, with a gentle and graceful temperament, standing beside Liu Zhenhai, showing a shy smile, looking rather shy.

"Old Liu Ke really does!"

Zuo Yi marveled: "I picked a flower silently. You honestly explained, did you come to abuse the dog at night?"


The single classmates filled with injustice: "It's almost inhuman!"

Liu Zhenhai hehe Hey, "I and Ran Hui are planning to get married on New Year's Day. Old Zuo will come by then."

"That's for sure!"

Zuo Yi poured himself a glass of wine, then raised his glass and said, "Lao Liu, I wish you happiness first!"

"Thank you."

Liu Zhenhai had another toast with him.

After drinking, he gently pushed Ran Hui to signal the latter toast.

Ran Hui raised her glass and said, "Left, Mr. Zuo, I'm glad to meet you."

Her voice was shaking, and she dared not look at Zuo Yi.

Liu Zhenhai looked at his girlfriend in doubt, although Ran Hui was introverted, but not so timid.

And what is Zuo Yi afraid of?

"Call me Old Zuo."

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Everyone is a friend. Don't be so polite."

Liu Zhenhai's girlfriend is not an ordinary person. He can feel the super fluctuations from the other person, probably E-Rank or F-rank's Transcendent.

Ran Hui should have recognized his identity, so it was so trembling with fear that the atmosphere didn't dare to take a breath.

Today Zuo Yi is a famous figure in the World, with the "Dragon King of Linjiang" name.

His photo has been exposed on the Liwang Forum, and Ran Hui can recognize it as normal.

"Thank you."

Ran Hui said softly, drank the beer in the glass, her face flushed slightly.

I don't know if it's fear or excitement.

Zuo Yi hehe smiled.

Unexpectedly, the old Liu student actually found an Extraordinary girl to be a wife without being aware of it. She is also a blessed person!

Zuo Yi is happy for this old classmate, because in the foreseeable future, the number of Transcendent will increase exponentially, and Earth will soon usher in the era of Extraordinary.

The appearance of this Ran Hui looks very good.

"Old Zuo."

Other classmates came to Zuo Yi to toast, and there was a tendency to keep him drunk.

Zuo Yi is of course fearless, drink as much as you like.
