Paladin Dad Chapter 234

West Creek Martial Arts Stage, B5.

The third floor of the underground trading market can only be accessed by members who have a Gold Card and Diamond Card. The core of West Market is.

Dozens of people gathered around a display stand in a modern-style exhibition hall.

All eyes were focused on a gold medal.

This gold medal stands on the countertop. It is about 8 cm high and 5 cm wide. Both sides are inlaid with diamonds and rubies. The diamond side is etched with intricate patterns, and the ruby ​​side is engraved with the capital "Don't die" "And the lowercase word" once. "

A chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The bright light is falling on this gold medal. The golden glow shines beautifully. Although it is made of gold jewelry, it is not vulgar!

"This is the Escaping Death Golden Medal sent by Zuo Yi?"

Among the onlookers, a 40-50 years old middle-aged man solemnly asked: "Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi?"

Although the word "Escaping Death Golden Medal" sounds monster, like a flickering thing on the stall, no one shows expression of contempt or mockery.

Because this magnificent middle-aged man is the man behind the West Creek Underground Market, the chairman of Yannan Corporation, and the contemporary Patriarch Yandong of the Jiangnan Yan Family!

Jiangnan Yan is a giant Aristocratic Family like Beijing's Chen and Jingang's Ye. It is also Jiangnan's top Aristocratic Family.

The Dragon King of Linjiang Zuo Yi he said is the A-Rank powerhouse that has recently gained fame in the World!

So let's not talk about Escaping Death Golden Medal, even if a piece of rotten metal is placed on it, we dare not despise it in the slightest.

What's more, this item was certified by Garbo.


Zong Yi, General Manager of Garbo West Market Branch, answered, "Zuo Yi Master's identity is 100% okay."

He answered a bit trembling with fear, because he never thought that Yan Dong would come in person.

Zong Yi has been working in West Market for more than five years. As the highest representative of Garbo Auctions stationed in West Market, he has met the big BOSS can be counted on one's fingers.

And apart from Yan Dong, none of the other people present were casual roles. There were both senior members of the West Market and members of the Yan Family. Many of them had the Union Dragon badge on their chests.

Compared with these people, Zong Yi can only be regarded as a small shrimp!

"You say …"

Yan Donglai thoughtfully asked, "Why did Zuo Yi suddenly send this thing to us for auction?"

Everyone looked at each other in shock, and one of the tall young men was eloquent and expression jumped.

Yan Dong came to notice, and called directly: "Zhiyong, tell me."

This young man is a direct descendant of the Yan Family. Although he is not his own son from Yan Dong, he has a close relationship with Yan Dong.


Facing the attention from the people around him, Yan Zhiyong didn't have the slightest stage fright, and said loudly, "I think Zuo Yi's purpose is simple, he just needs a lot of funds!"

If it is an ordinary person or an ordinary Transcendent who sends things to the West Market for auction, it will definitely not cause Yan Dong to pay so much attention. Zuo Yi is A-Rank powerhouse.

The most important thing is that Zuo Yi is also a special Advisor of Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office. He is famous in World for stepping on the super league.

And Jiangnan Yan is just one of the important forces of Xia Chaolian!

So after getting the report from West Market, Yan Family had doubts about Zuo Yi's purpose.

Is there any conspiracy?

Although it is said that Yan Family and Zuo Yi have no grudges, but it is the so-called careful sailing of the ship forever, whoever faces Zuo Yi, such a powerful Transcendent, dare not have the slightest concubine.

You must know that Beijing's Chen and Jingang's Ye have eaten at Zuo Yi, and A-Rank powerhouse Si Kongyan of the Super League has been ridiculed by Zuo Yi. They have recently disappeared in World.

Yan Donglai, as the helm of the Yan Family, does not want to repeat the same mistakes of Chen and Ye, so he has such doubts.

It is also an exam question.

Among the people present, since the core elite of the Yan Family, there are also rising stars.

Yan Zhiyong apparently had a good idea and talked eloquently: "As far as I know, Jiangnan New City corporation has planned to abandon the Jiangnan New City construction project and suspended the pre-demolition work in Linjiang City. The Chen Family and Ye Family have already returned. Beijing. "

Paused, he continued: "I think their abandonment will put pressure on Zuo Yi, because it is his reason that caused the failure of this project, and those in Linjiang City who are looking forward to relocation to become rich must be very opinionated."

"No way."

Some people couldn't help but interjected and questioned: "Zuo Yi is A-Rank Transcendent. Need to pay attention to the ideas of these ordinary people?"

"I think he cares."

Yan Zhiyong chop nails and sever Iron replied, "So he wants to buy Linjiang City by himself!"


The hot rays of light flashed in his eyes, saying, "If I judge no wrong, then I think this is a good opportunity for our Yan Family. We can cooperate with Zuo Yi to provide the funds he needs. And manpower and resources to redo the Jiangnan New City project! "

The Jiangnan New City project is a big plate of several tens of billions, and the long-term benefits are up to hundreds of billions. Of course, such a big piece of cake, Yan Family cannot certainly sit idly by and ignore it.

Yan Zhiyong has always been paying attention to this, because he is currently a Vice-President in a real estate company under the Yannan corporation, and urgently needs bright results to prove himself.

The competition in the Great Family has always been fierce!

However, because this project was jointly developed by Beijing's Chen and Jingang's Ye, they worked together with several local corporations. The Yan Family wanted to share some benefits, and wanted to occupy the nest. It was a dream.

Yan Zhiyong could only watch drooling.

However, it is precisely because he has kept his focus on the Jiangnan New City project that he knows a lot of inside information and dares to make bold judgments here.

Now that the project is yellow, Beijing's Chen and Jingang's Ye are all gone, and the opportunity for the Yan Family is here!

It happened that Zuo Yi came on his own initiative, which was a good thing for Yan Zhiyong.

If the two parties can work together, the Yan Family can not only earn countless benefits, but also have an A-Rank ally.

Simply elated.

As for the grudge between Zuo Yi and the Super League, what does it have to do with the Yan Family?

Xia Chaolian has never been a piece of iron!

Yan Dong laughed.

He applauded nodded and said, "Zhiyong's guess is likely to be correct. Zuo Yi should need a lot of money, and not for other purposes. Let's take a look at the thing he sent. How good is it! "

Yan Zhiyong suddenly froze.

He was very happy to get the recognition from Yan Dong, but the uncle ignored his cooperation proposal, which made him stunned again.

Yan Zhiyong's expression at this moment was clearly seen by several senior Yan Family executives. Everyone laughed without saying a word.

Jiangnan New City has such a large plate that the Yan Family certainly wants it, but working with Zuo Yi is very questionable.

Beijing's Chen and Jingang's Ye have retreated. Who can guarantee that the two will not make a comeback? If Yan Family rushes to Zuo Yi to pick up the game, it will undoubtedly hit both faces.

Furthermore, Yan Family is also a member of the Super League, after all, the unity on the surface must be maintained, otherwise it is easy to become the target of criticism, from emotions and from logic.

The most important thing is that even if Yan Family really wants to cooperate with Zuo Yi, there are some roundabout ways. Yan Zhiyong carefree to say here is undoubtedly inappropriate.

It can only be said that youngster is not mature enough, and is eager to achieve success, thinking too simple of the problem!

After all, Yan Zhiyong was not an ordinary person, and soon realized that he was wrong, and could not help lowering his head.

This made several other Yan Family children present secretly laugh.

Makes you stand out!

Zong Yi was very impressed and immediately said: "Yan Dong, this gold medal was identified by our appraiser and was initially considered to be a wild Rare Item, but was denied by Zuo Yi Master. The question now is how should we verify its function Is it as amazing as described by Zuo Yi Master. "

"This is simple."

Yan Donglai said without hesitation: "Since the other party provided a test sample, we will conduct a real test."

He waved his hand, and immediately there was a person The savvy man stepped forward and reached for the gold medal.

I saw the man using a string to pass through the hole in the upper end of the gold medal, knotted, and made a necklace to hang on his neck.

Zong Yi was frightened-this is to play for real!

Yan Dong looked around and said, "Let's change places."
