Paladin Dad Chapter 236

When Yan Donglai was testing Escaping Death Golden Medal on the West Market third floor, Zuo Yi was at Tianqi School.

Ready to teach the student.

Zuo Yi is the chief teacher of Tianqi School. Although it is said to be honorary and not at all, the obligation to teach, but Zuo Yi has his own ideas, so let the hospital arrange a big class for students today.

It can also be regarded as doing one's own responsibility, and by the way harvest some Faith.

Classes start at XNUMX am in the Academy's auditorium.

Prior to this, Zuo Yi installed a transmission array in his Teacher's office.

In this way, it will be much easier for Bao'er to come to Tianqi School to go to school and return home after school. It will be hundreds of times stronger than any transportation!

And in case Zuo Yi is unable to pick up the little girl, she can go home safely.

Considering that Bao'er would live and study in Tianqi School for a long time, Zuo Yi finally made such a decision.

Installing the Rune formwork for the Transmission Formation was easy. After it was installed, Zuo Yi took out a prepared carpet and laid it on.

It was almost time, and he set off for the Academy Auditorium.

At this moment, the group of students at Tianqi School is full of excitement and excitement!

"Classmates who are going to the auditorium set off quickly, and the class will start soon!"

"Haha, we've arrived long ago."

"Tell those students who haven't come yet that the seats are gone."

"Today is Zuo Yi Teacher's first big lesson. Then you must listen to it while standing!"

"I don't know what Zuo Teacher will tell us, I look forward to it."

"Oh my God, there are three vice presidents!"

"Three deputies? Really?"

"The dean is here too !!!"

"Damn …"

The Academy notice has already been issued, and the students are undoubtedly very interested in Zuo Yi's lesson, because Zuo Yi is not only the Chief Teacher, but also the only A-Rank powerhouse in Academy.

Everyone hopes that he can gain experience in Extraordinary field, even if it is not applicable to himself, it will be inspirational.

So before XNUMX o'clock, the Academy auditorium was full, and many students who came late could only stand on the side of the aisle. There was no place to stand. They had to move stools to the windows.

This kind of scene is the first time since Tianqi School was established, which shows the charm of A-Rank powerhouse!

In addition to hundreds of students, three vice presidents and honorary dean Wu Yongjian are here.

Wu Yongjian is the chief executive of the Extraordinary Management Office. His focus has always been on the Extraordinary Management Office. Tianqi School has only been here once in a while. The affairs of Academy are basically divided into four sub-deans.

But today he came in person to support Zuo Yi.

In addition to the dean and vice president, dozens of teachers from the school also came.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Transcendents who are preparing to take lectures in the auditorium of Tianqi School at this time, the quantity and quality are enough to crush the Extraordinary forces of many small countries!

At ten o'clock in the morning, Zuo Yi stepped into the auditorium on time.

Seeing the crowds in front of the podium and Wu Yongjian and the others sitting in the front row, Zuo Yi was somewhat surprised.

This scene is really big.

Then he also met Bao'er, who was also sitting in the front row, and the Qin Qin sister who accompanied Bao'er.

And seeing Zuo Yi come in, the little girl immediately waved her little hand in excitement.

Come on, father!

Zuo Yi gave his own obedient Baby a bright smile, and then stood in front of the podium.

Thousands of eyes, and the lenses of two cameras, aimed at him at the same time.

This class is no longer a big class, but an open class!

Zuo Yi's eyes glanced from under the podium, and the auditorium became very quiet in no time. No matter how stubborn the Transcendent usually is, he is now a good student.

Unless there is water in the head, no one will be here, strewn in front of two A-Rank powerhouses and three B-Rank powerhouses.

Under everyone's attention, Zuo Yi said, "Today in this class, I want to teach you a set of starry sky Mediation Method."

As he said, he turned around and picked up the chalk and wrote the five words "Starry Meditation Method" on the blackboard.

Both student and Teacher were stunned.

Not only because Zuo Yi is so straightforward, but the opening whiteboard talks didn't go straight to the topic, but also because they were so strange to the "Starry Meditation Method" and had never heard of it.

Zuo Yi continued: "This set of starry sky Mediation Method can help you to enhance Mental Power, and then better control your own power and ability, and help break through bottleneck…"

In Sadya World, both Knight and Wizard attach great importance to the cultivation of Mental Power. Knight uses Mental Power to control Battle Qi to release skills, and Wizard uses Mental Power to communicate Net of Law and use powerful spells.

In the five epochs, countless Extraordinary powerhouses have created hundreds and thousands of spiritual cultivation methods. The Starry Mediation Method is one of the best general Mediation Methods. It is used as the basic teaching material by many Knight or Wizard Academy of the Continental.

This starry sky Meditation Method has a large order, and apprentices can learn from Legendary, and the compatibility is also the strongest.

Zuo Yi intends to deeply participate in Earth's upgrading process. It is necessary to exert a sufficiently important influence in this world. His plan is huge. The teaching of Hongwu Quan at Martial Arts Hall is the beginning. Now he teaches the new generation of Transcendent stars. The Meditation Method goes one step further.

The more Transcendents he affects, the more Power of Faith he can harvest in the future!

Zuo Yi raised his hands slowly, said solemnly: "Now, please close your eyes."

If you switch to ordinary Teacher, so many students present will definitely feel that he is dressing up as God, playing the devil, may not obey the instructions obediently, but the deterrent power of A-Rank powerhouse is large enough, so great Most students closed their eyes.

There were even some Teachers present.

Yiduo does not overwhelm himself, no matter whether the so-called Starry Meditation Method taught by Zuo Yi is useful or not, if he speaks so powerfully, it will not be a bad thing to follow along.

The next moment, Zuo Yi unfolded Spirit Vision, his Mental Power moved silently toward all around, and weaved a spiritual net along the Net of Law, enveloping the entire auditorium.

Many High Level Transcendents, including Wu Yongjian, immediately felt it, and some people expressed a suspicious expression.

But Zuo Yi ignored them at all. He used Mental Power to communicate with all the students and teachers who closed their eyes, and passed on the mystery of the starry sky Meditation Method to them.

Absolute silence in the auditorium, quiet to a strange level!
