Paladin Dad Chapter 245

Two days later, Jiangnan Tianqi School Gymnasium.

Although various international sports competitions withdrew from the historical stage as early as two or three decades ago, sports are still popular among ordinary people, and many Transcendents also have the need for fitness and physical fitness.

Therefore, Tianqi School has both a super training hall and an indoor gym.

Probably not for the sake of money, the building of this stadium is quite large, with multiple sub-venues inside.

Today 's public class for Tianqi School 's Honorary Chief Teacher Zuo Yi was held in the main stadium, which can accommodate XNUMX spectators.

Because there are too many people who want to come to the class, in addition to the two or three thousand teachers and students of Tianqi School, the Academy has also received a large number of communication and access requests.

Some of these applications are from Tianqi School in other provinces, the Extraordinary Management Office, and the Super Union.

There is even Tianqi School's competitor, Tianjiao Academy!

Last week, the video posted by Jiangnan Tianqi School on the Liwang Forum caused huge controversy. Many people think that Tianqi School is doing hype, but more people have a strong idea of ​​the "Starry Meditation Method" taught by Zuo Yi. interest.

Everyone's idea is very simple, really can't be false, false can't be true, if it is true, then you learn to make money!

This is the way to cultivate Mental Power!

So in the past week, Wu Yongjian, the Honorary Dean, the four Deputy Deans, and the Teacher down to the Ordinary have not been disturbed, and various trusting relationships have been left in order to be able to listen to Zuo Yi at the scene. lecture.

Just watching the video, I don't see any profound mystery at all.

Because of this, the location of the public class was moved from the auditorium to the stadium. The Academy arranged the venue two days in advance, making it like a star concert.

It didn't arrive at nine in the morning, the stadium was almost full, and the class started at half past nine.

At this time, in the Chief Teacher's office on the top floor of the Academy administrative building, a white rays of light just flashed, and a silhouette of two people, one big and one small, immediately appeared.


Bao'er said to Tyke in his arms: "Our plane has landed!"


Foodie Ty, covering her face with her paws, opened her dog's eyes and called out to lick out Bao'er's face.

Little girl giggled.

Zuo Yi touched her head and said, "Let's go."

Bao'er forced nodded: "en!"

After setting up a Transmission Formation in the office, it's much easier for little girl to come to Academy every day and go home from school.

However, Zuo Yi did not tell anyone including Wu Yongjian for the time being, after all, this is not his home.

If you can't hide it in the future, it doesn't matter if you explain it.

He took Bao'er out of the office to the gym.

At the gym, Zuo Yi entrusted Bao'er to Qin Qin and talked to Wu Yongjian about his work.

Now Zuo Yi is a three-time director, the Chief Teacher of Tianhong Martial Arts Hall, the Special Advisor of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, and the Honorary Chief Teacher of Jiangnan Tianqi School, living a much richer life than before.

Tianhong Martial Arts Hall He will go four or five times a week to teach the supervising students to practice Hongwu Boxing. At Tianqi School, one lesson in the next week will be an open class.

As for the work of the Extraordinary Management Office, in recent times, it has been calm and calm, and even the always active Tarot Club has been safe and secure, and Zuo Yi has never encountered a task that requires his own shot.

It's a good thing.

At XNUMX:XNUMX in the morning, Zuo Yi came to the special podium to announce the official start of today's public lesson.

At this time, the main stadium, which can accommodate XNUMX spectators, was fully occupied, and many people stood on the aisle to listen to the class. The number of non-Academy teachers and students accounted for almost half!

So the atmosphere at the scene was a little noisy, some whispered, some loud, and even some people were quarreling.

It is estimated that enemies on a narrow road just hit.

With so many Transcendents coming together, they can be regarded as a World Event in the Jiangnan area!

Most of Transcendent's insiders are unscrupulous, especially those who come to the class for other purposes, not to be obedient students.

However, when Zuo Yi's gaze swept from the auditorium, the noisy voice quickly disappeared, and everyone felt a sudden pressure on himself, instinctively producing a kind of indescribable awe and even fear.

A-Rank Transcendent!

Many people suddenly realized that Zuo Yi is the world's top powerhouse!

Those who talked about laughter just now are all trembling.

Just as the momentum was released to deter the audience, Zuo Yi quietly unfolded the spiritual network and inspired the detection aura!

"Detect Aura" is the AOE version of "Evil Detection", which can detect a wide range of spiritual light to distinguish the target's enemy-friend camp from good and evil tendencies.

"Detection Aura" must be used in conjunction with SpiritNet. Its skill level is higher than "Evil Detection" and it has a high degree of privacy. The detected object cannot be detected unless it has a high level of mental perception.

Of course, it is also very difficult to detect "Aura Light". At the same time, it can only detect five or six thousand people, and only Sacred Domain powerhouses like Zuo Yi can do it.

The little Soul Fire suddenly appeared in Zuo Yi's perception, but unlike the last time, the soul fire revealed by the spiritual net this time showed more states.

At this time Zuo Yi said, "Today I continue to teach you to master the starry sky Mediation Method, please close your eyes."

Everyone closed their eyes, especially the Academy students who missed the opportunity last time.

They raised their ears to concentrate attention completely, for fear of missing any word Zuo Yi said!

Having completed the preparation, Zuo Yi immediately connected the spiritual consciousness without any malicious Evil Thought with the help of the spiritual network, guided them to think about the stars, and mastered the know-how of the "Starry Sky Mediation Method" first floor.

For students who have initially mastered the Meditation Method, it is consolidation and strengthening.

Zuo Yi 's Mental Power is incredibly powerful, with an incredibly sensitive perception, coupled with the power of "detection of aura", he has a deep understanding of the mental thoughts of everyone present, so he has eliminated those specious people at the first time .

Zuo Yi is not Holy Mother. It is polite that he did not kick these people out on the spot. How could he still teach the other party to master the "Starry Meditation Method"!

These guys are doomed to nothing, they can only sit here with their eyes closed inexplicably and get nothing.

In the process of detection and screening, Zuo Yi also made an unexpected discovery!
