Paladin Dad Chapter 248

Lu Kangcheng was just an accidental episode, and Shao Da was responsible for the aftermath of his suicide.

In view of Lu Kangcheng's identity, he did not have a hundred after his death. The Supervision Department of the Extraordinary Management Office must conduct a detailed internal investigation of his interpersonal relationship and daily work, and then explore other clues.

This has nothing to do with Zuo Yi.

But Wu Yongjian asked: "Zuo Yi, how many times are you convenient to use Lu Kangcheng's method?"

Lu Kangcheng usually does not have any intersection with Zuo Yi. He has been hidden in the Extraordinary Management Office for more than ten years. He ran over to listen to a lesson today, and as a result, he revealed his true colors.

Zuo Yi's magical method made Wu Yongjian startled. He thought that if Zuo Yi could participate in the investigation by the supervision department, he didn't know how much he could save, so he had to ask a few words.

"Inconvenient for multiple uses."

Zuo Yi said: "But if there is a real need, then it is fine to use it once, but it is not 100% successful!"

From his current position, the Extraordinary Management Office belongs to his own camp, and the consequences of abuse of the "detection of aura" will be serious.

In fact, people in the neutral camp cannot use "detection aura" casually unless there is a reasonable reason.

And "detecting aura" is not omnipotent. It may be concealed when encountering a character who disguised himself very well.

Transcendents that can cope with "detecting auras" abound in Sadya World.

So Zuo Yi will not speak too much, so as not to mislead Wu Yongjian.


Wu Yongjian expressed his understanding: "When it is really necessary, I will ask you for help."

Zuo Yi nodded: "OK."

This matter came to an end, and Zuo Yi would no longer care about the latter.

He continued talking to Wu Yongjian, then left the office and met Zuo Qiu Yongjie.

Zuo Qiu Yongjie has been waiting for Zuo Yi. When he saw him, he immediately bowed down and gave a gift: "Teacher Zuo, thank you for your teaching!"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "You look pretty good now."

Zuo Qiu Yongjie two days ago was like a volcano that was full of Energy and would erupt at any time, full of anxious agitation. At this moment, he became much quieter and no longer dangerous.


Zuo Qiu Yongjie stood up and said respectfully: "The starry sky Meditation Method you taught is really great. I have benefited a lot, and I will always remember this kindness!"

Since the Extraordinary awakened, he has never felt so relaxed, the boulder above his head has been removed, and he no longer has to worry about being crushed into fine powder day and night.

The Zuo Qiuzi said sincerely: "Teacher Zuo, I have nothing to offer you. If you encounter any dilemma in the future, just come to me. Zuo Qiu Family and I will do our best!"

In this case, Zuo Qiu Yongjie dared not say two days ago, but now he really dares to make a guarantee.

Because he has seen his hope of being promoted to a higher level, impacting A-Rank and even Alpha and is no longer a distant and desperate dream!

"Starry Meditation Method" has far more effect on him than anyone else!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Then I remember."

Although he is unlikely to ask Zuo Qiu Yongjie and Zuo Qiu Family for help, he still knows that Entu is a good thing and should be encouraged.

"Teacher Zuo, if you have the opportunity to come to Shanghai, please tell me, I will welcome you!"

Zuo Qiu Yongjie said a lot of gratitude before he reluctantly said goodbye to Zuo Yi.

He will come again next week.

At around four in the afternoon, when Zuo Yi was about to take Bao'er out of Tianqi School, he received a phone call from Wu Yongjian himself—the preliminary investigation of Lu Kangcheng made preliminary findings.

The Ministry of Supervision conducted an emergency search and inspection of Lu Kangcheng's office and home, as well as his computer, communication tools, etc., and found that Lu Kangcheng had quite close contact with the Distant Sea Group and a Japanese named Sato Shingen!

Distant Sea Group is a large international company with a market value of RMB XNUMX billion. Its registered place is in Frozen Island. Its projects involve finance, real estate, shipping, minerals, etc., and it is very powerful.

And Japanese is the majority shareholder of Distant Sea Group.

Now the Ministry of Supervision suspects that Lu Kangcheng is likely to be a Japanese spy installed in China. Its incubation time has reached XNUMX years, and the hidden depth is amazing.

At present Lu Kangcheng's wife and children have been controlled, but his family should be unaware.

Because Lu Kangcheng's disguise was discovered by Zuo Yi, Wu Yongjian thought it necessary to tell him about the investigation.

After ending the call with Wu Yongjian, Zuo Yi drove the little girl to Shang Yulin's house.

"Master's Wife, I need to trouble you again."

Zuo Yi said a little embarrassingly to Liang Xuemei: "I have something to do at night and it is inconvenient to take Bao'er over."

"What's the trouble!"

Liang Xuemei blame, "I am too late to welcome, I am most happy to bring Bao'er every day."

She hugged the little girl with an eyebrow and smiled: "Bao'er, do you say Grandma is right?"

Bao'er vigorously nodded: "Well!"

"Bao'er is the best."

Liang Xuemei is endlessly petting: "Grandma likes you the most!"

little girl's mouth was sweet: "I like Grandma too."

Make Liang Xuemei happy for many years!

Zuo Yi reluctantly shook the head at Shang Yulin, the latter pouting said with a smile: "You also stay for dinner."


Zuo Yi said: "I will pick her up again tomorrow morning."

He leaned over to the little girl and said, "You want …"

"I know, be obedient!"

Bao'er grumbled and grumbled, "Father, you've said it many times, I'm so good!"

Just said: you're so annoying!

woof woof!

Tyke said: Bao'er is right, Great Demon King is a miser!

Zuo Yi: "…"

Shang Yulin said with a smile: "Then you go quickly, I will take care of Bao'er."

Zuo Yi touched the little girl's head silently and felt like an object to be abandoned.

Sang Xin.


Near XNUMXpm, Zuo Yi came to Fang Family Old Residence on Qianmen Road in downtown Hangzhou.

Tonight is the Fang Family Old Master, the eighty birthday of his grandfather.

Since mother died, Zuo Yi has never stepped into the door of this Old Residence, but came because he wanted to see the aunt side who had lost contact long ago.

The mansion is still this mansion, and the door is still this door, but compared to the last time when he visited the door many years ago, the mentality of Zuo Yi at this time is different.

Today, he no longer needs to evade anything deliberately, just by taking this opportunity of birthday, let some people die!
