Paladin Dad Chapter 250

Like most families with a long history, the Fang Family still retains some ancient traditions.

Or feudal dross.

Tonight's Old Master is XNUMX years old, and there are dozens of tables at the birthday party.

VIPs have VIP tables, ordinary guests have ordinary tables, members of the family sit at a table, branch disciple another table, a table for men a table for women, a few tables for women at home, a few tables for relatives, and the table is very strict.

The side hall where Zuo Yi came is a place for women to eat.

However, he didn't see his Aunt Fang Yonghe at the main table.

There are no formal seats yet. Fruits and cold meats are on the table. A dozen women are sitting around, chatting with each other, or swiping their phones.

The appearance of Zuo Yi made these women at home look at each other in shock, a little overwhelmed.

A thirty-something woman cautiously asked, "Fang Yi?"

"My name is Zuo Yi."

Zuo Yi glanced at each other, recognized the wife of his cousin, and asked, "Have you seen me Aunt Yonghe?"

He hesitated, pointed to the other side and said, "She's over there."


Zuo Yi couldn't help frowned.

The hall is divided into inside and outside, the host woman sits inside, and the foreign woman sits outside.

Fang Yonghe is his pro-aunt, and of course he is a member of the family's family. He should sit inside, why is he outside?


Zuo Yi noticed that the expressions of a few women present were quite strange and could not help but coldly snorted.

In the Great Family, the ordinary people are unimaginable, and Fang Yonghe's temperament is always weak, he never likes fighting, and it is normal for him to be bullied.

Zuo Yi knew something before, but now, just thinking about it and knowing what happened, can't help anger.

The stuns were suddenly shocked, their faces paled instantly, and a frightened expression appeared in their eyes.

I don't know why, and the coldly snorted of Zuo Yi fell into their ears as if it thunderbolt exploded, shaking several people Divine Soul, the whole head was buzzing and almost fainted on the spot.

In fact, this is already Zuo Yi's mercy, otherwise it will be easy for them to suffer more.

He walked a few steps and found Fang Yonghe sitting on the corner outside the side hall.

Zuo Yi was shocked.

Because he almost didn't recognize his Aunt!

Fang Yonghe is eleven years older than Zuo Yi and less than 40 years old this year. She married Hong Kong Island when Zuo Yi was twelve.

In total, Zuo Yi has not seen Fang Yonghe for seven years.

Zuo Yi did not expect that the changes in Aunt after a long absence will be so great!

Fang Yonghe was wearing a very simple skirt, his hair was simply tied up, and he was mostly gray.

Her expression was very emaciated, her face pale and ill, with deep wrinkles on her forehead and corners of her eyes, she looked more like a fifty-sixty-year-old person, and she was too old.

When Zuo Yi came over, Fang Yonghe didn't pay any attention. She stared blankly at the plate in front of her, her mouth moving silently, her eyes confused and distracted.

Is this really the beautiful and gentle Aunt in my memory?

Zuo Yi took a deep breath and walked over to sit beside her, calling softly, "Aunt."

At the same table were seven or eight women who couldn't help looking at each other in shock.

Zuo Yi didn't know them at all, so he ignored them and continued to call, "Aunt, I'm Little Yi."

He could see that Fang Yonghe was not only in poor health, but also seemed to be suffering from mental problems.

At this time, a stylish young woman sitting opposite "pu chi" smiled and said, "Don't call her, she can't hear, you should take her to a mental hospital to see, instead of sitting here and letting us Appetite. "

Zuo Yi suddenly turned around, his eyes sharpening like a knife: "Go!"

The young woman froze, her eyes narrowed, her eyes narrowed, as if she saw something terrifying, barely behaving as a pretty face, she was involuntarily distorted.

The next moment, she stood up in astonishment and rushed towards the door.

Hitting Zuo Yi's spiritual shock, she will have nightmares for a long time to come, nightmares every day.

This is the end of cheap talk.

The people next to me were all stunned.

Zuo Yi retracted his eyes, reached out and gently held Fang Yonghe's hand, and asked softly, "Aunt, do you remember me?"

Her hands were thin and boneless, cold and cold.

Make Zuo Yi feel inexplicably sad.

This time, Fang Yonghe finally reacted. She slowly turned to look at Zuo Yi, her confused eyes gradually became clear, and she said weakly, "Little Yi?"

"it's me."

Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "aunt, long time no see."

But soon, his smile disappeared.

Fang Yonghe's eyebrows were blue and black, and Zuo Yi felt a strange smell on her body.

Very uncomfortable breath!

Fang Yonghe blinked, suddenly tears shed, and his lips were speechless.

She held Zuo Yi tightly with her backhand!

Zuo Yi lets her hold her hand and unfolds Spirit Vision to see the Sea of ​​Consciousness through her eyebrows.

An indescribable anger came to Zuo Yi's heart instantly!

A mass of gray and black matter surrounds Fang Yonghe's spiritual consciousness. Her soul has been eroded and polluted most of her soul. The spiritual fire is as weak as a candle in the wind, and it may extinguish at any time.

And this layer of black matter extends countless long beards, extending down to the limbs and bones, drawing her life force!


Zuo Yi absolutely did not expect that Fang Yonghe was cursed, and the curse existed for a long time.

He couldn't imagine what happened to Aunt in the past few years, and he finally knew why Aunt hadn't contacted him for such a long time and couldn't even reach the phone.

The curse she had had not only caused great harm to her body, but also directly affected her intellect!

Who is so vicious! !!

In Zuo Yi's memory, Fang Yonghe is a very gentle and kind woman. She is also the only person in the Fang Family who can make Zuo Yi feel warm and affectionate.

When Zuo Yi was a child, Fang Yonghe often bought him toys and gave him delicious food. After Zuo Yi moved to live in Linjiang City, he came and visited from time to time, not empty-handed every time.

Fang Yonghe's relationship with Zuo Qingyun is also very good.

She would rather suffer than arguing with others. She always spoke softly. When she saw a small animal on the side of the road being injured, she would always hold it for treatment, even if it was laughed at.

Such a woman, who would deal such a poisonous hand to her!

Zuo Yi wants to kill.
