Paladin Dad Chapter 253

Fang Yonghe woke up in the tweet of little bird chirp chirp twitter twitter.

Zuo Family is located in a small area outside of Linjiang City. Except for the Old Residence villa, there are no other buildings within a range of several hundred meters. The vegetation is lush and the mountains are lush, and there are many wild animals.

Since the return of Zuo Yi, there are more and more little birds appearing around the Zuo Family. Sparrows, oriole, lark, magpie, kingfisher, egret, peregrine falcon are everywhere, and some of them bold Little Brat often fly to the villa for food. play.

Fang Yonghe, who just woke up, feels great.

She has never slept so comfortably since she fell ill.

She has been covering her heart for a long time, and the haze that is so heavy that she can't breathe has disappeared at the moment, making her whole person very relaxed. The bright sunlight shines through the gaps in the curtains, illuminating her life.

As if born again!

Fang Yonghe no longer felt panic, the world around her became clear, vivid, and alive in her perception, no longer the gloom and depression of grey misty.

She couldn't help but lifted the quilt and sat up, looking at the scene in the room a little blankly.

Many memories revived in Fang Yonghe's mind.

She already remembered.

I flew from Hong Kong Island to Hangzhou to attend the Old Master's birthday feast. My nephew Zuo Yi came while waiting for the dinner. Then Zuo Yi took her away from the Fang Family and lived here.

That's right!

Fang Yonghe's breathing suddenly became sharp, and she has lived in this room several times before, and the furnishings have not changed.

She shouted uncontrollably, "Little Yi!"


With a familiar answer, Zuo Yi pushed in, and smiled and said to her, "Are you awake?"

Fang Yonghe opened her eyes in disbelief. She thought about jumping off the bed barefoot and said in a voice: "Little Yi, really you, am I not dreaming?"

As she said, her tears couldn't hold back: "I thought I would never see you again in my life."


Opening his arms without thinking, Zuo Yi held his closest relative besides Bao'er in his arms, and said astringently, "You haven't dreamed, you really are me!"

Fang Yonghe buries his chest, gushing tears soaking his clothes.

After a long time, she suppressed her inner excitement, wiped her tears away from the embrace of Zuo Yi, and said with a little embarrassment: "Aunt is so happy. Are you all right these years?"

"I'm very good."

Zuo Yi said, "aunt, I know you are having a hard time, but trust me, everything is over!"

Fang Yonghe nodded, and shed tears again.

She quickly raised her hand and wiped her face with a grudge, "You look at me, it's a very happy thing …"

As a result, she didn't speak, and her belly screamed gu lu.

Fang Yonghe didn't have dinner last night and is really hungry now.


Zuo Yi laughed and said, "Breakfast is ready. I'll go down first and wait for you to come and eat together."

"you eat first."

Fang Yonghe blushed and said, "I'm quick."

Zuo Yi left first, and she hurried to the bathroom to find out that she had already prepared new toothbrushes and towels.

After washing his face, looking at his old face in the mirror, Fang Yonghe's mood turned dark again.

But she regained her spirits quickly, and hurried downstairs.

In the restaurant, dim sum breakfasts of buns, fritters, rice porridge, soy milk, milk, fried eggs, etc. were set up for a table full of breakfast. With the warm greeting from Zuo Yi, Fang Yonghe sat down and filled his belly with fullness.

This breakfast, she ate exceptionally sweet, her appetite has never been so good!

"Aunt drink tea."

Zuo Yi handed Fang Yonghe a cup of tea and said, "Digestion."

"Thank you."

Fang Yonghe took it with a smile. The tea was not too cold or hot, it smelled particularly fresh.

She drank it with a tea cup.


The tea felt warm and warm into the stomach, and the heat flow diffused from the abdomen all of a sudden.

The originally weak body seemed to be infused with infinite vitality, and the whole person was floating.

Fang Yonghe couldn't help but say, "You tea is delicious, what kind of tea?"

More than delicious, it is just like Immortal Pill in legendary, it will become a fairy after swallowing!

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Ancient tea of ​​life, which I brought from another World. Drinking it is good for the body."

He wouldn't tell himself Aunt, in addition to brewing this cup of tea with life ancient tea leaves, it also contains two drops of Fountain of Life water and one drop of Fountain of Youth water!

Three drops of water!

Fang Yonghe is different from Liang Xuemei, the latter is just sick and physically weak, so a drop of Fountain of Life water is completely enough to restore her health, while Fang Yonghe is cursed for a long time to erode life force, the situation is much more serious.

To his closest Aunt, Zuo Yi will never hesitate!

But Fang Yonghe stunned: "Another World?"


Zuo Yi nodded said: "aunt, I'm afraid you don't know, we have Extraordinary strength in our World …"

He talked briefly about Transcendent, World and Desolate World.

Fang Yonghe must live here for a while, at least until Zuo Yi completely resolves the culprit behind the scenes, so there are some things that should be told to her, so as not to be troublesome to explain or cover up later.

But Zuo Yi didn't reveal the slightest secret of his XNUMX-year journey back to Sadya World.

All he said was of course the truth.

Fang Yonghe was misled into thinking that the other World Zuo Yi said was a pretty Desolate World.

She listened for a moment, struggling to digest for a long time before asking: "So you are a Transcendent now?"

Although it sounds incredible, Fang Yonghe has no doubt what Zuo Yi is saying.

Because Zuo Yi won't lie to her.


Zuo Yi said with a slight smile: "aunt, I am now the Special Advisor of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office, and also the Honorary Chief Teacher of Jiangnan Tianqi School, so there is no one who wants to hurt you, and I and you have already Severe ties with Fang Family! "

"Fang Family …"

Fang Yonghe expression sadly, shook his head and said, "I won't go back again."

She was extremely disappointed in the Fang Family and her father-no more sorrow than death!

"Aunt, you will live with me in the future."

Zuo Yi said, "By the way, take care of my daughter."

"you are married?"

Fang Yonghe opened his eyes in surprise: "There is still child. How old is she? What is her name?"

"I'm not married."

"Her name is Bao'er, Zuo Bao'er, and she is four years old."
