Paladin Dad Chapter 261

wu wu ~

Along with the loud whistle of the bagpipes, the train steadily stopped at Tisen Railway Station.

A reminder announcement of the arrival sounded in the carriage. Zuo Yi got up and took off his suitcase from the luggage rack. By the way, he helped Zhao Yuanyuan and Zhang Ling take the luggage together.

"Thank you uncle!"

Zhao Yuanyuan blinked and asked, "Uncle, in which hotel are you staying?"

Zuo Yi slightly smiled: "Emperor."


Zhao Yuanyuan expressed his disappointed expression, saying, "We live in a traveler, I'm afraid I have no chance to meet you again."

Although they are all hotel chains, Dihao is a 5-Star level luxury international hotel. Travelers are budget hotels. Heaven and earth's difference to separate.

Zuo Yi is here to find someone. She is participating in a scientific investigation organized by the school. Tiesen is the capital of Lanta Province and the largest city, so it is difficult for the two to meet again under normal circumstances.

Zhao Yuanyuan couldn't help feeling sorry.

Zuo Yi's temperament is not bad, the key is that his appearance is very Man. To be able to meet such a compatriot in a foreign country, the girl will inevitably have some romantic reveries.

Unfortunately, fantasy is always easily lost to reality.

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Not necessarily, fate is hard to say."

Zhao Yuanyuan's body has a breath of Nature Affinity, but there is no Extraordinary fluctuation. Her innate talent is obviously not yet awakened, but the probability of becoming a Transcendent in the future is very high.

The former head-down division estimated that he saw something, so he did something secretly.

But how can he hide Zuo Yi's eyes from his little gestures!

Zuo Yi calmly resolved the trouble for Zhao Yuanyuan, leaving a mark on her by the way.

Therefore, there may not be no chance to meet again.

"That's right!"

Zhao Yuanyuan eyes shined, Yan Ranyi said with a smile: "Goodbye uncle, we will meet again if we have the chance!"

Zuo Yi nodded and got off the train with his suitcase.

There are only roads and railways from Sulade to Thiessen, and the roads are in poor condition for a long time, so this railway Nature has become the best choice for traffic, and the number of passengers getting off at Thiessen Station is very large.

Many of them are tourists.

As the crowd walked out of the station, the hot sun immediately fell on the body, and there was no cloud on the blue sky.

Zuo Yi put on sunglasses.

Just stepping out of the passenger passageway, countless people gathered around like locusts, and chattered in awkward English.

The official languages ​​of Lenny State are Lenny and English. These guys are basically local indigenous people. They are dark and thin, worn and worn, driving black cars, soliciting hotels, and selling strange odd monster items. There are also self-recommended tour guides.

Faced with such a scene, nine out of ten tourists who are going to be dizzy and almost vigilant may be confused and then pulled to a place to be slaughtered as a pig.

Although Zuo Yi was not afraid of any danger, he didn't mean to ask for trouble, so he pushed a few guys out of the way and went straight to the taxi pick-up point in front.

There are many people who choose to take a taxi. They lined up inside the fence and left in turn.

But Zuo Yi not at all followed the line, but instead walked to a Mercedes car parked on the side of the road.

A uniformed driver was standing there looking around, and when he saw Zuo Yi carrying a suitcase, he asked politely, "Is this Mr. Zuo Yi?"

Zuo Yi took out his passport and showed it to the other party. The driver immediately bowed and said, "Hello Mr. Zuo Yi!"

He took the initiative to take Zuo Yi's luggage into the trunk, and then drove Zuo Yi to the hotel in a Mercedes-Benz car.

This is the pick-up service provided by Dorsett Grand Hotel for guests.

After more than half an hour, Zuo Yi successfully stayed in the 39th floor business suite of Emperor Hotel.

Lenny's economy is relatively backward, and the inland Lanta province is even more backward. However, as the capital, Thisen is quite prosperous. It is said that 80% of the population of Lanta province lives in this city, and there are some in the urban area. Modern high-rise building.

The Emperor Hotel is the iconic building of Dyson, with a height of 40 floors that esteems all competitors.

Through the long and wide floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room, you can overlook more than half of the city. The Lake Mora near you looks like a huge sapphire inlaid on the green ground. Nature landscape is very beautiful.

Zuo Yi can even see the Witch Temple built on Mount Longe.

It was a huge building that stretched along the mountains, and the layers were magnificent. Among them, the golden dome of the main temple shone brightly under the sun, symbolizing the self-proclaimed witch god's great head descending master Noble status on this land!

Zuo Yi squinted his eyes.

At this point, his perception of the culprit became clearer, and he was 100% sure that he was hiding in a witch temple.

It's just the specific location, and then it needs to be explored up close again to know.

Once the culprit is locked …

A severe light flashed in his eyes!

Taking another look at the Witch Temple, Zuo Yi left the room and went outside the Emperor Hotel.

At this moment there was still time before the sun went down, he stood on the side of the road and reached out to stop the passing taxi.

Soon, a taxi with green and white colors stopped in front of Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi opened the door of the copilot and sat up. He said to the driver in English, "Take me to the Temple of the Witch, thank you."

The driver was a dark-skinned middle-aged man with a lush beard and a turban woven from colored ropes around his head.

He turned his head and looked towards Zuo Yi. He opened his mouth with a scorched yellow tooth, put up three fingers and said, "Three hundred yuan."

I actually speak Chinese.

Three hundred summer dollars?

Zuo Yi hehe smiled, shook his head and said, "One hundred."

Before he came, he checked the satellite map. The Imperial Hotel is about XNUMX kilometers from the Witch Temple. If you take a taxi, it will be more than XNUMX yuan.

In the country of Lenny, due to the separation of hundreds of supervisors, the currency's creditworthiness is very low, and it is not even available in many provinces. People can basically accept the summer dollar, the US dollar and the euro.

Among them, Xia Yuan is the most popular, so this time when coming to Zuo Yi, he did not exchange the legal currency of Leni, but just put dozens of Xia banknotes in his wallet.


The middle-aged driver shook his head like a rattle and retracted a finger: "Two hundred, at least!"

Zuo Yi thought about it and said, "Let's go."

It's important to do business properly, so I'm too lazy to bargain with the other side for bargaining.

The middle-aged driver smiled widely and said, "OK!"

Tone barely fell, he stepped on the gas pedal, and the taxi growled forward.

The speed is not generally fast.

Ten minutes later, the car turned from a boulevard to a narrow road and continued to drive.

The ground gradually became rugged, and the buildings on both sides of the road became more and more dilapidated. There were rubbish everywhere, and there were many poor and poor people among the pedestrians.

Zuo Yi frowned, asked, "Will this road go to the Witch Temple?"


The middle-aged driver answered with certainty: "Short-circuit, fast!"

Zuo Yi did not speak again.

Then the taxi suddenly turned into a secluded alley and stopped with a creak.

Zuo Yi asked curiously, "Are you here?"

The middle-aged driver showed a weird smile.

He didn't know where to find a pistol, and suddenly pointed at Zuo Yi's head, saying, "Give all the money on your body!"

He was actually a puppet with Chinese and English, and a talent among robbers.

This is really …

I encountered robbery right out of the house, and it looks like today 's luck is not very good!

Zuo Yi smiled.

The middle-aged driver froze: "laugh, laugh, robbery!"

Zuo Yi converged with a smile and sighed, "I hate those of you who are robbed the most. They have no technical content at all."

It's time to show the real technology!

The middle-aged driver didn't understand, and in fact he didn't need to understand what Zuo Yi said.

The taxi robber suddenly found that he had lost control over his body. His lips were pursed, and he wanted to say something but couldn't say anything at all. His throat seemed to be blocked by mud and he couldn't breathe.

The next moment, a terrible expression appeared in his eyes!

The hand holding the gun turned upside down, and the gun muzzle originally aimed at Zuo Yi aimed at his own forehead, and the finger pressed on the trigger was involuntarily buckled.


The red and white sprayed on the car window, and then slowly flowed down, like an abstract painting of postmodernism.

Isn't it good to make two hundred alive? Add fifty more!

Zuo Yi shook the head, opened the door and got out of the car.
