Paladin Dad Chapter 265

Looking back at the glorious witch temple under the night, Zuo Yi's face showed a thoughtful expression.

When Ayuluo appeared, Zuo Yi thought he would have to fight another game before he could leave. However, he did not expect that the other side had no temper and behaved extremely calmly, which surprised him.

You must know that this great beheader can be said to be the uncrowned king on this land. Even the governor in charge of a province is his follower. He has extraordinary power and can ignore the constraints of laws and regulations. He was knocked on the door by Zuo Yi. It is a bit unusual to kill his own disciple without getting angry.

Zuo Yi speculates that either Ayuroo realized that he was powerful and could not bear to swallow his words, or that he had another scheme.

In addition, Ayuro said that he did not know that Rafaga sent a life-stealing spell to Fang Yonghe, and he felt that the other party was not lying.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Yi has no reason to take action against Ayurlow.

As for what Ayuluo plans to plot against, as long as he doesn't mess with Zuo Yi, it has nothing to do with him.

He has completed his vow of punishment and has no intention of staying here.

Back at Dorsett Grand Hotel, Zuo Yi asked the front desk staff to book a train ticket for themselves back to Sulide.

He left the room at noon the next day and took the hotel car to the train station.

When the night came again, Zuo Yi made it to Sulaid, the capital of Leni.

The flight back to Hangzhou was the next morning, so he found a hotel in Sulide to check in.

dīng líng líng ~

The crisp cellphone ringing rang in the room, over and over, persevering.

Zuo Yi, wearing a bathrobe, hurried out of the bathroom and ran to the bedroom to pick up the phone-he was just taking a shower.

What Zuo Yi did not expect was that this call was actually made by Wu Yongjian: "Zuo Yi, are you still in Leni?"

According to the rules of the Extraordinary Management Office, all members of the Extraordinary Management Office, including the Advisor, must report when going abroad.

Zuo Yi did not conceal his identity at this time when he came to Borneo. He took his passport and went through the normal way. He also reported to the bureau in advance, so Wu Yongjian knew that he was normal in Leni.


Zuo Yi replied, "I am now Leyden's capital, Suleide, and fly back to Hangzhou tomorrow."

Wu Yongjian said: "I'm afraid I need your help …"

It turned out that at noon, a Nature research team at Yundian University was suddenly attacked by an indigenous tribe during an outing in the province of Lanta. At present, the whereabouts of all XNUMX teachers and students in the team are unknown. Search and rescue personnel only found the bodies of five security personnel at the accident site.

This Nature investigation was jointly conducted by Yundian University and Suradian University. The investigation site was in a protected area just a few tens of kilometers away from Tiesen City, and it was also protected by local security personnel. safe.

Similar inspection activities have been done more than once, and nothing has happened, but this time there was a major event!

At the time of the accident, a scientific expedition team member used the satellite phone to call for help in China. Because the talk time was very short, it was not clear exactly what happened.

The staff of China's ambassador to Sulide sought emergency help from the government of Leni, and then received the news that the city police of Thiessen found the accident location based on the satellite positioning coordinates provided by the country.

But it is too late.

The occurrence of such an accident has caused a great shock in China. At present, the news is still blocked, and the relevant sections are trying their best to rescue them.

That's why Zuo Yi got a call from Wu Yongjian because he happened to be in Lenny!

"I know."

After listening to Wu Yongjian's story, Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "I'm going to Dyson now."

He thought of Zhao Yuanyuan and Zhang Ling who had met on the train to Di Sen before, both of them were sophomores from Yunnan University. They came to Borneo to participate in the scientific investigation activities organized by the school!

Zuo Yi didn't forget the head-changing division who had been working on Zhao Yuanyuan. This matter is highly related to the other eight-nine. At that time, he thought his warning was enough, but he did not expect that something happened.

So it is incumbent to return to Dyson!

"Going right now?"

Wu Yongjian asked in surprise: "How did you get there? I heard that the airport in Thiesen has not been built yet. Is there a train to go there at night?"

"I have a way."

Zuo Yi said: "No explanation, I'll contact you if there is any situation over there."

"it is good!"

Wu Yongjian is also a decisive person, and did not continue to ask: "Then I'll wait for your good news!"

To be honest, when he knew that the scientific expedition was in Leni, and Zuo Yi was also in Leni, the first idea was to ask Zuo Yi for help immediately, maybe he could avoid the worst situation.

Wu Yongjian is extremely trusting in Zuo Yi's strength.

In Wu Yongjian's view, Zuo Yi alone is worthy of an elite army, and is the only hope for the rescue team!

After ending the call with Wu Yongjian, Zuo Yi quickly changed his clothes.

The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is endless. When he left Tissen at noon, he had a faint feeling, and did not expect that something really happened.

Now it is imperative to rush back to Dyson immediately!

On the balcony outside the hotel room, Zuo Yi pushed the window open and jumped out leaping.

People are in the air, and the wings of light are suddenly unfolding behind Zuo Yi, taking him to the sky with amazing speed!

With the help of the mobile phone's satellite navigation guidance, Zuo Yi moved towards Dyson at full speed.

At the expense of Battle Qi, he flew more than XNUMX kilometers in just half an hour, and the dying of the Wan Family's lights was already in sight.

Flying over the city of Disen, Zuo Yi launched the spirit network and searched for Zhao Yuanyuan.

Under normal circumstances, there is no reliable intelligence information. To find a missing scientific research team is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. You must know that more than 80% of the entire Borneo area is covered with virgin forests, and there are too many places to hide.

And there are countless indigenous tribes living in these virgin forests. It is impossible to know which attacked the scientific expedition.

Generally speaking, in such cases, finding the clues at the scene of the accident is the only way.

But Zuo Yi is better.

That day, he quietly shot on the train to destroy the hands and feet of the descending division, and at the same time left a mark on Zhao Yuanyuan's body, which now plays a role.

As long as this mark appears within the coverage of Zuo Yi's spiritual network, it must be discovered and positioned by him.

Therefore, Zuo Yi first started to search the city of Thiessen, and then gradually expanded the scope of the search until it found a target.

After entering the Sacred Domain, his Mental Power volume has been greatly improved, and the area of ​​the mental net released has been increased ten times compared to the Legendary Rank. With full force, it can fully cover the city and its surroundings underfoot. Part of the region.

As a result, in just ten seconds, Zuo Yi felt the presence of the mark.

His eyes suddenly looked towards the Witch Temple on Mount Longe!
