Paladin Dad Chapter 267

Although at the expense of nearly a hundred descending divisions, the power of the blood pool was promoted to the extreme, and Ayurro's plan was about to succeed, but he did not feel the slightest joy and pride, but felt a strong anxiety inside.

Because Zuo Yi is so calm.

Zuo Yi can be said to be the strongest opponent Ayuro has encountered since he became a descendant. He has never been able to see through the true strength of Zuo Yi, and is extremely scared of Zuo Yi.

In particular, Ayuluo 's will almost collapsed, and he still has a headache, but he has no idea what Zuo Yi has done to himself.

And his counterattack against Zuo Yi had no effect!

Such enemies are simply desperate.

Originally, Ayuro thought that he was about to die, and decades of hard work would be ruined, and his life could not be saved.

He could not withstand another attack from Zuo Yi.

What Ayuluo absolutely didn't expect was that Zuo Yi actually didn't take another shot, and instead went to save people!

This allowed him to seize a rare opportunity to complete the last step of blood sacrifice.

Now is the most crucial moment. What Ayuro is most afraid of is that Zuo Yi suddenly gets stuck on the bones and attacks himself.

However Zuo Yi is smoking!

Ayuluo's mood can hardly be described in words. There are both ignored anger and fluke, and the determination to make Zuo Yi pay the worst price and regret it!


The great beheader exhausted all his strength and shouted the last sentence of blood sacrifice.


The blood plasma in the blood pool rises up into the sky, and instantly converges over the altar, forming a huge swirling cloud of blood!

The next moment, a black hole appeared in the center of the blood cloud, and moved towards all around at an amazing speed, swallowing the writhing plasma.

A huge dark breath spewed out of the black hole, and it filled the entire main temple in an instant.

But in the area covered by the Zuo Yi holy light ring, Power of darkness cannot penetrate half an inch.

Ayurlow looked up at the black hole, he clenched the golden staff in his hand tightly, and his face was full of ecstatic expression.

Because he is about to summon a powerful Different World creature, and this Different World creature Spirit General helps him rule the world!

Twenty years ago, Ayuro, a teenager, strayed into the jungle and lost his way. He accidentally found the ruins of a temple buried in the forest. He received the inheritance of a great beheader and a copy of it. Ancient Spell Books.

In this book, there is a set of extremely complex summon maps, as well as the corresponding diagrams and incantation.

According to the description in the classics, as long as Ayurro completes the layout of the summon witch formation and performs blood sacrifice as required, he can summon the horror creatures from Different World for his driving.

Although this book is very old and the times are different now, it is too delusional to rely on a Different World creature to rule the World, but there is absolutely no problem in making Ayuroo the strongest descender of the South Ocean.

He can rule Borneo and become the King of Wizard!

In order to realize this plan, Ayurlow has put in a lot of effort and effort. This witch temple is the core part of the summon witch formation, and it has just been completed recently.

Originally, Ayuro planned to conduct blood sacrifice until the end of the year. Because blood sacrifice requires a lot of life and blood, and also has special requirements, a thorough plan can ensure foolproofness.

As a result, Zuo Yi's sudden appearance made Ayuryu strong vigilance, fearing that Ye Changmeng had more plans in advance.

His men not only attacked the scientific expedition team from China, but also arrested hundreds of foreign tourists, because this is one of the "materials" needed for blood sacrifice!

As for the consequences, Ayuro is not ready, as long as he can become the king of Wizard, let alone hundreds of foreigners, even if there are tens of thousands of people?

Now he is successful!

The cloud of blood above the altar completely disappeared, a large, large scale-covered large foot stepped out of the black hole, and the sole of the foot divided into seven toes. Trembling cold light!


The huge soles stepped heavily on the right side of the altar, followed by the second leg, followed by the same huge body, arms, neck, and bull head with curved horns!

"Who, who summon me?"

The horror creature, almost as tall as the meters, had just emerged from the black hole, and opened its mouth with a deafening roar. The air quickly dissipated a strong smell of sulfur.

Smoke and flames spewed from its mouth, bloodthirsty rays of light flashed in its eyes larger than basketball, twisted its thick neck, and looked around the World maliciously!


The pair of horns on the Minotaur's head bumped up against the temple's dome, and suddenly pulled out two long scars, and countless crushed stone dust fell down.

At this time, Ayuroo, standing on the altar, was stunned.

Summon was undoubtedly successful, but the Different World creatures came in a way he had never thought of.

His position is exactly in the middle of the Minotaur's legs, so there are two swaying giant eggs when you look up!

Dangling and making Ayurrow look dizzy.

He couldn't help swallowed saliva and said, loudly shouted: "Sayada!"

This is recorded in the classics, used to control the Incantation of Different World creatures from the summon.


The Minotaur heard Ayurro's voice. It stepped back two steps, and the body hit the back idol, and immediately broke the idol.

But this Different World creature didn't care at all, it lowered its huge head, stared wide-eyed, looked at Ayur on the altar, and his eyes were full of greedy expression.

"Is it you, are you summon me?"

The language of the Minotaur is something Ayuro has never heard before, but he fully understands the other party's meaning.


The big bower nodded without thinking, and shouted, "I'm your Master Ayuro!"

"Master ?"

The minotaur grinned bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, with a playful expression in his eyes: "Are you sure?"

It also clearly understood Ayuro's words.

Ayuro suddenly felt like something was out of his control, and he brace oneself replied: "Yes, I summon you, you must obey my order!"

"no problem."

The Minotaur's eyes rolled around and said, "But I need to get enough dedication!"


Ayuro's mind was a little bit chaotic: "What is the offering?"

There are no records in the classics.

"Flesh and soul."

The minotaur showed a cunning smile: "It must be fresh, lively, and fun, the younger the better, the best is Transcendent's flesh and soul, delicious!"

It licked its tongue, and a drop of slimy saliva splashed down, almost hitting Ayuro.

Ayuruo's eyes were shined. He pointed to Zuo Yi standing in front of the temple door without thinking, and said, "This is the sacrifice you want, everything on the ground!"

At this moment, Ayuruo gave a big praise for his wit!

The Minotaur looked in the direction Ayuro pointed and saw Zuo Yi.

Zuo Yi laughed, who had just stood idly by and raised his hand to greet him, "Barr, long time no see."

He was talking about Kungu Language.

Kungu Language is one of the lingua franca of the Big Multiverse, and it is also popular in the Abyss plane. All intelligent Demon master this language.

Zuo Yi really didn't expect that Ayuro summon was actually the Demon of the Abyss plane, and it was still the lord level!

The most interesting thing is that Zuo Yi knew this Demon!

Minotaur: "…"

Zuo Yi said with a smile: "Why? Don't you know me? The last time we met, or in the dark forest, your head was cut off by me. Do you still have an impression?"

Troll Barr, Demon Lord of the Abyss Plane, a greedy and cunning guy.

It is also one of the most powerful Demon who likes to respond to different plane summon. When Zuo Yi adventured in the Dark Forest of Sadya World, he met a group of Demon believers to sum it up.

Then his head was chopped off by Zuo Yi.

Most Demon cherish their lives very much, respond to summon or use projection or split.

Barr prefers the latter.

So the troll in front of him is also a split.

"It's you!"

The troll troll seemed to wake up like a dream, and growled, "Sacred Knight Zuo Yi!"

The voice is full of fear!
