Paladin Dad Chapter 269

Take off the camera hanging on the chest, Zuo Yi re-mounted it on the phone.

Don't look at this camera is only the size of a dice, but it can take full HD video off the phone and send the video back to the phone synchronously. The longest transmission distance is up to 50 meters and the independent battery life is 60 minutes. It is called Black Technology.

Zuo Yi's mobile phone is a special product of the Extraordinary Management Office. The modular external camera is only part of its powerful function. Its biggest function is to be a hidden law enforcement recorder.

After adjusting the angle of the camera, Zuo Yi took several photos in a row, then retrieved the stored video, cut out the content that he had shot when he just broke into the Witch Temple, and sent it to Wu Yongjian together.

This mobile phone supports satellite communication and data transmission, and can maintain contact with headquarters anywhere in the world.

After the data transfer was completed, only two minutes later, Zuo Yi's phone rang.

It was Wu Yongjian's call.

The chief executive of the Jiangnan Extraordinary Management Office was surprised and pleased. He has watched the video but needs to know more.

Zuo Yi had to tell the story again, only hiding the part of the troll troll, just telling Wu Yongjian that he had solved the culprit.

But tail sweeping is troublesome and requires domestic support.

In fact, if there is only a Nature scientific research team at Yundian University, it would be simple. Zuo Yi escorted them back to China without any problems.

But at this moment there are four or five hundred people offering "sacrifice" on the ground, most of them belong to foreigners rather than local indigenous people. It is estimated that they should be foreign tourists coming to Dyson.

Borneo is a tourist attraction. It receives a large number of foreign tourists every year. Although Lanta Province is located inland, because of the unique nature of Nature, there are not a few tourists who come here.

Ayuluo so desperately plundered so many foreign tourists to conduct blood sacrifice, it is certainly not that he has a strong local complex, who is reluctant to sacrifice the lives of local people, but should be the request of blood sacrifice.

The "Different World creature summon" array exists widely in each Plane World and can be regarded as one of the general arrays in the large Multiverse. Regardless of the level and size of the summon array, it needs to be activated through sacrifice.

The higher the level of the sacrifice, the stronger the Different World creatures produced by summon. Of course, there are corresponding requirements for the level and size of the array. Among them, blood sacrifice is the most common method.

Different summon arrays have different requirements for sacrifice. Zuo Yi once read a Wizard's note, which contains a variety of blood sacrifice methods, one of which is to require the collection of sixteen different Bloodline.

This set of "Different World creature summon" arrays made by Ayurro should have similar requirements, otherwise, with his lofty status in Lanta Province, that many believers do not need to be so pretentious.

And Zuo Yi speculates that Ayuroo so desperately hunting tourists to launch blood sacrifice, I am afraid that part of the important reason is to gain powerful power to deal with himself.

Zuo Yi came to kill Ayulu's disciple and then calmly left. It must have severely stimulated the big bower who was regarded as God, and also dealt a heavy blow to his prestige.

Ayuro was forbearing enough at the time, but he chose a path that was destined to fail from the beginning.

You need to know that the "Different World creature summon" array, whether it is Demon or Magic Beast through blood sacrifice summon, are all ferocious bloodthirsty, unless they have the power of Suppression or sufficient dedication, they will inevitably backlash themselves.

Ayuro thought he could summon a powerful pet, in fact, he came from Summon!

When the tauren Barr came to the call, the end of Ayurveda was doomed. This temple with a summon array was actually a grave he had dug for himself.

In many Worlds, the "Different World creature summon" array is also called perish together array, which is used as a last resort. There is really no way to use it.

Ayuro had no idea what a stupid thing he had done!

If it wasn't for Zuo Yi who arrived in time, he would lose his life by himself, and a few hundred thousand people in the entire city of Dyson would be buried with him.

This big head descender is really death cannot wipe out the crimes. Before Zuo Yi rushed over, he didn't know how many lives were filled into the blood pool. He was lucky to be killed by the tauren.

Fortunately, among the people rescued by Zuo Yi, in addition to Zhao Yuanyuan, her classmate Zhang Ling was also among them. Asians have many faces. It is estimated that there should be other members of the scientific research team.

"Our support will come as quickly as possible …"

Wu Yongjian said seriously on the phone: "Adviser Zuo, their safety is for the time being!"

"Do not worry."

Zuo Yi replied without hesitation: "I will stay here waiting for you!"

Ayurlow and Witch Temple have lofty prestige among the local indigenous peoples, and are the largest patrons of Lanta Province Governor Spartan and the White Family.

With such a big deal now, it's hard to say what will be the reaction of Whiteney.

After all, he is the controller of a province and holds the army in his hand!

If there are only a few dozen victims, then Zuo Yi is not a problem to protect them from leaving Lanta Province, but there are now four or five hundred here.

Zuo Yi's space ring can't hold living things.

Under such circumstances, Zuo Yi chose to stay at the Witch Temple to wait for the arrival of support forces to avoid accidents.

Of course, this is because he has enough strength and confidence to protect everyone's safety, otherwise he is dead.

Just after ending the call with Wu Yongjian, Zuo Yi heard the noise coming from outside.

He immediately came to the gate of the temple, and saw that hundreds of people had gathered in front of him. There were both heads and security personnel. Many people shouted loudly, and the situation at the scene was messy.

There were also people who wanted to rush into the main temple, and they just ran into Zuo Yi, who just came out.


The other party froze and inquired Zuo Yi's identity loudly in Lenny.

Zuo Yi didn't bother to listen to what they said. A large range of spiritual shock was released and all the people present were stunned. "Pa ta" "pa ta" fell to the ground.

He didn't hurt the killer, just to ensure that these guys were unconscious enough time to not disturb themselves.

After solving this little trouble, Zuo Yi waved his hand and took out the tea table and chair, as well as the tea and tea set from the space ring. Then he boiled the water with Battle Qi and brewed a pot of Top Red. robe.

Sit in front of the Witch Temple and slowly sip tea.
