Paladin Dad Chapter 275


A kiss on Zuo Yi's face, Bao'er jumped from his chair: "I'm going to school, I'm going to be late."

"Your mouth hasn't been wiped clean!"

Zuo Yi didn't know whether to cry or laugh and raised his hand to wipe off the milk stain on his face, and said, "Don't be so anxious."


The Fang Yonghe sitting next took a paper towel to help Bao'er clean his mouth, and the little girl said with a smile sweetly: "Thank you aunt!"

Fang Yonghe touched her head pettingly: "Go."


Bao'er spread his feet and ran upstairs: "Goodbye father, goodbye aunt, A'Ty!"


With a loud bark, morality reached up to the clouds. Loyalty to the liver. Foodie. Thais dragged the leash to the call with a thundering thunder, and shook the little tail, eagerly followed the little The girl came to the small living room upstairs.


Carrying a small school bag, grabbing the puppy rope, standing in the Transmission Formation, Bao'er yelled out Magic incantation with arrogance.

She learned this incantation from a TV cartoon, and it sounds like "fly".

I saw a flash of rays of light on the floor, and then a "BIU" sound, she and Tyke disappeared without disappear without a trace!

Zuo Yi, in front of the dining table downstairs, felt the fluctuation of the law from Transmission Formation and couldn't help shook the head.

Since she is familiar with the use of Transmission Formation, little girl now does n't need to send her father to school, and she can do it herself.

It makes Zuo Yi, the new-generation baby darling, feel a bit lost.

Hey, sometimes it 's too convenient, but it 's not very good.

"Let me clean up the rice."

Fang Yonghe glanced at Zuo Yi in doubt, and asked, "I'll buy some food later. What would you like to eat today?"


Zuo Yi moved in his heart and said, "aunt, I won't come back for lunch at noon. I plan to have a whole beef hot pot feast in the evening. I invite a few friends to gather and you can buy some vegetables."

Fang Yonghe asked, "How many people are there?"

"Count ten first."

Zuo Yi thought about it and answered, "Not enough, I go to the mall in the city to buy hot pot, and you will be responsible for buying vegetables."

Fang Yonghe said with a smile: "Okay, I'll buy more vegetables, but I also want to eat at home."


Zuo Yi said, "aunt, let A'Gu do the job, so don't be busy."

After Fang Yonghe lived in Linjiang Old Residence, she took over all the tasks of shopping, cooking and washing dishes every day, robbing a part of the work that originally belonged to Giant Spirit Shaman Slave.

According to her, if he had been idle at home, he would rust.

Housework is a very happy thing.

But Zuo Yi knows very well that his aunt actually doesn't want to be a minute insect to wear clothes to open his mouth to open his mouth. He also doesn't want to eat for nothing at home. He also wants to go out to work and earn money.

Zuo Yi understands aunt's idea well and has a proper arrangement, but has not told her yet.


Fang Yonghe said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about it, go!"

"Then I will go first."

Zuo Yi got up and said, "I'll be back in the afternoon."

"Well, let's go."

After leaving Old Residence, Zuo Yi not at all rushed directly to the city, but came to a vegetable factory not far from home.

The former Master Uncle Fei of this factory has left Hangzhou and took billions of people to go to Qiongzhou for retirement. All the original workers were also demobilized, and all the equipment that could be sold were sold, leaving only a few empty greenhouses.

Because no one has taken care of it for a long time, it is gradually becoming a paradise of Nature. Wildflowers and weeds invade the land that already belongs to Zuo Yi. Several weeds, voles, frogs and other small animals sprang from time to time. .

With the exception of Zuo Yi and Bao'er, no one can enter the area guarded by array, but these little brats belonging to Nature are not among them.

The treasure tree, a child of the Earth tree, stands in the center of this land of nature!

In just one month, its height has exceeded thirty meters, which is equivalent to seven 8-Layer buildings. Numerous branches are derived from the thick trunk, which supports a huge canopy and covers an area of ​​hundreds of square meters.

But it is very strange that although the branches and leaves are dense, they do not completely block the light, and there are countless channels between the leaves and branches, so that a ray of sunlight can fall on the ground.

Shining a tree under the cover of a treasure tree, growing from aerial roots, growing vigorously!

When Zuo Yi strolled over, the leaves of this towering tree, hua hua, rang, aerial roots like a beard dangled without wind, and dozens of colorful butterflies flew from the bush, dancing around him.

Zuo Yi slightly smiled.

This is Baoshu's most sincere welcome to him, with a sense of admiration and coquettishness, like a kind of puppy.

He reached out and gently pats the trunk, saying hello.

Then, not far from the treasure tree, Zuo Yi released the bull head troll corpse in the space ring.

This is undoubtedly one of the largest items that Zuo Yi has stored in the space ring. The headless demon corpse, which is more than XNUMX meters long, lies flat on the ground, covering an area of ​​hundreds of square meters, even exceeding the height of Zuo Yi's. height!

Although it is a split body, the strength of this tauren troll has also reached the Legendary Rank. If it was not just summon, you would have encountered Zuo Yi, and its strength is enough to set off a foul wind and bloody rain on Borneo.

Zuo Yi slashed it with a sword, saving more than thousands of residents in Dyson City.

The biggest spoils of war that Zuo Yi brought back from Borneo this time is undoubtedly the corpse of this tauren.

Its flesh and blood contains extremely abundant law power. Power of Laws from the Abyss plane, if it is always present in the space ring, it can maintain its freshness for a long time.

But exposed to the environment, the corpse would be quickly assimilated by Earth's Power of Laws, and then rot and decay until it disappeared completely.

So Zuo Yi needs to process it as fast as possible, otherwise the loss will be great!

In just a few months after returning, he has consumed most of the spoils of war that he has earned over the years at the Sadya World campaign. He will definitely not be able to spend extravagantly, so he must cherish the current income.

I really want to speak of which, Tau Barr is called Chang Kaishen of the Abyss plane. Through the billions of Worlds, he sends precious splits two times before and after, and ran hard to deliver meat to Zuo Yi. The spirit of sacrifice is absolutely moving!

Interestingly, the two encounters between Zuo Yi and the Tauren Trolls were just called, and they had not enjoyed any offerings, so they ended up in Zuo Yi's hands.

It must be explained here that blood sacrifice is used to activate the summon array to communicate with the Abyss plane, and the sacrifice is sacrificed to the Abyss plane, so unless the summon person has the ability to fear the backlash, he needs to prepare another offering. To satisfy the Magic Beast or Demon that comes from the summon, the latter can only be driven if the latter is satisfied.

While Ayurrow had neither the strength of the Suppression troll troll nor the preparation for offering, it was destined for the cup.

But Ayurrow can only be regarded as a small cup, and Barr is simply a large coffee table.

Creating a Legendary-level split requires huge resources, even if the troll troll is the Demon lord of the Abyss plane, it is necessary to pull out the coffin to meet the needs.

In the end, they all gave meat to Zuo Yi in vain. At this time, it must have been crying in the Abyss plane.

Not much nonsense, Zuo Yi pulled out Scarlet Dragon Sword, jumped over the Demon Ox corpse, and began to collect spoils of war by segmentation.

In Sadya World, segmenting prey collection materials is one of the basic skills that Knight and Wizards must master. Zuo Yi's skill level in this area has already reached MAX.

His prey collection career started with a small fire rabbit at the earliest. At that time, he would not only peel the rabbit skin, but in the end he could not only finish the processing of a giant dragon independently, but also not waste any valuable things.

Most importantly, Zuo Yi once collected a split of a bull head troll, and now comes back again, Nature is exceptionally skilled.

First of all, the skin of the tauren is cut open. It has a half-foot-thick cowhide texture that is extremely tenacious. The leather armor made after tanning is extremely defensive, especially the spell resistance of the spell, especially the fire attribute. degree.

But Zuo Yi not at all peeled the cowhide all at once, because the bullhead troll was too big, he peeled a part first, then cut the beef and beef tendons inside, and then extracted the beef bone.

Once these beef, beef tendons, and beef bones are separated, they are instantly stored in the space ring.

Zuo Yi wields Scarlet Dragon Sword in his hand, uses this epee as the sharpest kitchen knife, and completes the fastest cutting along the veins of the troll's body. The action seems to be practiced thousands of times. Sharpness reaches the ultimate realm.

It's hard to overstate art.

If any ancestors witnessed this scene, then the idiom "Zuo Yi Jie Niu" should be replaced with "Zuo Yi Jie Niu".
